Borash Veterinary Clinic 79 Prospect Street Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 531-8713 ~ Fax (978) 532-1046 Web - ~ E-mail - DIABETIC ADMIT SHEET Pet’s Name: ________________________ Owner’s Name: ______________________ Date: ____/____/____ Date of last visit: ____/____/____ Type of Insulin & Syringes: Did pet get insulin this AM? YES / NO How much? __________What time? __________ Did pet eat this AM? YES / NO How much? __________ **Appetite 1 2 3 4 5 What time? __________ (1= very finicky 5=great appetite) **Water Intake 1 2 3 4 5 **Activity Level 1 2 3 4 5 (1= bowl always seems full 5=water bowl always empty) (1= sleeps all the time 5=great amount of energy) Regular Diet: ______________________________________________________________________________ Treats: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Regular Exercise: __________________________________________________________________________ I certify that I own and assume financial responsibility for the above-described animal. I do hereby consent and authorize the Borash Veterinary Clinic and its staff to hospitalize this animal and to administer, medications, tests, procedures, that the doctor deems necessary for the health, safety and well being of the above described animal while it is under their care and supervision. Owners Signature:____________________________________________Date:_________________________ ****************************(For BVC staff member to fill out)***************************** Blood Glucose Curve Weight: _____________ Baby scale / Rm 1 / Rm 3 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 8a____ / 9a____ / 10a____ / 11a____ / 12p____ / 1p____ / 2p ____ / 3p ____ /4p ____ / 5p ____ / 6p ____