CAMBRIDGE SCHOOLS LESSON PLANNING TEMPLATE NAME: Erin Bzdawka SUBJECT: English 11 WEEK OF: November 4-8 LESSON OBJECTIVE OR LEARNER OUTCOME BELL ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY MONDAY Vocabulary Review Assess grammar knowledge Review sentence structure Assess Hamlet knowledge Present choice novels TUESDAY Vocabulary review Finish choice novel presentations Finish analyzing Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 WEDNESDAY Watch Act 3 of Hamlet to prepare for reading and analyzation of Hamlet THURSDAY Vocabulary Review Finish watching Act 3 Painting analysis Begin reading Act 2 Scene 1 if time FRIDAY Vocabulary Test Continue reading Act 3 of Hamlet Every Day Edit Quiz Every Day Edit Every Day Edit Every Day Edit Every Day Edit Every Day Edit Quiz Vocabulary review Review sentence structure and sentence quizzes Hand in Act 2 pages, every day edit pages Vocabulary review Finish choice novel presentations Time to work on Act 2 Scene 2 analysis sheets – due by the end of class Watch Act 3 of Hamlet Vocabulary review on the SMARTBoard Finish watching Act 3 “You Should Not Have Believed Me” painting analysis – analyzing a Unit 2 Vocabulary test Read Act 3 Hamlet Act 2 quiz Choice Novel Presentations ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK OTHER NOTES Every Day Edit Quiz Act 2 quiz and pages turned in Choice novel presentations Sentence quiz redoes due Wednesday 30 word vocabulary test Friday painting of Ophelia and Hamlet and how the painting portrays the characters in relation to the play Start reading Act 3 Scene 1 if time Painting analysis and discussion of the scene Choice novel presentations Act 2 Scene 2 Analysis Sentence quiz redoes due Wednesday 30 word vocabulary test Friday 30 Word Vocab Test Friday 30 Word Vocab test tomorrow. Are students engaged and paying attention/ actively reviewing? Can they connect what we’ve learned about Vocabulary Test Hamlet and Ophelia so far to the painting? Can they draw conclusions and make arguments to support their thoughts?