Human-Animal Bond Bibliography - The National Association for the

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), retrieved on 10-26-13 from:
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Gallagher, B., Allen, M., & Jones, B. (2008). Animal abuse and intimate partner violence:
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Hart, L. A. (2010). Positive effects of animals for psychosocially vulnerable people: a turning
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guidelines for practice, 3, 59-84.
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Holcomb, R., Jendro, C., Weber, B., & Nahan, U. (1997). Use of an aviary to relieve depression
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Irvine, L., Kahl, K. N., & Smith, J. M. (2012). Confrontations and donations: encounters
between homeless pet owners and the public. The Sociological Quarterly, 53(1), 25-43.
Irvine, L. (2013). Animals as Lifechangers and Lifesavers Pets in the Redemption Narratives of
Homeless People. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 42(1), 3-30.
Jalongo, M. R. (2005). “What are all these Dogs Doing at School?”: Using Therapy Dogs to
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Jalongo, M. R., Astorino, T., & Bomboy, N. (2004). Canine visitors: The influence of therapy
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Katcher, A. H., & Beck, A. M. (2010). Newer and older perspectives on the therapeutic effects of
animals and nature. Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Theorefical foundafions and
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Kogan, L. R., Schoenfeld-Tacher, R., & Hathcock, J. (2012). Psychological Services for US and
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of People & Animals, 24(1), 79-95.
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Pukay, B. P. (2000). The impact of the human/companion animal/veterinarian bond on the future
of the veterinary profession. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 41(1), 28.
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Risley-Curtiss, C. (2010). Social Work Practitioners and the Human—Companion Animal Bond:
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people who have companion animals. Psychological reports, 77(3), 851-857.
Skipper, G. E., & Williams, J. B. (2012). Failure to acknowledge high suicide risk among
veterinarians. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 39(1), 79-82.
Stallones, L. (1994). Pet loss and mental health. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The
Interactions of People & Animals, 7(1), 43-54.
Strand, E. B., Zaparanick, T. L., & Brace, J. J. (2005). Quality of life and stress factors for
veterinary medical students. Journal of veterinary medical education, 32(2), 182.
Tedeschi, P., Fitchett, J., & Molidor, C. E. (2006). The incorporation of animal-assisted
interventions in social work education. Journal of Family Social Work, 9(4), 59-77.
Thompson, S. J., McManus, H., Lantry, J., Windsor, L., & Flynn, P. (2006). Insights from the
street: Perceptions of services and providers by homeless young adults. Evaluation and
program planning, 29(1), 34-43.
Thompson, S. J., Ryan, T. N., Montgomery, K. L., Lippman, A. D. P., Bender, K., & Ferguson,
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Timmins, R., & Fine, A.H. (2006). The role of the veterinary family practitioner in animalassisted therapy and animal-assisted activity programs. Handbook on animal-assisted
therapy: theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice, 475.
Toray, T. (2004). The human-animal bond and loss: Providing support for grieving clients.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26(3), 244-259.
Turner, W. G. (2003). Bereavement counseling: Using a social work model for pet loss. Journal
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