8/24-8/28 W E D N E S D A Y Bingo Bongo Blackout T U E S D A Y Using the planner – What is ICU? M O N D A Y First Day of School HR FACS - Leitheiser 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Seating Charts 2. Intro to Class 3. Allergy Form LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 4. Seating Charts 5. Intro to Class 6. Allergy Form LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 7. Seating Charts 8. Intro to Class 9. Allergy Form OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class OBJECTIVE: Establish clear understanding of procedures and expectations for FACS class LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Folders 2. Bellwork 3. Syllabus 4. Sewing Letter LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 5. Folders 6. Bellwork 7. Syllabus 8. Sewing Letter LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 9. Folders 10. Bellwork 11. Syllabus 12. Sewing Letter OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to locate and identify parts of a sewing machine as well as describe their function while sewing. OBJECTIVE: Students will differentiate between inherited and acquired characterizes, discuss why people are alike and different, and examine their own uniqueness and influences OBJECTIVE: Students will explore the world of work by explaining reasons why people work, identify considerations for choosing a career and describe various was to prepare for work. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Machine Parts Notes 3. Machine Parts assignment 4. Review exit procedures LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Read aloud and discuss Young Living Lesson 1-1 3. Pair discussions on topics within the reading 4. Review of exit procedures LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Vocabulary 3. Discussion points -Why do people work? -What should we consider when selecting a career -What can be done now to help prepare for future careers? -What elements help us be successful? 4. Review of exit procedures F R I D A Y Goal Setting House Name/Banner T H R U S D A Y OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to OBJECTIVE: Students will examine define sewing terminology and their own unique interests, describe their functions in relation characterizes and values. to sewing construction. OBJECTIVE: Students will explore the 16 Career Clusters and the related careers, skills and focuses of each cluster LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Fill in the Blank notes 3. Tiered assignment 4. Exit Ticket LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Review of vocabulary 3. Personal Coat of Arms 4. Exit Ticket LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Career Cluster overview 3. Career Cluster Group search activity. 4. Cluster share out 5. Exit Ticket OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to identify, describe the function of basic sewing equipment. SWBAT demonstrate safe sewing procedures. OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to identify, describe and demonstrate the function of basic sewing equipment. OBJECTIVE: Students will explore the 16 Career Clusters and the related careers, skills and focuses of each cluster LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 2. Laptop procedures 3. Stations Activity 4. Sewing Safety 5. Exit Ticket LEARNING ACTIVITIES: LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Bell Work 1. Bell Work 2. TT33 notes - sewing equip. 2. Finish Cluster share out 3. Examples/discussion 3. Career Cluster survey 4. Exit Ticket 4. Exit Ticket