Stephen Anthropology Course Release Points form October 2014

Lynn Stephen October 2014 Anthropology Course Release Points form:
Faculty must earn 25 points summed over a three year period to receive a course release for the next
academic year. Calculations for Faculty with less than three years of service will be adjusted on a caseby-case basis. Course releases as described in the "Circumstances for Determining Equitable Work Load"
(posted on the department Blackboard site) above do not expire for 5 years and can be carried over
from year to year. Whenever a course is released the same class or an alternative within the same subfield will be taught as a replacement class, typically by an adjunct or a GTF.
Points from publications:
Type of Publication
Book (major press)
Edited book / textbook
Peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter
Journal article / book chapter; regional, not peer-reviewed
Newsletter & encyclopedia articles / program notes /
book reviews / conference abstracts
First Author
Joint (2nd) Author
Please list publications, with full citation and points, for articles appearing Sept 15 2013 to Sept 15,
Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Indigenous Migrants in the U.S. Migration Studies. Mexican indigenous
migrants in the United States: Labor, politics, culture, and transforming identities
Migration Studies 2014; doi: 10.1093/migration/mnu041 (4 points)
Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Transborder/Transnational Citizenships: Migrants and Anthropologists.
Latin American Perspectives 41 (3); 47-53, May 2014. (4 points)
Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Indigenous Transborder Citizenship: FIOB Los Angeles and the Oaxaca
Social Movement of 2006. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Journal (LACES) 9 (2):
1-23, June 2014. (4 points)
Stephen, Lynn and Charles R. Hale. Otros Saberes: collaborative Research on Indigenous and
Afro-Descendent Cultural Politics. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press (6 points-coeditor)
(not sure how an equal division of labor counts, isn’t second editor but co-editor)
Introduction, co-authored with Charles R. Hale. Otros Saberes: Collaborative Research on
Indigenous and Afro-Descendent Cultural Politics. Co-edited with Charles R. Hale. Santa Fe:
School for Advanced Research Press, 2013, pp. 1-29 (2 points, co-author)
Total points for publications: ___20____
Points from Teaching:
First large class (enrollment of about 120): 2 points
Second large class: 4 points:
List first large class:
List second large class:
Total teaching points: _________
Total Course Release points: ___20_______