Laatsch_5870_Article Review Chart

EDRE5870 – Article Review Chart
Shawn Laatsch
Study Citation
Plummer, J.D. (2008). Early Elementary Students’ Development of Astronomy Concepts in the Planetarium. Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, 46, 192-209.
Purpose of Study
To evaluate how instruction on apparent celestial motion conducted in a planetarium setting would impact elementary students
understanding of these observable patterns.
Research Questions
1) Do students who participate in a planetarium program that utilizes kinesthetic learning techniques improve their descriptions of the
patterns of motion of celestial objects?
2) Do students who participate in planetarium program that utilizes kinesthetic learning techniques improve their conceptions of
additional topics covered in the planetarium program that were not taught by kinesthetic learning techniques?
Based on constructivism and is attempting to understand how kinesthetic techniques used in a planetarium environment could
enhance student understanding.
Constructs and
Kinesthetic instruction in a planetarium setting, celestial motions
Constructivism, Qualitative Analysis
The author worked with 10 randomly selected students from seven first and second grade classes, interviewing selected students
both before and after their planetarium experiences which looked at the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Data codes
were developed for coding information collected in interviews, and Plummer used the Mann-Whitney U-test for non-parametric data.
Findings and Results
Plummer’s findings suggest that students showed significant improvement in understanding the apparent motions of the Sun in
different seasons, change in the Moon’s appearance (phases), fundamental understanding of what causes day and night, and the
motions of stars over the course of a night. All of the students made significant improvement in their understanding, and greater
gains were made by the female students.
Limitations and
The study is that it primarily focused on kinesthetic methods and did not take into account other effects of the planetarium
environment on learning. It evaluated student gains over a very short period of time, so the long term retention of these gains is
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
Plummer concludes that first and second grade students showed significant improvement in their understanding of apparent celestial
motions after a planetarium intervention using kinesthetic methods.
I agree with the author that the students seem to have made significant gains in understanding of celestial motion from the
planetarium intervention. I do feel that since it only tested kinesthetic instruction it may have failed to take into account the
planetarium visualization environments effects on the gains in understanding.
Study Citation
Jones, M.G., Taylor, A., Minogue, J., Broadwell, B., Wiebe, E., and Carter, G. (2006). Understanding Scale: Powers of Ten. Journal
of Science Education and Technology, Vol.16, No. 2, April 2007.
Purpose of Study
To examine how students learn size and scale and how virtual representations (i.e. computer animations) engage learning of this
complex topic.
Research Questions
1) Does viewing the film, ‘‘Powers of Ten’’ alter students’ understandings of spatial distances over many orders of magnitude?
2) If there are gains in knowledge, are their differences in students’ understandings of large and small scales?
None Stated
Constructs and
Powers of Ten, microscale, and macroscale
Hermeneutics, Qualitative Analysis
The authors worked with female middle school students and experienced teachers. A Proportional Reasoning Assessment
Instrument was used as a pre-test with students, interviews prior to and following students viewing of the Powers of Ten film were
conducted, and students also were tested using a sets of Scale Sort Cards. The teachers completed a written survey of their
perceptions of the film. A matrix was created by the authors to compare pre and post conceptions of size and scale in regards to
seeing the film.
Findings and Results
Jones et al concludes that the Powers of Ten film significantly improved students understanding of size and scale, particularly of
scientific notation (powers of ten). The study also concludes that small scales (micro) were more difficult for students to
conceptualize than larger scale (macro) ones.
Limitations and
A limitation of the study is that the study was only conducted with female middle school students, and so one does not know if the
results would be similar for male students. The sample was 22 students participating in a summer Biology Camp, and may have not
been fully representative of general student populations.
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
Jones et al conclude that teachers need to explicitly teach students about both relative and mathematical (absolute) scale, and that
students typically encounter difficulty with aspects of scale that are beyond normal human experiences.
I agree with the author that the students seem to have made significant gains in understanding of celestial motion from the
planetarium intervention. I do feel that since it only tested kinesthetic instruction it may have failed to take into account the
planetarium visualization environments effects on the gains in understanding.
Study Citation
Kucukozer, H., Korkusuz, M. E., Kucukozer, H.A., and Yurumezoglu, H.A. (2009). The Effect of 3D Computer Modeling and
Observation-Base Instruction on Conceptual Change Regarding Basic Concepts of Astronomy in Elementary School Students.
