BI30 GB1 Patterns of Inheritance

To study genetics and biotechnology, we must begin by looking at Gregor Mendel’s work and try to understand
how traits are passed from one generation to the next. We will follow this by learning about the actual shape and
design of chromosomes and genes along with how technology and the world continue to drive this topic.
BI30-GB1 Investigate the mechanisms and patterns of inheritance.
a. Discuss the importance of Gregor Mendel as the “father of genetics”. (STSE, K)
b. Discuss the historical development of scientific understanding of Mendelian genetics, including the
importance of statistical analysis, probability, and significance. (STSE, K)
c. Distinguish among the mechanisms of inheritance (i.e., dominant and recessive alleles, sex-linked
traits, codominance, incomplete dominance, and multiple alleles). (K)
d. Determine an organism’s phenotype from its genotype, and where possible, its genotype from its
phenotype. (K)
e. Construct Punnett squares using P1 genotypes (i.e., homozygous and heterozygous) to determine
genotypic and phenotypic frequencies for F1 and F2 generations. (S)
A discussion on Genetics must begin with by looking at the work of Gregor Mendel and a discussion of
independent events and probability.
The term independent events means that events are independent of each other if the probability of one
occurring does not affect the probability of the others. The probability of something is the measure of
how likely an event is. For instance, when my son was born there was a 1 in 2, or 0.50 probability that
Eli would be a boy. There was also a 1 in 2, or 0.50 probability that he would have been a girl and
hopefully would have a different name. So, when my second son Ti was born, was the probability still 1
in 2, or 0.5 for having another boy? Yes it was because the sex of one child has no impact on the second
child. So, these would be independent events.
Gregor Mendel: "father of genetics"
Blending Theory of Inheritance - offspring of two parents "blend" the traits of
both parents
Particulate Theory of Inheritance - traits are inherited as "particles",
offspring receive a "particle" from each parent.
Evidence for Particulate Theory of Inheritance: A plant with purple flowers is
crossed with another plant that has purple flowers. Some of the offspring have
white flowers (wow!). Mendel set out to discover how this could happen.
Some stuff on Mendel
parents were farmers
he became ordained as a priest
studied science and mathemathics at the
University of Vienna
Mendel's Experiments
Mendel chose pea plants as his experimental subjects,
mainly because they were easy to cross and showed a
variety of contrasting traits (purple vs white flowers, tall
vs short stems, round vs wrinkled seeds)
1. Mendel chose true-breeding lines of each plant/trait he studied (true
breeding lines always produced offspring of the same type)
2. He crossed a true breeding plant with a plant of the opposite trait (purple x
white). He called this the Parental (P) generation. (In this case, he crosspollinated the plants)
3. He recorded data on the offspring of this cross (First Filial, F1)
4. He self pollinated the F1 offspring
5. He recorded data on the offspring of the second generation, calling it
the Second Filial generation (F2)
The F1 generation always displayed
one trait (he later called this the
dominant trait)
The F1 generation must have within it
the trait from the original parents - the
white trait
The F2 generation displayed the hidden
trait, 1/4 of the F2 generation had it (he
later called this hidden trait the
recessive trait)
Each individual has two "factors" that
determine what external appearance
the offspring will have. (We now call these factors genes or alleles)
Mendel established three principles (or Laws) from his research
1. The Principle of Dominance and Recessiveness - one trait is masked or
covered up by another trait
2. Principle of Segregation - the two factors (alleles) for a trait separate
during gamete formation
3. Principle of Independent Assortment - factors of a trait separate
independently of one another during gamete formation; another way to look at
this is, whether a flower is purple has nothing to do with the length of the
plants stems - each trait is independently inherited
Modern Genetics
Mendel's factors are now called ALLELES. For every trait a person have, two
alleles determine how that trait is expressed.
We use letters to denote alleles, since every gene has two alleles, all genes
can be represented by a pair of letters.
