Progress Report SURA SLOSH Slinn UF April 5

Progress Report SURA SLOSH Slinn UF April 5, 2011
We simulated Ike on four different Slosh grids: The Gulf of Mexico grid GM2, the Galveston grid EGL2
that was operational during Ike, the new Galveston grid EGL3, and the Sabine Pass grid. Results of surge
are plotted at three NOAA tide gage locations in Figures 5, 6 and 7. The locations of the tide gages are
show in Figure 1. The grids, GL2 and 3 are shown in Figure 2, Sabine Pass in Figure 3, and GM2 in Figure
The different basins were all forced with the Slosh Wind Track and fields in native slosh mode. An
alternate grid, GM3, Gulf of Mexico 3, the most modern grid did not work with my version of slosh
because it exceeds the dimensions of the allowable grid sizes a maximum of 160,000 grid points, and
other input data were not consistent between my version of slosh and the one that allows for domains
in excess of 400 x 400 control volumes. Another version of slosh does allow larger domains and can be
integrated into the comparison later.
We are also planning to test longer durations of storms, our simulation only used 50 hours, though the
eye of the storm track was outside of the smaller basins for most of the time. Next week we intend to
run Ike for 100 hours, and to compare the OWI winds on the GM2 grid with the other simulation results.