Inundation Testbed Component Progress as of 7/27/2010 Team conference calls 7/12 call Focus on uploading grid and forcing files to SURA server, started tides only runs 7/27 call Participating - BIO, CI team, IOOS, LSU, NOAA, SURA, UMASS, UND, USACE, USF, Absent – VIMS (left off inundation list serve); UF See notes below 8/10 - Next scheduled call 3:00 PM. Extratropical storms Completed by UMASS/WHOI 1. 2. 3. 4. April 17, 2007 “Patriot’s Day” and May 24, 2005 Nor’easter storms selected for study Scituate FVCOM inundation grid, bathy/elevation data uploaded to testbed website 2007 tidal BC, storm forcing and boundary conditions uploaded to testbed website Source codes of FVCOM for the 2007 storm simulation uploaded to testbed website, FVCOMSWAVE bug corrected 5. Collection of ground-truth data for storms started – July 22: High water level near Scituate lighthouse on a high hill at entrance to harbor – 2005 storm: 23 ft; 2007 storm: 25.25 ft above ground level. Discussion by group 1. general lack of tools to work with FVCOM NetCDF files Next Steps by UMASS/WHOI 1. Since there is no tidal gauge data inside Scituate dating back to 2007, tidal simulations will be validated using 2010 tidal gauge data. New tidal BCs will be uploaded for this period. 2. UMASS will post new versions of files in ascii. Ascii gridded wind fields will be uploaded for April 2007. 3. Continue to collect ground-truth data for 2007 and 2005 storms. 4. Put 2005 storm forcing and boundary conditions on testbed website – August 15 5. Use FVCOM to hindcast 2007 storm and put simulation on website – August 30 6. Improve FVCOM-SWAVE to increase the computational efficiency - August 30 Next Steps by Others 1. UND, VIMS, BIO to download and evaluate files 2. UND, VIMS to perform initial tide runs 3. Any outstanding questions about file structure, contents, parameters directed to Chen at UMASS 4. Obtain extratropical SLOSH basin for area and initiate runs - can SLOSH read in gridded wind files? Tropical storms Completed by UND 1. Hurricanes Ike 2008 and Rita 2005 (tentative) selected for study 2. High resolution LA/TX grid (~2million nodes/~4 million elements), bathy, topo uploaded to testbed website 3. Tidal BCs uploaded to testbed website 4. Initial ADCIRC tidal and Ike runs performed on gird. Discussion by group 1. Size of grid too large for several member’s gridding/viz software, concern about ability to run models using this grid, can the grid be reduced to only Gulf of Mexico or to shelf scale. Reduction in large scale coverage area may not yield a substantial reduction in the number of nodes and computational requirements. If members do not have computational resources, SURA may be able to provide some – e.g., SURA Grid. 2. Desirability of including Li’s bathymetry data in significant passes Next Steps by UND 1. 2. 3. 4. Work with Li on bathymetry issue and revision to grid to include this. Upload gridded Ike wind files to SURA server. Upload locations of NOAA gauge stations to be used for tidal & surge comparisons Additional evaluation of SWAN and particularly the refraction terms. Next Steps by Others 1. VIMS, USF, LSU to download and continue to evaluate files 2. VIMS, USF, LSU to perform initial 2D tide runs, evaluate computational requirements of grid 3. Any outstanding questions about file structure, contents, parameters directed to Donahue at UND 4. Obtain tropical SLOSH basin for area and initiate runs – can SLOSH read in gridded wind files? Skill Assessment 1. Working with CI to develop an IMEDS interface for NetCDF files as a way to standardize model output for evaluation. 2. Reasonably mature time series skill assessment capabilities. Should think about spatial comparison needs. 3. Working to get desktop version of IMEDS for team members CI 1. Modelers agreed to be responsible for formatting/converting input files 2. VIMS, UND, BIO have uploaded example model output, although not necessarily in NetCDF. 3. CI team should contact Chen for tools to interface NetCDF files. 4. CI team might consider tools available in meteorology to compare spatial fields?