The Ruhr Crisis

Chloe Brown, Patrick Oh , Reid
Simpson, Tess Swierstra
A response to the failure when the Germans
couldn’t pay the reparations from World War I.
France’s idea was to take the money owed out of
the wealth of the mines and factories
France decided to invade the German territory and
take the wealth by force
The German workers protested by destroying
the goods, the mines and the factories
The workers broke out into riots
The German government made it worse by
printing lots of money to help support the
workers which resulted in bigger inflation
When money was printed rapidly it became
worthless adding to the already depleting
France eventually backed out of the Ruhr territory
due to the London conference
They however didn’t want to leave until they were
given the money owed
The Dawes plan was created
Afraid of Germany after the Anglo-American guarantee was
Also needed reparations to repay the USA.
Their goal: ‘to weaken Germany as much as possible.’
Reparations didn’t meet the Peace Treaty’s defaults
France advanced into Ruhr.
Germany replied: “conditions had been harsh.”
Although Britain understood, France advanced anyway
League of Nations had problems
Germany’s economic downfall was noticeable.
Nobody actively stood against France.
Germany was alone, left in unavoidable inflation.
To some extent, League of Nations was only for
victors of WWI.
Germany wasn’t even allowed in League of Nations
France didn’t trust the League of Nations.
They doubted that the League of Nations could
protect them.
They attempted to make an alliance with the USA &
Great Britain.
Instead of consulting with League of Nations,
they acted independently.
Other countries didn’t attempt to stop France
using the League of Nations.
Most countries were in an economic depression
France was in a great economic downfall and
when Germany was failing to pay them money,
they took it themselves