CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS (CSUN) SENATE MEETING (45-09) Student Union Room 313D UNLV Student Union 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas Monday, March 9th, 2015, 6:00PM ROLL CALL William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration Lee Business School Scott C. Miyake Ashkaan Kouhpaenejad Brady Bowyer Izack Tenorio _____ _____ _____ _____ Alex Murdock Taryn Kole _____ _____ College of Liberal Arts College of Education VACANT _____ Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering Borna Majlesi VACANT _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ College of Sciences Javier Aget-Torres Nicole Thomas Britney Trieu College of Fine Arts Iwona Reducha VACANT Mary Berney Matt Kahn Alex Culley VACANT Demi Falcon _____ _____ _____ Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Division of Health Sciences Fabian Donate Kevin Johnson Maggy Jean Francois Dawn Matusz _____ _____ _____ _____ Ashley Ford-Ferguson Shannon Glenn _____ _____ NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call the CSUN office at (702) 895-3645 in advance so that arrangements may be made. This meeting’s agenda has been posted in accordance with NRS 241.020 on the 3 rd floor of the Student Union, the 7th floor of FDH, the 2nd floor of BEH, and the 1st floor of CBC-C. Agendas may also be available online at CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. PUBLIC COMMENT INFORMATION ONLY Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record, and if applicable naming the college or organization they represent. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of this body, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. ESTIMATED TIME: 15 mins. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Request is made for approval of the following meeting minutes: Monday February 23rd, 2015 Senate Meeting (45-09) 3. REPORTS INFORMATION ONLY 3a. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS In accordance with CSUN Bylaw 103.04.b, the chair of each senate committee will report to the Senate concerning action or business which has taken place in their respective committees since the last meeting of the senate. 3b. BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT The CSUN Business Manager will report to the Senate concerning relevant action or business which has taken place since the last meeting of the senate. 3c. LIAISON REPORTS Established liaisons to CSUN will report to the Senate concerning relevant action or business which has taken place in their respective organizations since the last meeting of the senate. Judicial Council Office of the Attorney General Faculty Senate Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) University Committee Reports Office of Civic Engagement and Diversity Residence Hall Association Student Athletics ROTC 3d. DIRECTOR REPORTS CSUN Directors will report to the Senate concerning relevant action or business which has taken place in their respective departments since the last meeting of the senate. 3e. EXECUTIVE REPORTS The President, Vice President, and Senate President will report to the Senate concerning relevant action or business which has taken place since the last meeting of the senate. ESTIMATED TIME: 20 mins. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The CSUN General Committee meetings will tentatively take place as follows: Ways and Means, SU 313E 8:00pm-9:00pm. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Unfinished business is any motion that was under discussion at the time that the previous meeting adjourned or postponed to the current meeting. All items will be for possible action unless otherwise stated. 4a. Approval of the Appointment of College of Education Senator Senate President Vladislav Zhitny requests the approval of one member of CSUN to serve as the College of Education Senator for the duration of the 45th CSUN Senate Session. 4b. Approval of the Appointment of College of Fine Arts Senator Senate President Vladislav Zhitny requests the approval of one member of CSUN to serve as the College of Fine Arts Senator for the duration of the 45th CSUN Senate Session. 4c. Approval of the Appointment of College of Engineering Senator Senate President Vladislav Zhitny requests the approval of one member of CSUN to serve as the College of Engineering Senator for the duration of the 45th CSUN Senate Session. 4d. Approval of the Appointment of College of Liberal Arts Senator Senate President Vladislav Zhitny requests the approval of one member of CSUN to serve as the College of Liberal Senator for the duration of the 45th CSUN Senate Session. 4e. Approval of the CSUN Associate Justices President Elias Benjelloun requests the approval of one member of CSUN to serve as a CSUN Associate Justice for an 18th month term. 4f. Approval of Changes to CSUN Bylaws Constitution and Bylaws Chairman Matt Kahn requests the approval of changes to CSUN Bylaw Chapters 102, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 701, 802, 901, and 1301. 4g. Approval of the Nomination of the Academic Affairs Board Members President Elias Benjelloun requests the approval of up to nine members of CSUN to serve as Academic Affairs Board Members for a term ending on April 30th, 2015. 4h. Approval of the Nomination of the Communications Board Members President Elias Benjelloun requests the approval of up to nine members of CSUN to serve as Communications Board Members for a term ending on April 30th, 2015. 4i. Approval of the Nomination of the Creative Design Board Members President Elias Benjelloun requests the approval of up to nine members of CSUN to serve as Creative Design Board Members for a term ending on April 30th, 2015. 4k. Approval of Academic Affairs “Young Money” Event and Planners Director Sportsman requests the approval of up to $2,500 to be paid for “Young Money” planners for an event workshop regarding financial responsibility, to be encumbered from the CSUN Discretionary 2702 FY15 budget. 4l. Approval of USSA Trip to DC President Elias Benjelloun requests for an amount not exceeding $7,000 to be paid to costs associated with attending the United States Student Association Legislative Conference, to be encumbered from the CSUN Discretionary 2702 FY15 budget. ESTIMATED TIME: 2 hrs. 5. NEW BUSINESS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION New business is any motion that is new to this meeting. All items will be for possible action unless otherwise stated. 