PP = purple, Pp = purple, pp = white
Homozogyous: when the alleles are the same, the individual is said to be
homozygous, or true breeding. Letters designating a homozgyous individual
could be capital or lowercase, as long as they are the same. Ex. AA, bb, EE,
Heterozygous: when the alleles are different, in this case the DOMINANT
allele is expressed. Ex. Pp, Aa
Monohybrid cross = a cross involving one pair of contrasting traits. Ex. Pp x
Punnet Square: used to determine the PROBABILITY of having a certain
type of offspring given the alleles of the parents
Genotype: letters used to denote alleles (BB, Pp..etc)
Phenotype: what an organism looks like (brown, purple..)
a simple box-like device that helps us to consider all genetic combinations and show the
expected frequencies of genotypes.
The P and p symbols represent the single allele each gamete receives.
Fertilization provides the two alleles for the new individual, one from the male
(sperm) and one from the female (egg).
The Punnett square shows that the genotypes and associated ratios for a
monohybrid cross are 1 PP :2 Pp : 1 pp.
Any progeny with a P would have the dominant (purple) phenotype, so the
phenotypic ratio is 3 purple to 1 white.
Now it is known that a gene is a portion of the chromosomal DNA that resides
at a particular site, called a locus (plural is loci). The gene codes for a particular
function or trait.
Mendel arrived at the law of segregation with no knowledge of meiosis or
chromosomes. The mechanism of chromosome separation in meiosis I today
explains his law of segregation.
How to Solve a Punnet Square
1. Determine the genotypes (letters) of the parents. Bb x Bb
2. Set up the punnet square with one parent on each side.
3. Fill out the Punnet square middle
4. Analyze the number of offspring of each type.
In pea plants, round seeds are dominant to wrinkled. The genotypes and
phenotypes are:
RR = round
Rr = round
rr = wrinkled
If you get stuck make a "key". Sometimes the problems won't give you
obvious information.
Example: In radishes, a bent root is a dominant trait, though some roots
are straight (which is recessive). If a straight rooted plant is crossed with
a heterozyous bent root plant, how many of the offspring will have
straight roots?
Say what? First of all, this problem doesn't make it easy. Start by
assigning genotypes and phenotypes. It doesn't matter what letter you
pick, but it may be easiest to pick a letter that represents the dominant
trait. In this case, use the letter B for bent.
BB = bent
Bb = bent
bb = straight
Now use the key to figure out your parents. In this case you have a
straight root plant (bb) crossed with a heterozyous bent plant (Bb). Once
you've figured that out, the cross is simple!
If a heteroyzous round seed is crossed with itself (Rr x Rr) a punnett
square can help you figure out the ratios of the offspring.
3/4 round, 1/4 wrinkled
One Trait Test Cross
A test cross can determine the genotype (heterozygous or homozygous) of an individual with a
dominant trait.
It involves crossing the individual to a true-breeding recessive (homozygous recessive).
If the unknown is heterozygous, approximately half the progeny will have the dominant trait and
half the recessive trait.
If the unknown is homozygous dominant, all the progeny will have the dominant trait
WILD TYPE = refers
to the "normal"
Often designated
with a + symbol
1. Please go to the following link and complete this assignment in your book:
Dihybrid Crosses: Crosses that involve 2
These type of crosses can be challenging to set up, and the square you
create will be 4x4. This simple guide will walk you through the steps of solving
a typical dihybrid cross common in genetics. The method can also work for
any cross that involves two traits.
Consider this cross
A pea plant that is heterozygous for round, yellow seeds is self fertilized, what
are the phenotypic ratios of the resulting offspring?
Step 1: Determine the parental genotypes from the text above, the word
"heteroyzous" is the most important clue, and you would also need to
understand that self fertilized means you just cross it with itself.
R r Y y
R r Y y
Step 2: Determine the gametes. This might feel a little like the FOIL method
you learned in math class. Combine the R's and Ys of each parent to
represent sperm and egg. Do this for both parents
Gametes after "FOIL"
RY, Ry, rY, ry (parent 1) and RY, Ry, rY, ry (parent 2)
Step 3: Set up a large 4x4 Punnet square, place one gamete set from the
parent on the top, and the other on the side
Step 4: Write the genotypes of the offspring in each box and determine how
many of each phenotype you have. In this case, you will have 9 round, yellow;
3 round, green; 3 wrinkled, yellow; and 1 wrinkled green
Some Shortcuts
In any case where the parents are heterozygous for both traits (AaBb x AaBb)
you will always get a 9:3:3:1 ratio.
9 is the number for the two dominant traits, 3 is the number for a
dominant/recessive combination, and only 1 individual will display both
recessive traits.
