Global History Vocabulary List

Global History I Vocabulary List
Cultural Diffusion : The spreading outward of ideas from one culture to another. It is done
through war, trade or missionary activity.
7 Factors that influence Climate: Land-Water relationship, Storms, Semi-permanent High
and Low Pressure areas, Mountain Barriers, Ocean Currents, Latitude, Altitude
Archaeologist: A scientist that studies the material remains of man's past
sociologist: A social scientist that studies modern man; usually in groups
economist : The social scientist that studies money and its relationship to human activities
historian : Studies man's written past
nationalism: Strong feeling for your country
Geographic Isolation: When a culture is cut off from other cultures by natural barriers;
little or no cultural diffusion takes place and the culture within develops uniquely.
nonaligned: When a nation does not sign agreements with either communist or
noncommunist nations, but takes aid from both sides
leftists: People who believe in Marxian or communist ideas
aligned : Countries that sign agreements with certain nations and not others
capitalism: An economic theory based on the profit motive
Socialism: a political and economic theory based on government ownership of some
important industries
imperialism: A stronger nation taking over a weaker one
subsistence: Producing just enough for yourself and your family; nothing is left over for
literacy: The ability to read & write
nomadic: People who travel from place to place
Traditional Village: Society is based in the tribal system, families are usually extended in
nature, agriculture is subsistence
Crusades: A series of "Holy Wars" to take the middle East from the Turks, waged by the
Christian European nations, They were a failure but the brought on the AGE OF
Social Mobility: Ability in a society to change social class; generally through education,
effort, wealth, etc.
Melting Pot: The blending together of more than one culture; found in the same
geographic area
Age of Exploration: Result of the Crusades and the demand for spices in Europe. Began
in the 1400's and carried European culture to the rest of the world
Cultural Unity: When a society shares common elements like religion, history, traditions,
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Paleolithic: The "Old Stone Age", the time before the Agricultural Revolution
Hunter-gatherer: People who travel from place to place hunting and gathering the food
they need.
Neolithic Revolution: "New Stone Age", the time period of and after the Agricultural
Revolution when people settled in one place and domesticated plants and animals, people
become food producers, as food production increases; population increases
"Lucy": Early human remains found in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, She is the oldest,
most complete best-preserved skeleton of any erect-walking human ancestor that has ever
been found
Where humans began: It is believed they began in the Great Rift Valley area of Eastern
Donald Johanson: In 1974, he discovered a 3.5 million-year-old fossil; nicknamed, "Lucy"
What did humans master first?: It is believed they mastered fire first
Specialization of labor: The development of skill in one area of work to such an extent
that the person can use his skill to support himself [ indicates the beginning of the Urban
Revolution- people living in communities]
domestication : The taming of plants & animals for human use
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Fertile Crescent: The land between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers where early
Mesopotamian civilizations began, located where the modern nations of Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq are found. the "Cradle of Civilization"
The oldest continuous civilization : China
Code of Hammurabi: Code of law, "an eye for an eye" ; let the punishment fit the crime
Pyramids of Egypt: built as tombs for the pharaohs
Barriers in Egypt: The Sahara Desert created geographic isolation
Theocracy: rule by a religious group
Ra: Important Egyptian god
Isis: important Egyptian goddess
pharaoh: priest-king, ruler of Egypt
Nile: Egypt is called the "Gift of the Nile" because of the predictable flooding.
Zhou Dynasty: China, feudal period, the time of the great philosophers [ ex. Confucius]
Shang Dynasty: China, developed the use of silk
Xia kingdom: 1st dynasty of China; exists in legend, little material evidence, [ founder
Emperor Yu]
feudalism: a social, political, &economic system based on land and protection form the
upper classes and service and obedience from the lower classes
Babylon: capital city of Babylonia, famous for its hanging gardens
Sumer: earliest civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley
Mohenjo-Daro: earliest city ever found, located on the Indus River of modern day Pakistan,
built on a grid pattern with sewers
Mandate of Heaven: Chinese political philosophy; Stated if a ruler fails to meet the needs
of the people then the people may remove him
Divine Right of Kings: European political philosophy, Kings rule because God choose them to
rule and NO ONE may question them.
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Phoenicians: lived on the coast of the Med. Sea near Lebanon, "carriers of civilization";
because of their trade they carried on a lot of cultural diffusion, also gave us our alphabet
Diaspora : Scattering of the Jews ; they were pushed out of the Middle East by the
Torah: Holy book for the Jews
polytheistic: belief in more than one god. animism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.
monotheism: Belief in one god: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Judaism: found in the Middle East, 1st monotheistic religion, Moses is one of the prophets,
Torah is the holy book
Christianity: Founder Jesus; area the Middle East, 2nd monotheistic religion, holy book the
Islam: founder was Mohammed, 3rd monotheistic religion, literally means "submission to
God's will" ; based on the 5 Pillars
dynasty: rule by a family
Mesopotamia: early civilization of the Fertile Crescent or Tigris-Euphrates Valley
Babylonia: known for the hanging gardens
Sumer : early city state
Why were the first governments formed ? So people could work together so they could
build things a single person could not do, example the irrigation systems of the T-E Valley
[city state]
Aryans: Invaders from central Asia that entered South Asia [Indian subcontinent] They
brought the caste system and Hinduism, also the ancient language of Sanskrit
Hittites: The most warlike group in the Middle East area
Persians: settled in the area of modern day Iran
Egyptians: civilization formed along the Nile River
Castes of India: Top are the priests & teachers [ Brahmans]; next are the warriors, then
the farmers and small businessmen, next the servant class and then the lowest [ so low
they are outside the system are the untouchables. A person is born to a caste and can
never change
Siddhartha Gautauma: founded Buddhism, based on the 4 Noble Truths, 1. life is full of
pain, 2. greed causes this pain 3. end greed then you end pain 4. there is a way to end
greed called the Eightfold Path
Jainism: polytheistic religion in India, don't kill any living thing
Hinduism: polytheistic religion founded in India by the Aryans, based on caste and
reincarnation, the cow is sacred
Buddhism: polytheistic religion that began in India but died out there; it culturally
diffused and became the predominate religion of Asia
Confucius: famous teacher in China; set up an ethical system based on self-control, loyalty,
and respect
5 Relationships: basis of Confucian teachings
Man to Feudal Lord; Older brother to Younger brother, Husband to wife, Father to son,
friend to friend . The first is responsible for the second and the second owes obedience
to the first