Plate Tectonics Review Sheet

Plate Tectonics Test Review
Name: _______________________
The questions below were given to you when I was out at the end of October!! I will pass back what I have. If you didn’t do them you need to.
The questions at the bottom no one has done.The test is Friday 11-19-2010. You can use your notes and this review sheet on the test.
1. What is a mineral?
2. What are the 6 physical properties that are used to identify minerals?
3. Why are large beautiful crystals rare?
4. What is the hardest mineral (on the Mohs scale a 10).
5. Why is color not a useful feature of identifying minerals?
6. What is the difference between cleavage and fracture?
7. How is a streak test performed?
8. What are two examples of polymorphs?
9. Molten rock in the Earth’s interior is called __________.
10. What is the temperature range for rock to melt?
11. What are the two chemical properties to identify minerals?
12. How much does the temperature increase for every kilometer increase in depth?
13. If a rock or mineral melts at 900oC, what is its freezing point?
14. Why does partial melting of rock occur?
15. What is the most abundant carbonate rock?
16. What are the 3 kinds of rocks?
17. How do igneous rocks form?
18. How do metamorphic rocks form?
19. How do sedimentary rocks form?
Review Questions 20-37 (no one has done)
20. What are the processes involved to go from an igneous to a sedimentary rock?
21. What are the processes involved to go from an igneous to a metamorphic rock?
22. What are the processes involved to go from a sedimentary rock to a metamorphic?
23. Is it possible for a metamorphic rock to form another metamorphic rock? If so how?
24. What is continental drift?
25. What is the driving force that make oceanic and continental plates move in plate tectonic theory?
26. What are the two heat sources for convection currents in the Earth’s interior?
27. Describe a convergent plate boundary.
28. Describe a divergent plate boundary.
29. Describe a transform plate boundary.
30. What type of land features can form when an oceanic plate subducts under a continental plate? (there is a
formation in the water and on land)
31. What type of boundary forms mountains, such as the Himalayas?
32. What is evidence of the sea floor spreading?
33. What are the 2 main types of seismic waves?
34. Which type of wave cannot move through liquids?
35. Volcanoes that don’t form along a plate boundary are known as ____________ (how the Hawaiian islands
36. What is the idea that geologic processes that operate today also operated in the past?
37. What are the 3 main layers of the Earth’s interior?