template 1 - Severndroog Castle

What is there for visitors?
What can people can do when they visit the castle?
What facilities there are (lavatories, café , access for
disabled visitors).
Is there anything to buy at the castle?
What can visitors do around the castle.
Main heading for leaflet
[Choose your own heading]
[Write short, simple sentences to give information.]
How to get to Severndroog Castle
Where is the castle?
How to get to the castle by public transport. Include
information about bus numbers and where to get off the
bus. Are the buses frequent?
How to get to the castle on foot from Shooters Hill. Give an
idea how long the walk takes. Is the walk suitable for older
or disabled people?
Main picture
[This may be a photograph or other artwork]
[Give clear instructions to visitors. Try them out on another
student. Are they easy to follow?]
Factual information
Opening hours
Entrance cost (adult, children, groups)
[A few words only here. This should sound exciting, and should
persuade people to visit the castle]