EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN LESSON/ACTIVITY PLAN Student Teacher: Date: School: Age/Grade Level: Time: Central Focus/Rationale: Lesson/Activity: Standard(s): Objectives: A learning objective should describe what students should know or be able to do at the end of the lesson that they could not do before. Learning objectives should be about student performance and must have measurable criteria. Learning objective(s): Learning goal and objective(s) for the Focus Learner(s): Participation objective(s): Assessments: Include each assessment and associated evaluation criteria/rubric with the lesson plan. Each learning objective must be linked to at least one assessment. Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this lesson to monitor students’ learning of the lesson objective(s). Type of Assessment Objectives (#s) Description of assessment – Describe the evidence (learner products and performances) you will use to assess learning Evaluation Criteria – Describe the expected level(s) of performance and how you will determine if learners have met the criteria Feedback – What specific type of feedback will you give to learners? Prior academic knowledge and concepts: What must your learners already know to be successful? Are there any gaps? How will you scaffold for the learners who do not possess the requisite prior knowledge? Materials/Resources: Modifications or Accommodations for the focus learner(s): References: Lesson Procedure – Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Sufficient detail should be given so that another teacher could teach from the plan without question. Introduction: Basic Procedures/Instructional Strategies: Consider how the strategies support your objectives. Also, consider theorists, grouping strategies and multiple modalities. Closure: Specialized Instruction for the focus learner(s): Modifications or accommodations to the instructional strategies/learning tasks: Communication Skill: One communication skill that the focus learner(s) will need to participate in the learning tasks and/or demonstrate learning. State like an objective. Planned Supports: Explain how you plan to support the focus learner’s use of the communication skill. Teaching of generalization, maintenance, and/or self-directed learning: Explain how the learning tasks, materials and/or planned supports will promote generalization, maintenance and/or self-directed learning. Reflection of teaching: Complete this section after you teach. Use the space below and consider the following questions as a guide for your thinking. Note: Delete this section for edTPA lesson plans. edTPA lesson plans can be no longer than 4 pages. How did your instruction engage and motivate the learners? How did your instruction support learning for the whole group and for individual learners? How did you respond to each learner and give him/her feedback regarding the lesson? What changes would you make to your instruction to better support the learners related to the lesson objectives and goals? Why do you think these changes would improve learning? Based on how your lesson went, what would you recommend as the next steps for instruction? Describe how your instruction linked children’s’ development, prior learning and personal, cultural and community assets with new learning. Activity Plan For use with lessons that include small groups, workstations, centers, or play. Use as needed. Center/ Group Strategy Materials/ References Central Focus/ Rationale Activities/ Skills Objectives/ Outcomes Individually Targeted Behaviors and/or Goals