Astronomy Education Review,8, 0101104-1, 10.3847/AER20090006.
Purpose of Study
To examine elementary students conceptions about astronomical phenomena and to determine the effect of computer
modeling/visualization on understanding of astronomical concepts
Research Questions
1) Does the use of POE teaching with 3D computer modeling have a significant effect on elementary students understanding of
basic astronomical phenomena (Day & Night, Seasons, Moon Phases, and placement of stars)?
2) Can use of these techniques bring about significant conceptual change in students understanding?
Constructivist and Conceptual Change Theories
Constructs and
POE – Predict Observe Explain teaching strategy
Qualitative approach
Students aged 11-13 were give an Astronomy Concept Test as a pre and post test containing questions on day and night, reasons
for seasons, phases of the Moon, and positions of the stars. These were given around POE supported instruction with students.
Follow-up interviews with students were also conducted following post tests.
Findings and Results
The authors’ findings are that instruction supported by observations and 3D computer modeling was significantly effective in bringing
about conceptual change and learning. The ratio of students who accurately understood the cause for Day and Night increased by
15% after the use of POE with 3D computer models, and there was a 42% increase in students who correctly understood the phase
of the Moon following the POE with 3D models.
Limitations and
The study while it showed significant gains in understanding of Moon phases and Day and Night cycles, had a lack of significant
results with understanding of Reasons for Seasons. The POE teaching strategies were only employed for 15 forty minute class
sessions over 5 weeks. The 3D models used in the study were not manipulated by students, but rather were visualizations
presented from different visual points of view.
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
The Authors’ conclude that POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) tasks using computer modeling has a beneficial effect on conceptual
change and understanding of basic astronomical concepts and relationships.
3D computer models – models created for display on a flat screen computer that allowed for viewing at numerous positions
Study Citation
Price, A., and Lee, H.S., (2010). The Effect of Two-dimensional and Stereoscopic Presentation on Middle Schools Students’
Performance of Spatial Cognition Tasks. Journal of Science Education Technology, volume 19, p. 90-103
Purpose of Study
To determine whether and how student performance on spatial cognition tasks differ when worked with 2D or stereoscopic 3D
Research Questions
How does middle school students performance and strategies on spatial cognition tasks differ when the tasks are presented
Stereoscopically (in 3D) or in 2D (flat) representations?
Cognitive Load and Cue Theories
Constructs and
Spatial Cognition, Stereoscopic 3D Visualizations, Cognitive Load
Nineteen middle school students were randomly selected at a museum to take part in the study. These students were given spatial
cognition tasks in 2D (paper) and the same task Stereoscopic 3D (using a GeoWall). These tasks included letter rotation, block
rotation, and paper folding tasks. Tasks were first completed in 2D and then in 3D. Students’ time and accuracy of tasks were
recorded and exit interviews were conducted and recorded with the students.
Findings and Results
In the 2D tasks, accuracy was highest in paper folding, followed by letter rotation, and block rotation (61%, 54%, and 50%
respectively). In 3D the scores were highest from letter rotation, then paper folding, and finally block rotation (50%, 49% and 47%
respectively). The scores imply there is no significant difference between 2D and 3D accuracy on spatial cognition tasks. The length
of time was slightly longer with 3D task (on average 8 second) than the same tasks completed in 2D. The results indicate that
stereoscopic imagery were more difficult for middle school students to manipulate than 2D images.
The study was limited to a few practice items for each task and subject selected may not have been representative of the general
public, as these were students at a museum over their winter break. Subjects were ones having a greater interest in science and
computers than the general population of the area.
Limitations and
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
Price and Lee conclude that stereoscopic visualizations may enhance and be an opportunity for teaching spatial relationships and
retaining student interest in science. They go on to say that curriculum designers and educators need to consider the added
cognitive load when using visualizations in teaching.
The authors case is presented reasonably well, but I feel the study was too limited to make an accurate determination of the effects
of stereoscopic visualizations on middle school students. No follow-up tests were conducted to see if there were long term gains.
Also the students had a few minutes to learn how to use the stereoscopic visualization tools. With more exposure to these tools,
greater gains would most likely be realized.
