Industrial Revolution Project Standard: 9.) Describe the impact of technological inventions, conditions of labor, and the economic theories of capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism during the Industrial Revolution on the economics, society, and politics of Europe. • Identifying important inventors in Europe during the Industrial Revolution • Comparing the Industrial Revolution in England with later revolutions in Europe Directions: Choose an invention and its inventor and complete the following assignments in following the directions of each assignment and following the requirements of the attached rubric. A complete assignment will have a cover/title page, table of contents, introduction, and all components complete. Each item must have their own separate page. You must have a cover page with the following information: Names, Block, Date, Title/Subject You should also have an introduction answering the following three questions in paragraph form: Why was there an Industrial Revolution? How did the Industrial Revolution benefit people? How did the Industrial Revolution prove harmful to people? Complete the following assignments A-E: A. Resume - Create a fact-based resume for someone famous during this time period. B. Advertisement - Pretend that you are a salesperson whose job is to convince people to purchase your invention. Using facts, you must "sell" your product to the consumer. Use the following format when making your advertisement: What is your invention's title/name? Why should the consumer buy it? (How will it benefit him/her?) How does your product work? When and why was your product invented? C. Diary or Journal - Write three diary or journal entries as if you were a worker during the Industrial Revolution. (Each journal should be dated and at least a paragraph long. Be sure to include specific details about your day and life.) D. Newspaper Article - Pretend that you are an investigative reporter. Your assignment is to provide your readers with the facts about the pros and cons of the transition from farm life to factory life. Make sure that you include your opinion as to whether this "revolution" is more beneficial or more harmful to society overall. (Your article should be a page long, with a title and a picture.) E. Presentation - Create a power point or prezi presentation on your project. (You will have to present the project to the class.) The presentation should be informative about the invention you chose and include the information you put into parts A & B. Category 30 Industrial Revolution Project Rubric 20 Cover/Title Page Table of Contents Introduction Cover Page has Names, Block, Date, Title/Subject Table of Contents for all items completed. Introduction answers all three questions. Part A – Resume Utilizes paragraphs, proper punctuation, and capitalization. Correct spelling and grammar is used. Very few or no errors. Includes categories. Most recent data is listed first. Very thorough. Professional appearance. Professional, logical and innovative and thoroughly explains background. Advertisement is persuasive. Advertisement includes invention's title/name, benefits to consumers, how the product works, and when and why the product was invented. Part B – Advertisement Part C – Diary/Journal Part D – Newspaper Article Part E – Presentation Cover Page has Names, Block, Date, Title/Subject Table of Contents for all items completed. Introduction answers all three questions. 2 of 3 items are fully complete. Utilizes paragraphs, proper punctuation, and capitalization. Correct spelling and grammar is used. There are few errors. Includes categories. Most recent data is listed first. Professional appearance. Professional and logical. Explains background. Advertisement is persuasive. Advertisement includes 2 of the following: invention's title/name, benefits to consumers, how the product works, and when and why the product was invented. Entries are dated, at least a paragraph long, with specific details about the day and life. All facts presented in the diary are accurate. The diary contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. Article contains facts about the pros and cons of the transition from farm life to factory life and includes an opinion. Article is 1 page long, with a title and a picture. Entries are dated, at least a paragraph long, with no details about the day and life. At least half of the facts presented in the diary are accurate. The diary contains a few creative details descriptions. Article contains facts about the pros or cons of the transition from farm life to factory life and includes no opinion. Article is 1 page long, with a title and a picture. Power point or preziPresentation is informative. Presentation has a minimum of 6 slides including a title slide with names, pictures of invention, includes the inventor’s resume, and advertisement information. Presenter speaks clearly and is prepared. Group listens during presentations. Power point or preziPresentation is informative. Presentation has 4 slides including a title slide with names, pictures of invention, includes the inventor’s resume, or advertisement information. Presenter speaks clearly and is somewhat prepared. Group listens during presentations. 10 Cover Page has Names, Block, Date, Title/Subject Table of Contents for all items completed. Introduction answers all three questions. 1 of 3 items are fully complete. Does not demonstrate proper language conventions. There are many errors. Does not include categories or data is not in order. Lacks professional appearance. Is not professional or logical. Does not explain background Advertisement is not persuasive. Advertisement includes 1 of the following: invention's title/name, benefits to consumers, how the product works, and when & why the product was invented. Entries are not dated, or at least a paragraph long, with no details about the day and life. There is no factual details. There is little evidence of creativity. Article contains no facts about the pros or cons of the transition from farm life to factory life and includes no opinion. Article is less than 1 page long or without a title and a picture. Power point or preziPresentation is informative. Presentation has fewer than 4 slides including a title slide with names, pictures of invention, includes the inventor’s resume, or advertisement information. Presenter speaks clearly and is not prepared. Group does not listen during presentations.