5a. Approval of the Academics Affairs Poster Conference Budget Associate Director Bernajane Palisoc requests for an amount not to exceed $6,200 to be paid to costs associated with Academic Affairs Poster Conference, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY15 Discretionary Budget. 5b. Approval of Funding for Conscious Development Proposal Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by Conscious Development for an amount not to exceed $1,200 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5c. Approval of Funding for Financial Management Association Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by Financial Management Association for an amount not to exceed $3,800 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5d. Approval of Funding for Student Organization of Addiction Professionals Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by Student Organization of Addiction Professionals for an amount not to exceed $1,000 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5e. Approval of Funding for UNLV DECA Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV DECA for an amount not to exceed $2,600 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5f. Approval of Funding for Rebel Women Vets Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by Rebel Women Vets for an amount not to exceed $2,500 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5g. Approval of the Nomination of the Nevada Student Affairs Board Members Nevada Student Affairs Associate Director Jonathan Solares requests the approval of Rocky Goeptar to serve as the Nevada Student Affairs Board Members for a term ending on April 30th, 2015. 5h. Approval of funding for UNLV Choral Ensembles Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV Choral Ensembles for an amount not to exceed $5,200 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5j. Approval of Funding for Association of Computing Machinery, Inc. Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by Association of Computing Machinery, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $2,000 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5k. Approval of Funding for UNLV Epicurean Society Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV Epicurean Society for an amount not to exceed $1,600 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5l. Approval of Funding for UNLV Striving To Achieve Success Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV Striving To Achieve Success for an amount not to exceed $5,000 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5m. Approval of Funding for UNLV Golden Key International Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV Golden Key International for an amount not to exceed $775.00 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5n. Approval of Funding for UNLV Black Student Organization Ways and Means Chairman Alex Culley requests the approval of the budget presented by UNLV Black Student Organization for an amount not to exceed $3,700.00 for various costs associate with the organization, where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2714 FY15 Student Organization budget. 5o. Approval of Funding for Student Housing Investment President Benjelloun requests the approval of funding for an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 where the costs are to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY15 Interest Baring Account. 5p. Presentation of Greek Week Funding Information Item Vice President Kanani Espinoza requests time for the presentation regarding Greek Week. 5q. Presentation of Free Speech Information Item Vice President Kanani Espinoza requests time of Free Speech. 5r. Approval of Changes to CSUN Bylaw 103 Constitution and Bylaws Chairman Matt Kahn requests the approval of changes to CSUN Bylaw Chapters 103. 5s. Approval of Changes to CSUN Bylaw 801 Constitution and Bylaws Chairman Matt Kahn requests the approval of changes to CSUN Bylaw Chapters 801. 5t. Approval of Changes to CSUN Bylaw 809 Constitution and Bylaws Chairman Matt Kahn requests the approval of changes to CSUN Bylaw Chapters 809. 5u. Discussion for “Camp CSUN” Information Item Senator Fabian Donate requests discussion time regarding “Camp CSUN” and potentially associated costs. 5v. Approval of Funding for Camp CSUN Mentorship Budget Allocation Senator Fabian Donate and Senator Nicole Thomas request the approval of up to $2,750 to be paid for the two-day event of Camp CSUn regarding the development of a CSUN Mentorship Program to be encumbered from the CSUN Discretionary 2702 FY15 Budget. 5w. Approval of Subpoena Duces Tecum for the Department of Campus Life Oversight Ad Hoc Committee Chair Fabian Donate requests for the approval of the Supoena Duces Tecum (request documents) for the Department of Campus Life on behalf of the Oversight Committee to Become a binding Document. 5x. Approval of the Nomination of the Elections Board Members Director Patrick Alejaga requests the approval of one member of to serve as the Elections Board Member for a term ending on April 30th, 2015. 5y. Ratification and Re-Approval of 44-31 CSUN Senate Minutes Senate President Vladislav Zhitny requests the ratification and re-approval of 44-31 CSUN Senate Meeting that took place on October 20th, 2014 by the 45th CSUN Senate Session. ESTIMATED TIME: 2 hrs. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT INFORMATION ONLY Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record, and naming the college or organization they represent. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of this body, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. ESTIMATED TIME: 5 mins. 7. SENATE SUMMATIONS INFORMATION ONLY Each senator will be given the opportunity to deliver a summation speech to the Senate, relevant to the meeting at hand or containing announcements pertinent to the student body. ESTIMATED TIME: 30 mins. 8. EXECUTIVE BOARD SUMMATIONS INFORMATION ONLY The President, Vice President, and Senate President will be given the opportunity to deliver a summation speech to the Senate, relevant to the meeting at hand or containing announcements pertinent to the student body. ESTIMATED TIME: 15 mins. 9. ADJOURNMENT FOR POSSIBLE ACTION