University Of Otago Research Committee Application For University Of Otago Research Theme 2016 Delete and type Name of Theme Delete and type (if applicable) Entity/group Submitting Application Delete and type Principal applicant’s name and title Delete and type Host Department Delete and type Other Departments involved Closing Date: 12pm, Monday 24th August 2015 [Send one hard copy and email a Doc. copy to the Research Committee Administrator, Mrs Fiona Seaton (] SECTION ONE 1.1 APPLICANT DETAILS APPLICANT DETAILS Entity/group Principal applicant’s name and title Principal applicant’s position Department Name and title of alternative contact 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE THEME’S RESEARCH GOALS (100 WORDS) 1.3 SIGNATURES/DECLARATIONS Signatory Signature Principal applicant Head of Department (name)_____________________________ I confirm that if this application is approved the basic resources to support the Theme will be available. Head of Resource Centre (if applicable) (name)_________________________ I confirm that if this application is approved the basic resources to support the Theme will be available. Funding contribution from Department/Centre (if any) should the application be approved. $ Comments by Head of Department/ Resource Centre (if any) Pro-Vice-Chancellor (name)_____________________________ I confirm that if this application is approved the basic resources required will be made available and/or supported at divisional level. Funding contribution from the Division (if any) should the application be approved. $ Comments by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (if any) 1.4 Is this application a renewal or extension of an existing or previous University of Otago Theme? Yes/No If Yes, state the Theme: Date SECTION TWO OUTLINE OF PROPOSED THEME (This section should be no more than three pages excluding references, which should be on a separate page. Font size should be no smaller than Arial 11pt) [NOTE: IF THIS APPLICATION IS FOR AN EXISTING OR PREVIOUS THEME, RESPONSES TO THE FOLLOWING SHOULD ADDRESS WHY THE THEME NEEDS TO CONTINUE OR EXTEND ITS ACTIVITIES] 1. Describe the area of research that will form the core of the Theme’s activities. Explain its importance/significance in relation to its inter-disciplinary field(s) and the extent to which it has relevance beyond its academic field (eg. to policy, business, health, cultural, economic, environmental etc users). 2. Describe the research strengths that the University has in the Theme area. Which researchers/research areas will contribute to the Theme, what are their strengths and how will they contribute? 3. Explain how a Theme approach will incubate, progress or extend Otago’s research strength beyond what is occurring already through individual, Departmental or Divisional collaborations, workshops, co-publications etc. 4. To what extent would a Research Theme in this area create opportunities for Otago? For example, who are the other groups in this research area nationally or internationally and what advantages will a Theme create vis-à-vis others in this area? 5. What is the overarching goal, outcome or end-point of the Theme and how will you know if you have achieved or are on the way to achieving this? 6. Outline the set of coherent activities that will help you achieve the goal, outcome or end-point you have identified in 5. For example, will there be ‘sub-themes’ with coordinators/leaders or will there be a common research ‘project’ or programme that all contribute to? 7. Explain the role of the activities described in 6. in achieving the goal, outcome or endpoint and give a timeframe for them (ie Year 1, Year 2 etc). This might be presented as a timeline or in table form. 8. What is your plan for sustainability of the Theme beyond the funding period? SECTION THREE THEME MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHERS 1. THEME STEERING COMMITTEE (Add additional lines if needed) Title First Name Surname Department Role (Eg Director, administrator, communications) 2. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Add additional lines if needed) Title First Name Surname Department Research Expertise Research Role 3. ASSOCIATE INVESTIGATORS (including postdocs, PhD students, and researchers from external organisations. Add additional lines if needed) Title First Name Surname Department Research Expertise Research Role SECTION FOUR CVS Please attach CVs of the Principal Investigators only. Use the Standard MBIE CV format.