CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of Study Do you still

1.1 Background of Study
Do you still remember how you learned English grammar when you were in
senior high school? Did you learn about the structure? How did your teacher teach you
the structure? Basically, there are lots of approaches used by teachers in teaching English.
As time goes by, teaching approaches have changed too. According to Richards and
Rodgers in the Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Grammar Translation
Method (GTM) is the oldest approach used to teach English (5). This method is rarely
used nowadays since there are lots of new approaches in teaching English, which are
viewed to be better than GTM. In the past, when GTM was used, teaching grammar was
so important that students needed to memorize the rules. The English skills (reading,
speaking, listening, and writing) did not become the focus and their teaching was
separated from one another.
However, nowadays, the focus is on the integrated-skills which mean that two or
more skills are taught at the same time or by using one activity, not separately anymore.
In other words, one activity is not merely designed to teach speaking but to teach listening
and grammar at the same time. There are a number of possible integrated-skills
approaches, such as content-based instruction, task-based language teaching, experiential
learning, and theme-based instruction (Brown 287). Theme-based instruction or thematic
syllabus is very widely used in teaching English. Therefore, the integrated skills are
taught by using thematic syllabus, which is called thematically integrated approach.
Under one theme, there will be many activities provided which can develop students’
English skills as well as grammar.
In today’s approaches in teaching English, including thematically integrated
approach, grammar does not become the focus anymore, but communication. It is
generally accepted if a student cannot speak grammatically correct as long as they can
communicate. In fact, when someone, especially advanced learner, learns foreign
language or second language, particularly English, he/she will have to learn the grammar
of English as well. By mastering the grammar, the learner can communicate fluently and
still uses correct grammars. It becomes the irony when grammar is needed so badly, but
the teaching approach does not focus on it anymore. Thus, this research tries to find out
how actually grammar is taught by using thematically integrated approach which is
widely used nowadays.
1.2 Research Questions
Based on previous consideration, there are three questions that will be investigated.
1. How is grammar taught by using thematically integrated approach?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of teaching grammar by using thematically
integrated approach?
3. Is the grammar teaching effective?
1.3 Purpose of Study
There are some purposes of this study. Those purposes are the following:
1. To know how grammar is taught by using thematically integrated approach.
2. To know the strengths and weaknesses of teaching grammar by using thematically
integrated approach.
3. To know whether the grammar teaching is effective.
1.4 Significance of Study
This study focuses on describing the grammar teaching by using thematically
integrated approach. Therefore, this study may be beneficial for these two groups.
1. Teachers
This study will bring benefits to teachers, particularly to English teachers.
The teachers will reflect how actually they teach grammar. They may try to
evaluate their own teaching to know if it is effective enough. If their teaching
methods and strategies are not good enough, they may be able to find other more
effective ways.
2. Students
By conducting this study, students will also get the benefits, even though
indirectly. If the teachers teach grammar effectively, the students are the ones who
get the advantages because they will be able to comprehend the English grammar
better and easier. The students might not have to memorize the rules of grammar
but they will be able to use it directly in a correct time.
1.5 Definition of Terms
The following is a list of terms that will be used frequently in this study.
1. Grammar
The grammar of a language consists of the sounds and sound patterns, the
basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine all of these to
form sentences with the desired meaning (Fromkin 10).
2. Thematic approach
The term “thematic” is originally from Greek word “thema” which
means having or relating to subjects or a particular subject. It also means a body
of topics for study or discussion. Thematic approach is a way of teaching and
learning, whereby many areas of the curriculum are connected together and
integrated within a theme (Lawrence).
3. Integrated skills approach
The term means with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated.
According to Rebecca Oxford, integrated skills approach is when the four skills
are interwoven during the instruction.
4. Thematically integrated approach
The term means that this approach focuses on one big theme that will
become the topic for all the activities used to teach two or more skills at the same
5. First year students of senior high school
The term is used for students who are in the tenth year of school postkindergarten (or pre-school). Students are usually 15 to 16 years of age.