Another way to determine the ratios is to do it mathematically
3/4 of all the offspring will have round seeds
3/4 of all the offspring will have yellow seeds
3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16 will have round, yellow seeds.
Crosses that Involve 2 Traits
R r Y y
r r y y
The square is set up as shown
You might notice that all four rows have the same genotype. In this case, you
really only need to fill out the top row, because 1/4 is the same thing as 4/16
A Mathematical Alternative (LAWS OF PROBABILITY)
A punnet square is not needed to determine the ratios of genotypes and phenotypes. Simple statistics
and math can save you the trouble of filling out a square.
In a monohybrid cross Pp x Pp, each parent produced
P gametes and
If you wanted to determine how many of the offspring are pp:
p gametes
Example 2: H is dominate for long hair (h = short) and B is dominate for black eyes (b = red eyes)
If the parents are: HhBb x hhBb
How many off the offspring will be short haired and red eyed?
Task: Use mathematical analysis to determine the number of short haired, black eyed offspring from the
cross above.
Used to determine the genotype of an "unknown" by crossing it with an individual that is homozygous
recessive for both traits.
In flies (Long wings is dominant to short wings, Gray body is dominant to black)
A L __ G ___ is test crossed.
The offspring are 1:1:1:1 --> What is the genotype of the unknown parent?
If the offspring are half long winged & gray, and half long winged and black --> What is the genotype of
the unknown parent?
We will know complete some assignments with the use of punnett squares and our knowledge of
2. We will try to complete the following assignment as a group:
Incomplete Dominance
In some cases, an intermediate phenotype is shown (meaning three phenotypes)
Neither allele is dominant
In snapdragons, flower color can be red, pink, or white. The heterozygous condition results in pink
flowers (or an intermediate trait)
A white snapdragon crossed with a red snapdragon produces all pink offspring
Two pinks crossed together produce 1/4 white, 2/4 pink, and 1/4 red
When dealing with incomplete dominance and codominance it does not matter what letter you use, as
long as the heterozygous condition always denotes the intermediate trait. In the diagram R is used, but
you could also use W or even P. Ww = pink, Pp = pink if these letters are used.
Sickle cell disease is incompletely dominant in humans. AA x aa = Aa (sickle cell trait), where some blood
cells will have abnormal shapes
Both alleles can be expressed
For example, red cows crossed with white will generate roan cows.
Roan refers to cows that have red coats with white blotches.
This phenotype might seem to support the blending theory. (The
blending theory predicts pink F1 progeny.)
The F2 progeny, however, demonstrate Mendelian genetics. When the F1 roan individuals self-fertilize,
the F2 progeny have a phenotypic ratio of 1 red:2 roan:1 white.
This mode of inheritance is called incomplete dominance.
The phenotypic outcomes for cow color and incomplete dominance in general can be explained
One allele of the gene codes for an enzyme that functions in the production of the red color. The other
allele codes for the gene to make white color. If both alleles are present, both are expressed, resulting in
a cow that has some red and some white.
Mendel's laws are not compromised here, he just happened to find in peas examples of complete
dominance only.
Polygenic Traits
Traits controlled by many genes, resulting phenotypes are in a range with a
central average
Each allele intensifies or diminishes the phenotype
Examples: height, skin color, seed color in wheat
(P) AABBCC x aabbcc
(F1) AaBbCc x AaBbCc
(F2) Seven possible phenotypes
A bell curve indicates polygenic inheritance, with a center average and a small
number of extremes
Epistatic Alleles
Indicate the genotypes and phenotypes found in labrador retrievers
Labrador Retriever Genetics
Black is dominant to chocolate B or b
Yellow is recessive epistatic (when present, it blocks the expression of the black and chocolate alleles) E
or e
Possible Genotypes
Show the crosses
1. A black lab (BBEe) x yellow lab (bbee)
2. A chocolate lab (bbEe) x black lab (BbEe)
3. Two black labs (BBEE x BbEe)
Sex-Linked Genes
Genes located on the X chromosomes (some cause diseases)
The Y is much smaller, contains few genes
Sex Linked Disorders
Color Blindness (red-green)
Hemophilia ("bleeders disease)
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (weakening/loss of skeletal muscles)
Crosses Involving Sex - Linked Genes
**remember the Y is wimpy, no genes go there **
Consider the Hemophilia - this disease is caused by an allele on the X
Muliple Allele Traits
Traits that are controlled by more than two alleles. Blood type in humans is
controlled by three alleles: A, B, and O
AA or AO
BB or BO
AB only
OO only
Examples of Blood type crosses
Blood Transfusions
Blood can only be transferred to a body of a person who's immune system will
"recognize" the blood. A and B are antigens on the blood that will be
recognized. If the antigen is unfamiliar to the body, your body will attack and
destroy the transfused blood as if it were a hostile invader (which can cause
O is like a blank, it has no antigens. O is called the universal donor because a
person can receive a transfusion from O blood without having an immune
AB is the universal acceptor, because a person with AB blood has both the A
and B antigens already in the body, A and B blood can be transfused to the
person (as well as O) and the body will recognize it and not attack.
