Project Idea Note Wema Improved Cook-stoves February 2014 Table of contents Project Name ................................................................................................................. 3 Description .................................................................................................................... 3 Project Technology ........................................................................................................ 3 Location ......................................................................................................................... 3 Project partner .............................................................................................................. 3 Standard ........................................................................................................................ 3 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 3 Emissions reductions ..................................................................................................... 3 Additionality .................................................................................................................. 4 Co-benefits .................................................................................................................... 4 Wema Improved Cook-Stoves Project Name Description The majority of Kenya’s population (68%) are dependent on biomass as their primary source of energy for cooking – particularly in rural locations. Cooking is traditionally carried out indoors on thermally inefficient 3-stone fires, which lead to incomplete combustion and the production of large amounts of indoor air pollution. 3 stone fire By using established SACCOs this project will distribute improved cookstoves to community members through small loans that can be paid back over time. The lower fuel consumption of these stoves will reduce demand for firewood - as well as reduce indoor air pollution. The time taken to collect firewood and the cost of buying it will also be reduced. The type of stove to be distributed is still under consideration and the stakeholder meeting will be used as a forum to discuss the merits of a short list of potential options. It is hoped that community involvement at this stage will greatly improve the acceptance of the stoves and lead to the greatest possible impact. Project Technology Location Project partner The specific stove design will be developed as part of the initial stakeholder consultation to ensure that it conforms to local cooking customs. The project will be located in Wema ADP in Nakuru County, Kenya co2balance are acting as carbon consultant to World Vision Kenya in the implementation and operation of the projects. The project will be Registered as a VPA under our Gold Standard GS1366 Mirco Energy Standard Programme of Activities. The Gold Standard methodology for Improved Cook-stoves; Technologies and Methodology Practices to Displace Decentralised Thermal Energy Consumption V.1 will be used Emissions The distribution of the improved stoves will result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions by reducing the combustion of non-renewable biomass. It is estimated that reductions each improved stove distributed will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 3 tonnes CO2 per year (depending on Baseline results and stove efficiency). These emission reductions are expected at least for an initial stove life span of 7 years, extendable up to 21 years in total. In total each VPA will reduce up to 10,000 t/co2/year. The pertinent methodology and associated default values will be applied to calculate exact project emissions reductions. Additionality Co-benefits Additionality does not need to be demonstrated for micro projects implementing small scale household technologies such as cookstoves. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, this project will provide the following co-benefits: Reduced deforestation and degradation of surrounding forests Reduced soil erosion and nutrient loss Reduced risk of flooding Reduced poverty, as the efficient wood stove reduces annual expenditure on cooking fuels Reduced adverse health effects associated with indoor air pollution Reduced cooking and wood collection time; householders can spend more time on other household tasks, as well as schooling and supervising children Reduced exposure to hazards related to firewood collection Reduced burns and injuries from cooking co2balance - Carbon Project Manager – Carbon Projects Officer World Vision Kenya – Environment and Climate Change Coordinator