Pilgrimage to Canterbury 13-17 May 2015 Plan of Action *pre-booking/payment required (please use booking form overleaf) Saturday 16th May Family Pilgrimage Fun Day at Chilham – suitable for everyone. Access to Chilham Parish Church from 12 noon (7 miles to Canterbury) Children’s Fun Trail available from Church, incorporating Church, Village and making links to Pilgrimage and Canterbury. Permission to eat own packed lunch in Church (till 2pm). Hot drinks available. Adjacent pubs and tea rooms serve food. ‘Messy Church’ for young children – craft, Bible, games and refreshments 3.30pm – 5.30pm. All welcome. Walking pilgrims set off after lunch / arrive in Canterbury late afternoon. Pilgrims collect luggage from Canterbury West Rail Station car park and book into accommodation (individual arrangements). *7.00pm Guided Spiritual Candlelit Tour of Cathedral including Thomas Becket Martyrdom Site and the crypt. (no charge -meet at main cathedral SW entrance) ends at 8.15pm *8.30pm Group Dinner in Canterbury – ‘Mrs Jones’ Kitchen’ 60-61 Palace Street, Canterbury, CT1 2DY (opening exclusively for us). Cash Drinks from 8pm. Hot + Cold Buffet ie meat and vegetarian lasagne, poached salmon, coronation chicken with assortment of salads with hot potatoes and bread. 1 hot/1 cold dessert. Tea/coffee. Drinks with meal on cash bar basis. Sunday Lunch Menu details - (these options are not interchangeable) Sunday 17th May *Coach departs Church Lane War Memorial promptly at 8.15am Arrives Canterbury 10.30am (c 300m walk to Cath. cannot drop nearer) Cathedral Eucharist 11am (please be seated in prime reserved seats 10.45) *Sunday Lunch at Cathedral Lodge, in the Precincts 12.30 for 1.15pm Drinks - Lodge Foyer 12.30 (access to adjacent garden, if fine) Choral Evensong in Cathedral starts 3.15pm *Coach departs (from drop off point) promptly at 5.30pm (c 2 hrs journey) Please see overleaf for: • Saturday 16th arrangements including Family Fun Day (for all) in Chilham Village (7 miles from Canterbury) • Mileages for shorter walks on each of the walking days • Booking form for: Sunday Coach from and back to Merton Sunday Lunch in Cathedral Lodge, Canterbury Saturday Eve Spiritual Candlelit Cathedral Tour Saturday Eve Dinner in Canterbury Restaurant Adult: Rolled Leg of Lamb, roast pots, vegetables and Rosemary Jus. Vegetarian – Peppers stuffed with Cous Cous with a Pesto Sauce Child: Roast chicken, roast pots, vegetables and gravy Vegetarian - Penne Pasta with tomato and basil sauce All: Exotic Fruit Salad followed by tea/coffee. Still/sparkling water provided free. Cash Bar:Pre-lunch and at table.Wine from £15.50 per bottle/Juice £6.50 per litre. Short Walks/Prayer Times (route details on request from Simon Hillson) 1st leg 2nd leg 3rd leg th DAY 1 Wed 13 Length in approx. miles Start Prayers Otford Church 9.15am 5.5 7 2.5 Day 2 Thurs 14th 4^ 5 3.5 Ascension Eucharist 12 noon Detling ^Church and Communal Picnic Lunch Day 3 Fri 15th 7# 4 3.5 Midday Prayers 12 noon Charing # Church Day 4 Sat 16th 6.5} 3.5 1.5 (4th leg) 2 9.30am Morning Prayer Wye Church Chilham } Family Fun Day Booking Form (please ensure clear writing is precisely against what you are booking) Detach and give to Sidespeople or CWs with cheque ‘St Mary’s Merton PCC’ (preferred) or cash (discouraged ) in sealed envelope. Please note, after Easter Sunday any unbooked coach seats/ Sunday lunch meals will be offered beyond St Mary’s, to avoid financial loss – book and pay early to avoid disappointment! See photos overleaf. Coach Seats Sun.17th May Number of seats Adult - return fare £13 No: Child – (under 14 yrs) return fare £9 No: Adult – one way to Canterbury £9 No: Child – one way to Canterbury £6 No: Adult – one way from Canterbury £9 No: Child –one way from Canterbury £6 No: Amount £ Sunday Lunch 17th May - 12.30 for 1.15pm Adult (roast meat) £17.50 No: Adult (vegetarian) £17.50 No: Child (roast meat) £11.00 No: Child (vegetarian) £11.00 No: Sat 16th May 7pm Candlelit Cathedral Tour 8.30pm Group Dinner, in No: Free Mrs Jones’ Kitchen Restaurant Adult Price per head £16.00 No: Under 14 yrs, per head £10.00 No: TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ………………………………………… Cheques payable to: ‘St Mary Merton PCC’ Your Name……………………………………………………………….. Email address (CAPITALS PLEASE)……………………………………………….. Tel No (Mobile preferred if poss)…………………………………………………