HWP Social Poker Release

Jamie Douglas
CarryOn Public Relations
Louisville, KY (May 18, 2010) – When it comes to mimicking the look, feel and psychology of the live
poker play experience offered by brick-and-mortar poker league clubs, no one in the online gaming
industry even comes close to delivering the caliber of experience offered by industry newcomer Hog
Wild Poker (www.hogwildpokerleagues.com). The recently launched Texas Hold’em software offering
enables users to set-up and manage their own private leagues or utilize the site’s virtual software to
more effectively manage an existing off-line league. The Hog Wild Poker Experience has already won
accolades from tough-to-please brick and mortar poker league organizers who recognize that the online
medium is a natural extension to their traditional mode of game play and who are now thrilled to know
that there is an online league play model that meets their rigorous expectations for table realism, game
management, and league administration support.
“We understand that long-standing poker league players who have played in one club for numerous
years are accustomed to the feel of sitting down ‘at the felt’ to enjoy a familiar hand,” explained Jeff
Amrein, CEO of HogWildPokerLeagues.com. “We get it – we’ve been there and we’ve been part of longstanding leagues ourselves before creating what we believe to be the most realistic and gratifying virtual
complement to live play in existence. We also know that it’s hard to keep the cohesion of a brick-andmortar league with the demands of increasingly busy schedules, and growing work and family demands.
With Hog Wild Poker, we offer the best of both worlds – and that’s why league operators across the
nation are embracing what our format, which is designed specifically for the ultimate league play
experience, can deliver.”
The Hog Wild Poker Experience incorporates all of the bells and whistles of in-person competition –
including voice chat at the online tables, a free clock/scorekeeper for live play, automated game
reminders, total control over blinds/structure, free league blogs, showdown histories, and multi-table
online league play – all depicted virtually through sophisticated software that brings the online table
experience to life.
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According to Amrein, virtual play is becoming so mainstream that brick and mortar operators who aren’t
looking at a way to recreate their league environment online and adapt to the digital medium risk losing
players to other leagues who do incorporate this option into their league experience. “By using the Hog
Wild Poker format, we’re actually helping brick and mortar leagues to attract new players and assisting
them in stimulating current members to play more often. We believe that any traditional league that
isn’t looking at this extension to their model will be at a significant disadvantage in the long term as the
industry continues to grow and evolve.”
Veteran league operators confer:
“I’ve always felt that online league play was the wave of the future. We just couldn’t figure out how
to do it legally in a way that kept track of points and whatnot. Hog Wild Poker’s platform fits
perfectly with live league play.” Texas-based league operator (insert name)
“Our active database has hovered around 1,200 players for several years, and we’ve have decent
turnout at our events. But after we offered folks the option to play online, the participation shot up.
And apparently word is spreading, because we’ve signed up close to a hundred new members in less
than a month.” Robert Chapman, Xx-based league operator
“Some of our players thought they weren’t interested in online play, but Hog Wild Poker is a lot
different than what they’ve seen at the casino-style online poker venues, and they’re really getting
into it. It’s funny, because a lot of players will play more often when you give them an online
option.” Bonnie XX, xx-based league operator
Added Amrein, “Using the Hog Wild Poker medium, traditional league operators now have a reliable
solution for retaining and building loyalty among their member base. We’re as close as it gets to the
‘real deal’.”
For more information, please visit www.hogwildpokerleagues.com or follow us at
www.facebook/hogwildpokerleagues; http://twitter.com/HogWildNews; and www.youtube.com/xxx.
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