Lynn Stephen October 2014 Anthropology Course Release Points form: Faculty must earn 25 points summed over a three year period to receive a course release for the next academic year. Calculations for Faculty with less than three years of service will be adjusted on a caseby-case basis. Course releases as described in the "Circumstances for Determining Equitable Work Load" (posted on the department Blackboard site) above do not expire for 5 years and can be carried over from year to year. Whenever a course is released the same class or an alternative within the same subfield will be taught as a replacement class, typically by an adjunct or a GTF. Points from publications: Type of Publication Book (major press) Monograph Edited book / textbook Peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter Journal article / book chapter; regional, not peer-reviewed Newsletter & encyclopedia articles / program notes / book reviews / conference abstracts First Author 25 14 12 4 0 Joint (2nd) Author 12 7 6 2 0 0 0 Please list publications, with full citation and points, for articles appearing Sept 15 2013 to Sept 15, 2014: Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Indigenous Migrants in the U.S. Migration Studies. Mexican indigenous migrants in the United States: Labor, politics, culture, and transforming identities Migration Studies 2014; doi: 10.1093/migration/mnu041 (4 points) Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Transborder/Transnational Citizenships: Migrants and Anthropologists. Latin American Perspectives 41 (3); 47-53, May 2014. (4 points) Stephen, Lynn. (2014). Indigenous Transborder Citizenship: FIOB Los Angeles and the Oaxaca Social Movement of 2006. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Journal (LACES) 9 (2): 1-23, June 2014. (4 points) Stephen, Lynn and Charles R. Hale. Otros Saberes: collaborative Research on Indigenous and Afro-Descendent Cultural Politics. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press (6 points-coeditor) (not sure how an equal division of labor counts, isn’t second editor but co-editor) Introduction, co-authored with Charles R. Hale. Otros Saberes: Collaborative Research on Indigenous and Afro-Descendent Cultural Politics. Co-edited with Charles R. Hale. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press, 2013, pp. 1-29 (2 points, co-author) Total points for publications: ___20____ Points from Teaching: First large class (enrollment of about 120): 2 points Second large class: 4 points: List first large class: List second large class: Total teaching points: _________ Total Course Release points: ___20_______