Annotated Bibliography

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Martin Seiferth
Professor Kathy L. Rowley
ENGL 201-23
2 May 2012
Annotated Bibliography: How Globalization Seems To Change Everything
Amin, Ash. "Regulating economic globalization." Transactions of the Institute of British
Geographers. Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Web. 20 Apr 2012.
Ash Amin works for the Royal Geographical Society while he was writing this text. This
text talks about how it is, according to him, widely accepted that the gap between the
global rich and the global poor is rising and at the same time can be linked to
globalization in one way or another. He also claims that there are two new so-called
micro-worlds of regulation which influence global poverty and inequality. Also, stated,
the rise of these two worlds will emerge to a situation of global regulatory excess, rather
than a condition of global disorder. This text, I can use to show again that globalization
has a negative effect on the gap between the rich and the poor; it actually increases the
Ani, Okon E., and Esohe Patience Biao. "Globalization: Its impact on scientific research in
Nigeria." Sage Publications. SAGE, 2005. Web. 23 Apr 2012.
These two authors work for the University of Calabar and they are both from Nigeria
which shows the connection between them and the article. This text talks about the
influence of globalization on scientific researches in Nigeria. It says that there is a shift in
Nigeria in the conduct of scientific research in developing countries. Also, it claims that
the development and advances in modern information and communication technology
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have revolutionized the conduct of scientific research not only in Nigeria but in other
developing countries because it overcomes the boundaries of time and geography. The
authors also stated that the influence of information technology does help countries to
develop. This text can be used again to show the influence of globalization on third world
countries or development countries.
Ghimire, Shakti. "Effect of Globalization on Poverty." The SOP. N.p., 2006. Web. 30 Apr 2012.
Shakti Ghimire published her article about the effect of globalization on poverty on The
SOP. The SOP is an organization that publishes ethical journalism and broadcasting in a
professional environment that mirrors all major media outlets. In her article, Ghimire
talks about globalization in general, how it changes the world’s economy and how it is
hard for third world countries to keep up with globalization, since new technologies
emerge every day all over the world. Also, she states how technological advances not
only benefit wealthy countries most, but also wealthier companies. This just proves again
that globalization increases the gap between the rich and the poor. Therefore, I can use
this article again to show how globalization can be a good thing but at the same time a
bad thing for smaller, not powerful countries is.
IMF. "Globalization: Key Issues." International monetary fund. IMF, 2011. Web. 23 Apr 2012.
The IMF is an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary
cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, and many other things
all around the world. This article, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
talks generally about the term globalization and says that globalization is an “umbrella
term” since globalization includes economy, financials, and other terms. However, it also
states that globalization itself is not without risk—such as those arising from volatile
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capital movements. This article could help me just to show what globalization is in
Jotia, Lathi. "Globalization, Education and the Birth of a Democratically Active Global Citizen."
International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication. ICAAP, n.d.
Web. 23 Apr 2012.
Lathi Jotia worked for the University of Botswana in the Department of Languages and
Social Sciences where she wrote her article about globalization in connection to
education. Jotia’s article about globalization and education states that there is about to be
a gap between the Global North and the Global South where the Global North includes
Europe, USA, Asia, and so on. Basically, the North includes most of the economic
powerful countries whereas the South includes countries like Brazil or Peru which are not
as powerful as the before mentioned countries. Also, she thinks that globalization should
become a platform of socio-economic and political enrichment which values diversity in
its attempt to build one harmonious global village by valuating the promotion of the
cultural-traditions of the learner. In addition she states that the school should become a
haven for free thought in a society tending toward conformity to majority opinion. I can
use this text in my essay to show how globalization changes the north and south of the
world in particular.
Lee, M., Y. Tsai, and T. Wang. "The personal consequences of globalization in Taiwan."
University of Pittsburgh- Of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, 2006.
Web. 20 Apr 2012.
These three authors come from three different Universities to write this essay. Tsai goes
to the Texas Tech University, Lee to the Asia University, and Wang goes to the National
Chung Cheng University. This article talks about the effects of accelerated globalization
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on Taiwan. It shows how much a country that is not quite an economical power has to
suffer or how much it changes because of the effects of globalization. This text also
claims that a nation like this one with scarce natural resources does depend a lot on
international trade. Therefore, one big point of the three authors is that Taiwan’s people
whose work or business was in the informal, traditional economic sectors were hit the
hardest due to global economical changes. Therefore, this text can help to show that
globalization is a bad thing for countries that are not economically powerful.
Li , Quan, and Drew Schaub, ed. "Economic Globalization and Transnational Terrorism: A
Pooled Time-Series Analysis." The Journal of Conflict Resolution. Sage Publications,
Inc., 2004. Web. 20 Apr 2012.
Quan Li and Drew Schaub, both worked for the Pennsylvania State University while they
were writing this journal. This journal talks about the effect of economic globalization on
the number of transnational terrorist incidents within several countries. It shows that there
is basically no effect of globalization on transnational terrorist effects. In addition, it also
shows that countries’ economic developments and its top trading partners actually
increase the number of terrorist incidents inside the countries. For example, countries like
Australia, Germany, and 100 other countries were part of this research. This test can be
used to show that globalization has a lot of influence of a lot of different things but
according to Li and Schaub, it does not have an influence on transnational terrorism.
Scheuerman, W.. "Globalization." Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University,
2010. Web. 23 Apr 2012.
Scheuerman is employed at the Stanford University and has tried to deal seriously with
the challenges posed by globalization. In this article, Scheuerman talks about
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globalization in the history of ideas, in contemporary social society, and the normative
challenges of globalization. It claims that the word globalization is a synonym for several
phenomena. For example, the pursuit of classical liberal policies in the world economy,
the growing dominance of western forms of political, economic, and cultural life, the
increase of new information technologies, and the global integration. This text could help
to show how all these before mentioned thing change and influence globalization.