Science Projects Class – 4th Quarter 2014 March 24

Science Projects Class – 4th Quarter 2014
March 24-27 (4 days) – (Jenna) - Bubbles
Bubbles (dry ice, straws, pipe cleaners,
Monday – Dry Ice
Tuesday – Build Cubes
Wednesday – Play with Bubble Cubes
Thursday - Bubbles Outside/Myth Busters
March 31-April 4 (5 days) – (Janet) - Bridges
Monday -Computer Lab Research on building bridges
Tuesday - Build Bridges
Wednesday (super shortened periods) – Build Bridges
Thursday – Build Bridges
Friday – Test Bridges
April 7 – 11 (5 days) – (Jenna and Janet) – Crystals and Chicks
Monday –prepare crystals
Tuesday – observe crystals/start incubator/You Tube on Egg hatching
Wednesday – (shortened periods) Observe Crystals/Start Eggs/You Tube on how crystals form
Thursday – Observe Crystals/Check Eggs/
Friday – Eat Crystals/Check Eggs/Myth Busters
April 14 – 17 (4 days) – (Janet) – Gliders
Monday – Build Gliders/Candle Eggs
Tuesday – Build Gliders/Candle Eggs
Wednesday – (shortened periods)/Candle Eggs
Thursday – Glider Races
April 21 – 25 (4 days) – (Jenna) – Penny Boats
Tuesday – Design Foil Boats/Candle Eggs
Wednesday – Test Boats
Thursday – Rebuild Boats/Candle Eggs
Friday – Test Boats
April 28 – May 2 (5 days) – (Janet) – Trees
Monday – Tree Identification – Learn about trees/check chicks
Tuesday – Chicks hatching??/GPS trees
Wednesday – Chicks Hatch??/GPS trees
Thursday – Chicks hatching??/GPS trees
Friday – import tree waypoints into arc maps
May 5 – 9 (5 days) – (Jenna) – Egg Drop
Monday – Present Tree Maps to classmates
Tuesday (shortened periods) - Research spaceship design
Wednesday – Build spaceships
Thursday – Build spaceships
Friday – Test space ships/myth busters
May 12 – 16 (5 days) – (Janet) – Rockets
Monday – Build rockets
Tuesday – Build rockets
Wednesday (super short periods) – Build rockets
Thursday – Watch “Contact”
Friday – Watch “Contact”
May 19 – 23 (5 days) –
Monday – Shoot Rockets first and second periods
Tuesday – study hall 6th grade gone
Wednesday - Watch “Contact”/Ice Cream Social
Thursday - (shortened periods)/Fun Time at the Park
Friday - No Class