INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE WEST AFRICAN CAPITAL MARKETS INTEGRATION COUNCIL (WACMIC) ABIDJAN, COTE D’IVOIRE MARCH 18, 2013 The inaugural meeting of the WACMIC, which came after its inauguration by the President of the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, Nigeria, on January 19, 2013, was held in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, on March 18, 2013. The Council consists of the MDs/CEOs and DGs of the Stock Exchanges and Securities & Exchange Commissions respectively, in member states of the ECOWAS with Stock Exchanges, including Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra and Leone Cote D’Ivoire (for the UEMOA region). The main objective of the meeting was the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman as spelt out in the Charter establishing the Council, as well as the consideration of the reports of the Technical Committee for the Integration of Capital Markets in the ECOWAS. SECOND MEETING OF THE WEST AFRICAN CAPITAL MARKETS INTEGRATION COUNCIL (WACMIC) ACCRA, GHANA SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 The second meeting of the West African Capital Markets Integration Council (WACMIC) was held at the Movenpick Ambassador Hotel in Accra, Ghana, on Friday, September 6, 2013. This meeting, which was a follow up on the inaugural WACMIC meeting, was hosted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Ghana, with logistic support from the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) and the West African Monetary Institute (WAMI), which, alongside the GSE, serve as Secretariat for the WACMIC. The meeting, which was aimed at reviewing the reports of the Technical Committees (TCS&D1 and L&R2 Sub-Committees), with a view to deciding the approach for the integration of the capital markets in West Africa, took the form of Report presentation by the Chair of each of the Sub-Committees, after which they were deliberated upon by the Council. The meeting also 1 2 Trading, Clearing, Settlement & Regulatory Sub-Committee Legal and Regulatory Sub-Committee provided participants the opportunity to be abreast with recent developments in the Capital Markets of the WACMIC member countries through country presentations by the BRVM/CREPMF3, GSE/SEC, and NSE/SEC. Council members, led by the Chairman, Mr. Oscar Onyema, CEO of the NSE, and comprising of the CEOs of the BRVM and GSE, as well as the DGs/President of the CREPMF in the UEMOA zone and Ghana were present at the meeting. The DG of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigeria, as well as the CEO and Regulatory Authority of the Sierra Leone Stock Exchange were not present at the meeting. In attendance at the meeting were the Chairs and secretaries of the two Sub-Committees, the West African Monetary Institute, and Stock Broking firms from Ghana. Representatives of the Banque Centrale de la Republique de Guinee (BCRG), Ministry of Finance and Economic Development in Ghana, The Chairman of the GSE and the World Bank attended the meeting as observers. A comprehensive list of participants at the meeting is annexed to this Report. Summary of Key Decisions 3 That a 3-Phased approach to Capital Markets Integration be Adopted That the first phase will commence in the first quarter of 2014 Council approved the harmonization of Listings Requirements across the region and this should be achieved by the end of the first quarter of 2014. Markets within the region will have a maximum listing cycle time from start to finish of 3 months. Markets were asked to go back and do an impact analysis on the proposed harmonized free structure. The Committee was asked to review the proposed haircuts for equities and unlisted securities. Council approved other recommendations however relating to the methodology for determining the capital adequacy requirements and applicable haircuts for CMOs that would be regulated. The CMOs are brokers, underwriters and issuing houses. In Phase 1 which is expected to start in March 2014, Brokers, Issuing Houses and Underwriters will be able to operate freely across the sub-region once they meet the required minimum capital requirement and other requirements such as experience, capacity, and technology. Their functions must however be separated. The regulatory capital requirement was set at $500,000 for Brokers, $625,000 for Underwriters and $1 million for Issuing Houses. The Francophone equivalent of Securities and Exchange Commission That The NSE would draft an MOU/ standard contract for sponsored access and circulate. (The Chairman promised to circulate the MOU to Council Members within 2 weeks.) That there should be MOUs amongst the Regulators and Exchanges. Exchanges must have rules that dimension the process which would be approved by the SECs. That it was important to engage the banks that are operating in the sub region. Central banks would also have to be involved because of large ticket transactions. That WAMI should engage Ecobank and at the country level, Exchanges and SECs are to engage their Bankers’ Committee and make presentations at the next Bankers Committee meetings. WAMI was to ensure that Council gets on the agenda for the next meeting of the College of Bankers Supervision which is likely to hold in October, 2013 and that the Chairman or any other Council member would make a presentation at that meeting. There should be massive awareness campaign and appropriate media coverage. Sensitization workshops will be held around the region with 2 holding in Nigeria and 1 each in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire Timelines for other phases will be determined as Members have a clearer understanding of when Phase 1 is likely to be concluded UPCOMING EVENTS THIRD MEETING OF THE WACMIC Objective: To fine tune the details and finalize plans for the commencement of the first phase of the integration of capital markets in the ECOWAS Venue/Location: Lagos, Nigeria Date: November 14-15, 2013