Study Citation
Barnett M., Yamagata-Lynch, L., Keating, T., Barab, S., and Hay, K.E., (2005). Using Virtual Reality Computer Models to Support
Student Understanding of Astronomical Concepts. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2005), volume
24(4), p. 333-356.
Purpose of Study
To examine how 3D models of the Solar System supported development of conceptual understanding of astronomical phenomena
requiring a change of reference/point of view.
Research Questions
1) Does the use of computational models impact student understanding of astronomy concepts?
2) Which astronomy concepts are best taught using 3-D computational models?
Conceptual Change Theory
Constructs and
3D Virtual Reality Modeling
Students in the astronomy course created three computer models: 1) a celestial sphere, 2) a model of the Earth-Moon System, and
3) a model of the solar system. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with students taking the astronomy course at the
beginning and end of the semester to measure understandings of the relationships in these models. These focused on a wide range
of astronomy concepts, but were derived from alternative concept research. A scoring rubric from 0-4 was developed for coding the
interviews. A score of 0 was no concept, while a score of 4 was complete/sound understanding
Findings and Results
Students in the course made significant gains in their understanding of the modeled astronomical concepts requiring a change of
reference going on average scores of 1.65 (confused or incomplete understanding) at the beginning of the course to a average
scores of 3.15 (between partial and complete understanding) at the conclusion of the course.
Limitations and
The study had a limited sample size of 8 undergraduate college students in a 1 semester course.
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
The authors conclude that incorporating 3D computer modeling activities has the potential to facilitate students’ re-evaluation of their
alternate frameworks. It engages students, and the interactions with these models feed further understanding of multiple
perspectives, assisting in greater understanding of spatially driven astronomical concepts.
VRML – Virtual Reality Markup Language use for developing models
My analysis is that the authors are on the right track, but I feel the sample size and the limited study is really only a first step in
evaluating the use of computer models in astronomy education.
Study Citation
Hobson, S.M., Trundle, C.T., and Sackes, M. (2010). Using a Planetarium Software Program to Promote Conceptual Change with
Young Children. Journal of Science Education Technology, volume 19, p. 165-176
Purpose of Study
To address and describe young children’s conceptual understandings about patterns in, and the cause of, lunar phases before and
after an inquiry-based instructional intervention with technology.
Research Questions
1) What do primary children know about when the Moon can be observed before and after inquiry-based instruction?
2) What do children know about observable Moon phase shapes and sequences before, during, and after inquiry based
Constructs and
3) What do children understand about the cause of Moon phases before and after inquiry-based instruction?
Conceptual Change and Inquiry-Based Instruction
Lunar phase concepts
Technology Enhanced Instruction
Mixed Methods
Research was conducted with 21 students in grades 1-3 from a Midwestern suburban school district. Students worked in groups of
four using the Starry Night software on computers. Students used the software to explore phases and collect data on shape of the
Moon, rising and setting times of phases, and modeling causes for phases. Data was collected by conducting interviews with
students, student drawings, card sorting, lunar calendars, and written responses, along with field notes and video recording of class
Findings and Results
Qualitative Findings – prior to instruction, 52% of students held alternative conceptual understanding of the cause of Moon phases,
this number was reduced to 33% after instruction. There was a dramatic improvement (81%) in students understanding of when the
Moon can be seen (particularly that the Moon is observable both day and night). Overall there was change in understanding from
mostly alternative to mostly scientific understanding of lunar phases.
Quantitative Findings –Results showed that significantly more children drew moon sequences on the post test than the pretest.
Gains in understanding of moon phase shapes had gains of 38% , and scientific causes for phases and the sequence of phases
showed a 52% gain.
Limitations and
Sample size limited to 21 elementary students. Moon phases concepts typically are very misunderstood by young children due to
the complexity of the spatial relationships. Students age 7-9 may not be able to cognitively construct scientific mental models of
lunar phases.
Conclusions (theirs
and yours)
The authors conclude that inquiry-based guided instruction using technology can significantly improve young students
understanding of lunar phases.
My assessment is that the authors data seems to support their claims of enhanced understanding, but I feel the students they were
working with were too young to have full cognitive processing capabilities to build the mental models.