Prehistory, Egypt and Mesopotamia

Unit 1: River Valley Civilizations Study Guide
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In order to get bonus points on your test, you must complete ALL questions on a
separate sheet of paper.
a. What is the significance of Neolithic Era?
b. The FOUR Cradles of Civilization
i. What are they & why are they located where they are?
c. What are the FIVE Characteristics of Civilization?
d. What is a social hierarchy? How does it form?
e. What is cultural diffusion?
2. Ancient Civilizations: Egypt & Mespotamia:
a. Mesopotamia (Sumer and Babylonia)
i. Geography: how did it affect the development of civilization and their religion?
ii. Define Theocracy: Why was Mesopotamia considered a theocracy?
iii. Social classes: how was society divided in Mesopotamia?
iv. Define cuneiform
v. What was the significance of Hammurabi’s Code?
b. Egypt
i. Geography: how did it affect the development of civilization and their religion?
ii. Religion: Describe each of the following
1. Pharaoh
2. Weighing of the Heart
3. Ka
4. Book of the Dead
iii. Define Hieroglyphics and explain the significance of the Rosetta Stone
c. Hebrews – what were their contributions to society?
d. Phoenicians – what were their contributions to society?
3. The Caste System
a. What are the different castes?
b. Who are the people who are outside of the caste system? How were they treated?
c. What are the restrictions of the caste system?
4. Hinduism:
How did Hinduism develop?
Define major terms/beliefs (Dharma, Karma, Atman, Reincarnation, Moksha)
What were the Vedas?
Brahman (the Absolute) & the 3 manifestations of Brahman (what are the roles of each?)
What is the Hindu’s ultimate goal? How & why do they get there?
***(see back for more)***
5. Buddhism:
Define major terms/beliefs (Dharma, Karma, Reincarnation, Nirvana)
What is the story of Siddhartha Gautama – how & why did he become the Buddha?
What are The Four Noble Truths?
What is the Eightfold Path? How is the path related to the Four Noble Truths?
What is the primary difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism?
What are the MAJOR similarities/differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?
6. Ancient India:
a. Maurya & Gupta Empires
i. Chandragupta Maurya – who was he & what were his primary contributions to India?
ii. Why did Asoka convert to Buddhism? What impact did he have on Buddhism?
7. Ancient China:
a. Chinese Ethical Systems
i. Daoism, Confucianism and Legalism – what are the BASIC features of each?
b. Zhou Dynasty
i. Explain the Mandate of Heaven
ii. Explain the Dynastic Cycle
c. Qin Dynasty
i. What were the accomplishments of Shi Huangdi?
ii. Why was the Great Wall of China built?
d. Han Dynasty
i. What is the Chinese civil service? How does Confucianism relate to the civil service?
ii. Define Mandarin
iii. Silk Road – what was its significance?
8. Be able to locate the following on a map of the ancient world:
Persian Gulf
Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea
Indus River
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Huang He River
Nile River
Fertile Crescent
Arabian Peninsula
Eastern Ghats
Western Ghats
Himalaya Mountains
Bay of Bengal