Constitution - Student Organizations

Preamble –
The objectives of this organization include the provision of its members the opportunity
to learn all aspects of law enforcement. Including various techniques that would further educate
and assist the student body in a career in law enforcement, including but not limited to
environmental law enforcement. Through extended training, guest speakers, public service, and
other opportunities that arise SLEA members will gain the experience and knowledge that they
will need in their chosen law enforcement related career. Members will also receive up to date
law enforcement job announcements on a regular basis. The organization will provide practical
skills in human relations with all types of people as well as gain exceptional group working
Article I –
The Student Law Enforcement Association
Article II –
Membership is open to all students without regard to age, race, creed, handicap, color,
sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Students should have a
sincere interest in any aspect of law enforcement. Students must also be of good moral character
and in good academic standing. Participating membership must include at least (5) students in
good academic standing (Cum. GPA 2.0 or above). Illegal or unethical conduct by a member
can result in termination of membership. The termination of a member will be made by a
majority of the officers and the organization advisor. The termination of an officer will be made
by a majority of the remaining officers and the organization advisor. The termination of a
member or officer will be discussed and determined at the next Board and Officer Meeting. The
definition for all illegal or unethical membership conduct matters may be found in the Student
Law Enforcement Association “Code of Conduct” policy. Membership termination will be
determined by the parameters set within the Code of Conduct policy revised in the spring of
2006. (See “Code of Conduct” attachment) Law enforcement officers are held to a higher
standard in society and this organization will reflect that in its membership. There are no limits
to the number of members.
Article III
Section I –
All officers are expected to participate in SLEA opportunities and foster new ideas to improve
upon and/or expand existing opportunities. All officers and cabinet members need to attend the
weekly cabinet and officer meetings unless extenuating circumstances prevail. Officers and
cabinet members must devote at least three hours each week in the office. Each officer position
will be responsible for organizing at least one SLEA function. Although officer positions are
split up by title, all officers must function as one entity.
President – The President shall act as the executive officer and is responsible for conducting
meetings and completing necessary and routine duties not otherwise mentioned in the
Vice President – The Vice President shall be prepared to act as President when needed and shall
conduct other duties in cooperation with the President.
Secretary – The Secretary shall be responsible for all secretarial duties such as minutes, keeping
up to date job announcements, attendance records, and other duties in cooperation with the
President and Vice President.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining financial records,
disbursing authorized funds, budgets, promoting the organization and other duties in
cooperation with the other officers.
Web Designer – The Web Designer shall be responsible for maintaining an up to date
website. The Web Designer should continue to improve and expand the SLEA website and shall
be responsible for other duties in cooperation with the other officers.
Section II –
Any full or part time student that is a current member in good academic standing may run for and
hold any of the officer or cabinet positions mentioned in Section I or Article 4 respectively. Any
member wishing to run for any SLEA officer or cabinet position must have a minimum of two
semesters left to complete at UW-Stevens Point and be a full or part-time student in good
academic standing (Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above). Nominations for the officer positions and
cabinet positions will be submitted to the current officers at least two weeks prior to elections.
Nominees will complete a history profile and explanation for interest in the position two weeks
prior to the election. Nominee profiles will be made available to the general membership at least
one week prior to elections. Elections will be held during the last two meetings of the fall
semester. The officer elections will be held during the second to last meeting of the fall
semester. The cabinet elections will be held during the last meeting of the fall semester. At
these meetings, all nominees will be given no more than five minutes to present themselves to
the present voting membership. If candidate runs for multiple positions, they will only be
allowed one minute to campaign for that specific position. No more than three minutes will be
allowed for questions. Voting members may then cast a ballot for the presenting candidates for
each officer or cabinet position. All elected positions will be effective the following spring
semester. All officer and cabinet member terms will run from the last day of finals in December
to the last day of finals in the following December (approximately 12 months). Incoming and
outgoing officers are required to hold the same moral and ethical standards as described by the
code of conduct. Violations for both outgoing and incoming officers will be punishable as if
they are officers.
Article IV –
SLEA Cabinet - In addition to officer positions, the membership will also elect a cabinet. This
cabinet will consist of five members (one senior, one junior, one sophomore, one freshman and
one open position for any SLEA member). In the event that a freshman, sophomore, junior, or
senior are not nominated or do not run for a cabinet position, that cabinet position becomes an
open position for any SLEA member to fill. Cabinet members shall be responsible for leading
SLEA projects and recruiting necessary membership to accomplish the goals of the project set
before them. Projects will be determined by the officers. Cabinet members are expected to
attend all officer meetings under the same expectations as an officer, actively participate in
discussions, and provide officers with new ideas and perspectives regarding discussion topics.
The elected Freshman cabinet member must attend the annual required re-recognition meeting in
the fall of the year.
Any full or part time student that is a current member in good academic standing may run for and
hold any cabinet position mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Any member wishing to run for
any SLEA cabinet position must have a minimum of two semesters left to complete at UWStevens Point and be a full or part-time student in good academic standing (Cumulative GPA of
2.0 or above). Nominations for the cabinet positions will be submitted to the current officers at
least two weeks prior to the elections. Nominees will complete a history profile and explanation
for interest in the position two weeks prior to the election. Cabinet nominee profiles will be
made available to the general membership at least one week prior to the elections. The cabinet
elections will be held during the last meeting of the fall semester. At these meetings, all
nominees will be given a maximum of five minutes to present themselves to the present voting
membership. If candidate runs for multiple positions, they will only be allowed one minute to
campaign for that specific position. No more than three minutes will be allowed for
questions. Voting members may then cast a ballot for the presenting candidates for each cabinet
position. All elected positions will be effective the following spring semester. All officer and
cabinet member terms will run from the last day of finals in December to the last day of finals in
the following December (approximately 12 months). Incoming and outgoing officers are
required to hold the same moral and ethical standards as described by the code of
conduct. Violations for both outgoing and incoming officers will be punishable as if they are
Article V –
Section I –
The officers shall meet at any given time throughout the school year. These officer
meetings shall be open to all members if they wish to attend; however it is not mandated that the
officers publicly announce these meetings. Cabinet members are expected to attend.
Section II –
General membership meetings will occur on a regular basis; every Monday during the academic
school year. General meetings will only be held when school is in session.
Article VI –
Annual membership dues will be ten (10) dollars. Membership dues may be paid at five (5)
dollars per semester or ten (10) dollars per academic school year. Membership dues will be
collected at the beginning of each semester (spring and fall). In the event that the organization is
dissolved, all funds given to SLEA by the Student Government will be turned over to the Student
Government Association after all outstanding debts are paid. All Funds in the SFO account shall
be spent by SLEA.
Article VII –
The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 – majority vote of the general floor at any
regular meeting provided that prior notification and discussion was made. A quorum shall be
declared for the purpose of amending the Constitution when ten (10) members are present at the
regular voting meeting.
Article VIII –
See Article Vll