Title: I Feel… Lesson Theme: Emotions Materials: Paper Plates w/ cut out eyes Mouth Cut outs Glue sticks Yarn scraps Eye brow cut outs Markers Craft sticks Books: Objectives/Goals: Progresses in responding sympathetically to peers who are in need, upset, hurt, angry; and in expressing empathy or caring for others. “Lizzy’s Ups and Downs: Not an Ordinary School Day” by Jessica Harper “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain Ohio Learning and Development Standards: Sub-Domain: Social – Emotional Pre-K Strand: Self Topic: Awareness and Expression of Emotion Strand: Self Topic: Self-Regulation Strand: Relationships Topic: Peer Interactions and Relationships Strand: Relationships Topic: Empathy Instructional Procedures: 1) Define emotions, ask the students to name some emotions or feelings. 2) Read “Lizzy’s Ups and Downs” by Jessica Harper 3) After reading ask students question about Lizzy’s emotions; did they ever feel like Lizzy? Have they ever felt a few emotions at the same time? 4) Discuss what Lizzy did to deal with her emotions. 5) Guide students in a conversation about how they can tell someone how they are feeling and how they can tell how others are feeling because of their facial expressions. 6) Have the students practice changing how their face looks to show different emotions. Use the mirrors here or have the students look at a partner. 7) Guide the students in making their own mask to show an emotion of their choice. Help the students by pointing out how your eyebrows, eyes, and mouth may all change depending on your emotion. Extension: If students need more practice discussing emotions read “The Way I Fell” by Janan Cain