Polygenic Traits
Traits controlled by many genes: hair color, height weight, intelligence
Sex Influenced Traits
Traits are influenced by the environment. Pattern baldness affects men
because testosterone activates the genes.
Environmentally Influenced Traits
Siamese cats have dark ears and feet due to the temperature. Height in
humans is influenced by the environment (diet)
Please complete the advanced genetics worksheets and From Parents to Child Lab.
f. Explore patterns of inheritance by interpreting pedigrees. (K, S)
Complete pedigree worksheets.
g. Explain how allelic frequencies change over time within a population’s gene pool, with reference to
gene flow. (K)
Hardy Weinberg Principle
This video is very mathematical – we may not get into the math of Hardy Weinberg depending on the
time we have left at this stage.
All the following information was taken from Wikipedia at the following link:
The Hardy–Weinberg principle (also known by a variety of names: HWP, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium,
Hardy–Weinberg Theorem, HWE, or Hardy–Weinberg law) states that both allele and genotype
frequencies in a population remain constant—that is, they are in equilibrium—from generation to
generation unless specific disturbing influences are introduced.
So, essentially it means … (please write it out in your words)…
The factors that can affect the HWP:
Violations of the Hardy–Weinberg assumptions can cause deviations from expectation. How this affects
the population depends on the assumptions that are violated. Generally, deviation from the Hardy–
Weinberg equilibrium denotes the evolution of a species.
Random mating. The HWP states the population will have the given genotypic frequencies
(called Hardy–Weinberg proportions) after a single generation of random mating within the
population. When violations of this provision occur, the population will not have Hardy–
Weinberg proportions. Three such violations are:
o Inbreeding, which causes an increase in homozygosity for all genes.
o Assortative mating, which causes an increase in homozygosity only for those genes
involved in the trait that is assortatively mated (and genes in linkage disequilibrium with
o Small population size, which causes a random change in genotypic frequencies,
particularly if the population is very small. This is due to a sampling effect, and is called
genetic drift.
The remaining assumptions affect the allele frequencies, but do not, in themselves, affect random
mating. If a population violates one of these, the population will continue to have Hardy–Weinberg
proportions each generation, but the allele frequencies will change with that force.
Selection, in general, causes allele frequencies to change, often quite rapidly. While directional
selection eventually leads to the loss of all alleles except the favored one, some forms of
selection, such as balancing selection, lead to equilibrium without loss of alleles.
Mutation will have a very subtle effect on allele frequencies. Mutation rates are of the order 10−4
to 10−8, and the change in allele frequency will be, at most, the same order. Recurrent mutation
will maintain alleles in the population, even if there is strong selection against them.
Migration genetically links two or more populations together. In general, allele frequencies will
become more homogeneous among the populations. Some models for migration inherently
include nonrandom mating (Wahlund effect, for example). For those models, the Hardy–
Weinberg proportions will normally not be valid.
How these violations affect formal statistical tests for HWE is discussed later.
Unfortunately, violations of assumptions in the Hardy–Weinberg principle does not mean the population
will violate HWE. For example, balancing selection leads to an equilibrium population with Hardy–
Weinberg proportions. This property with selection vs. mutation is the basis for many estimates of
mutation rate (call mutation-selection balance).
So, the biggest thing to consider is how genetics can effect evolution. Can you see any relation between
the two??