Nano Chemistry MCQ Test - Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology

1."There is a plenty of room at the bottom." This was stated by
A) Isaac Newton
B) Albert Einstein
C) Richard Feynman
D) Eric Drexler
2.1 nanometre= _______ cm.
A) 10(-9)
B) 10(-8)
C) 10(-7)
D) 10(-6)
3.The size of E.coli bacteria is ______ nm
A) 75000
B) 2000
C) 200
D) 5
4.The diameter of human hair is _______ m
A) 75000
B) 75
C) 7.5 x 10(-5)
D) 7.5 x 10(-9)
5. The most important property of nanomaterials is
A) force
B) friction
C) pressure
D) temperature
6. The diameter of a bucky ball is about ______
A) 1 Ao
B) 100 Ao
C) 1 nm
D) 10 nm
7. A bucky ball is a molecule consisting of ___ carbon atoms
A) 50
B) 60
C) 75
D) 100
8. The cut-off limit of human eye to see is _____ nm
A) 10
B) 100
C) 1000
D) 10000
9. 1 meter = ______ nm.
A) 109
B) 10(-9)
C) 1010
D) 10(-10)
10. The diameter of a bucky ball is about ______
A) 1 Ao
B) 10 Ao
C) 100 Ao
D) 1000 Ao
11. The diameter of hydrogen atom is ______ nm.
A) 10
B) 1
C) 0.1
D) 0.01
12. The size of a quantum dot is ______ m.
A) 5
B) 5 x 10(-9)
C) 5 x 10(-10)
D)5 x 10(-11)
13. 20 micron = ______ nm
A) 20 x 10(-9)
B) 20 x 109
C) 200
D) 20000
14. 1 mm = ______ nm
A) 106
B) 10(-6)
C) 107
D) 10(-7)
15. The hardest material found in nature is ______.
A) steel
B) topaz
C) diamond
D) quartz
16. ______ are the extentions of bucky balls.
A) Geodesic domes
B) Hexagons
C) Carbon nanotubes
D) AFM and STM
17. Nanotechnology, in other words, is
A) Carbon engineering
B) Atomic engineering
C) Small technology
D) Microphysics
18.The width of carbon nanotube is ______nm.
A) 1
B) 1.3
C) 1.55
D) 10
19. The diameter of fly ash particles is _____ μm
A) 5-10
B) 10-20
C) 20-30
D) 100
20.The tensile strength of a carbon nanotube is _____ times that of steel.
A) 10
B) 25
C) 100
D) 1000
21.The ratio of thermal conductivity of silver to that of a carbon nanotube is _____.
A) 100 : 1
B) 1 : 100
C) 10 : 1
D) 1 : 10
22. In a bucky ball, each carbon atom is bound to _____ adjacent carbon atoms.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
23. The size of red and white blood cells is in the range of _____μm.
A) 2-5
B) 5-7
C) 7-10
D) 10-15
24. What is the length scale used in nanotechnology?
A. Size of the order of 109 m
B. Size of the order of 108 m
C. Size of the order of 107 m
D. none
25. Under what condition the continuum model breaks down.
A. When volume is so small that mass is not uniformly distributed.
B. When volume is so small that mass is uniformly distributed.
C. When volume is less than 1.0  103 cm 3 .
D. none
26. Macroscopic view of properties.
A. Consider behavior of individual molecules.
B. Consider behavior of all molecules as identical.
C. Consider gross or average behavior of a number of molecules:
D. none
27. Nanotechnology rests on the technology that involves devices and systems:
A less than 200 nm.
B. Less than 100 nm.
C. less than 1000 nm.
D. none
28. Define energy carrier phonon.
A. It is the energy carrier for macro-scale mechanism
B. It is the quantized lattice vibration energy.
C. It is the quantized electromagnetic energy.
D. none
29. What is the definition of mean free path length of a heat carrier?
A. Size of the heat carrier
B. Characteristic dimension of the device.
C. Average distance traveled by the heat carrier before successive collisions.
D. none
30. What is the operating definition of relaxation time?
A. Average time traveled by particles between successive collisions with other particles.
B.Time for the duration of a process.
C.Settling time of a particle
D. none
31.What is a carbon nanotube?
A. Circular tube made of graphite
B. Nanotubes are hollow cylinders made up of carbon atoms.
C.. Nanotubes are made of carbon sheet
D. none
32.What is a nanofluid?
A. Nanofuids are fluids in nanosize device
B. Nanofluids are mixture of different fluids
C. Nanofluids are fluids with suspensions of solid nano-particles it.
D. none
33.Carbon nanotubes are stronger than steel.
A.Carbon nanotubes are 100 times stronger than steel at one-sixth of the weight.
B. Carbon nanotubes are 10 times stronger than steel at one-sixth of the weight.
C. Carbon nanotubes are 1000 times stronger than steel at one-sixth of the weight.
D. none
34.Carbon nanotubes have the ability to sustain temperature as high as:
A. 800 C
B.2000 C
C.3000 C
D. none
35.Single Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes (SWCNT) are:
A.excellent conductors
B.Poor conductor
C.Poor conductor than MWCNT
D. none
36.Nanofluid thermal conductivity is increase by a factor of 20-30% by adding:
A. 10-15 % of nanoparticles
B. 20-30% of nanoparticles
C. (3-4%) of nanoparticles
D. none
37.Piezoelectric Effect involves
A.Generating electrical voltage
B.Generating mechanically stress
C.Generating vibration
D. none
38.Gravity plays:
A.Plays a strong role in nanoscale
B.Do not play a strong role in nanoscale
C.Is as important as other forces in nanoscale
39.Seebeck Effect involves:
A.Generating voltage based on temperature difference
B.Generating voltage based on pressure difference
C.Generating voltage based on stress difference
40.Human body generates energy of the order of:
A.1 KW
B.50 W
C.1 mW
41.Zinc Oxide is:
A. A good conductor
B. has only good piezoelectric property
C. has good piezoelectric and semiconductor properties
D. none
42. Nanostructured materials are formed by:
A.Creating increased surface area per unit volume.
B.Creating decreased surface area per unit volume
C.Keeping same surface area per unit volume
43. Nanopartcle properties are:
A.May be same as in bulk material
B.Little bit different form bulk material properties.
C.Significantly different form bulk material properties
44.Tensile Young’s modulus of SWNT
A.Greater than C-fiber P100 by 1.6 times
B.Lower than C-fiber P100 by 1.6 times
C.Greater than C-fiber P100 by 2.8 times
D.Lower than C-fiber P100 by 2,8 times
45.Density of SWNT:
A.Greater than C-fiber by about 1.6 times
B. Lower than C-fiber by about 50 % times
C. Same as for C-fiber
D. Greater than C-fiber by about 2.0 times
46. Thermal conductivity enhancement for nano-fluid reported to be greater
than the base fluid:
A. 20-30%
B. 10-20 %
C. 30-40%
D. 40-50 %
47. Typical composition of nano particles in nano-fluids:
A. 10-20 %
B. 3-4%
C. 8-10%
D. 20-30%
48. Critical heat flux for boiling in nanofluid is increased by:
A. 100%
B. 150%
C. 200%
D. 300%
49. Surface area per unit volume for nanoparticles is:
A. Same as macro-size particles
B. Higher than macro-sized particles
C. Lower than macro-sized particles
D. None of the above
50. Self healing paint can be prepared through
A. biotechonology
B. nanotechnology
C. information techonology
D. none of the above