2 September 2010 Dear Parent YEAR 7 TRIP TO CANTERBURY – WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2010 We are arranging a trip for all Year 7’s as part of their Transition Week to spend the day in Canterbury on Wednesday 8 September. Students will travel by coach and take part in various cross-curricular activities throughout the day. Students will be required to meet at 8.45 outside the front of school in non-school uniform and will return by 3.30. They will be required to bring a packed lunch including a drink for the day. The cost of the trip will be £10 and cheques should be made payable to Wilmington Grammar School for Boys. They will be visiting the Canterbury Environmental Education Centre (www.naturegrid.org.uk) to participate in a River Walk to learn about the River Stour and its natural and man-made features as well as conducting various experiments along the walk. The students will then go on a River boat tour of Canterbury (www.canterburyrivertours.co.uk) to learn about the city’s rich and colourful history. The day will conclude with a packed lunch picnic in one of Canterbury’s picturesque parks. Please complete the reply slip below and return it with payment by Monday 6 September 2010. Yours faithfully G Jackson Head of Year 7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. To: Finance Office YEAR 7 TRIP TO CANTERBURY – WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2010 I enclose £10.00 (cheques made payable to WGSB) towards the cost of the above trip. I give permission for my son/daughter …………………….. …….of Form ……………. to attend the visit to …………………………………. I agree to my son/daughter travelling in a vehicle driven by a member of staff, if the travel is arranged in this way. In an emergency and if I cannot be contacted, I consent to the teacher in charge making a decision in the best interests of my son regarding medical treatment, including the administering of an anaesthetic. I have detailed overleaf all medical details including allergies and current treatment which I feel may be relevant in the case of my son. Telephone No: (1) ………………………………… (2) …………………………. I understand that any serious misbehaviour by my son/daughter is likely to preclude his participation in future visits. I am also aware of the School’s request that parents should not obstruct the return of coaches on to the School site by their parking when collecting boys/daughter’s from trips. I understand and accept that, where it is School policy to publish a telephone tree for the passing on of information in the case of delayed return/emergencies etc, my telephone number will be included within the list. Signed:…………………………………………… Date: …………………………. (Parent/Carer)