SUBJECT UWE BLOCK: 10 September * 28 September 2007

PGCE History
including Professional Development Module (PD)
Autumn Term 2012
UWE based training:
Placement A1 Induction:
UWE based training:
Placement A2:
9 September – 11 October 2013
14 – 25 October 2013
28 October – 1 November 2013
4 November – 20 December 2013
6 January 2014
6 January – 10 January 2014
13 – 17 January 2014
20 January – 31 January 2014
3 – 14 February 2014
17 – 21 February 2014
24 February – 2 April 2014
3 and 4 April 2014
22 April – 22 May 2014
23 May 2014
26 May – 30 May 2014
2 – 13 June 2014
16 – 20 June 2014
Spring Term 2014
Training Review Day at UWE
UWE based training:
Immersion Training:
UWE based training:
Placement B1 Induction:
UWE based training:
Placement B2:
Training Review Days at UWE
Summer Term 2013
Placement B3:
Training Review Day at UWE
UWE Self supported study :
UWE based training:
UWE BLOCK 1: 9 - 13 September 2013
Phase 1- Beginning and Connecting
History Group Sessions
Week 1 of 5 (UWE Timetable week 7)
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday 9th September (Morning)
Welcome/ Registration
Course ‘Big Picture’
Autumn Individual Needs Self Analysis:
With tutorial guidance, carry out self subject
knowledge and ICT audit. Then:
- action plan for development of own Subject
Knowledge (SK)
- action plan for development of own ICT
competence, knowledge and understanding
Read articles distributed in sessions and
Hatie, John, (2012) Visible Learning for
Teachers Part 1 ‘Source of Ideas and Role of
Lead/attend trainee-led seminars on aspects
of subject knowledge.
Buy an A4 ring binder for the Professional
Development Portfolio Assignment and ten
Directed Task 1: Complete individual needs
analysis, arrange tutorial with personal tutor.
TS 3 Subject and
Directed Task 2: Further Reflection on ‘The
Purposes of History’.
Activity: Prepare for Subject Knowledge
(Master Class) sessions.
Reading: Curriculum Development
1. Phillips I (2008) Teaching History:
Developing as a Reflective Secondary
2. Wineburg Unnatural and Essential: The
Nature of Historical Thinking IN: Teaching
History 129 Dec 09 London:HA
3. Haydn T et al (2000) Learning to Teach
History in the Secondary School, Ch 1
4. Husbands C (1997) What is history
teaching? (Part 1 Understanding History),
Buckingham: OUP
Directed Task 3: Critiquing a History
TS 3 Subject and
Key Questions:
Where am I now?
Where do I need to be?
(What are Teacher’s Standards and how do I
evidence them by the end of the course? What
are the professional duties and expectations
placed on the teacher? How do I best engage
with the course and its paperwork/processes/
resources to best achieve a stretch and
challenge for me?)
Monday 9th September (Afternoon)
What is History?
An opportunity to think about your personal
relationships with History as a subject, and
about the changing ‘national’ understanding of
History and Histories.
Key Questions:
What can we learn about attitudes to teaching
and learning from curriculum structures and
How do such structures reflect the values of
their era?
Tuesday 10th September
The Contested Curriculum
How is the History curriculum structured?
What is the change agenda nationally?
What varies between England and Wales?
Follow Up Reading: To learn more about
the contested nature of the History
curriculum. Read Davies (2001) Ch3.
Phillips (1998) op cit, Chapters 4-5
To read about the subsequent development of
the curriculum: read Phillips (2009) and
Cooper and Chapman (2009)
Access DfE website for current requirements.
Wednesday 11th September
Professional Development:
Lead Lecture: An Introduction to the
Professional Development Module
The Whole Child
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture 1
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
2.30-3.30 Lead Lecture 2 : Health and
Safety, E-Safety, Child Protection and
Prior to this session:
Reflect on your own educational journey and
note down key points, and bring this to your
PD Seminar.
Access the Byron Report (2008) ‘Do we have
safer children in a digital world? - A review of
progress since the 2008 Byron Review’ (2010)
and current DfE guidance online
Thursday 12th September
(Continuing into Private Study time Thursday
p.m. and Friday 13th September)
Planning for Learning
Creating lesson planning frameworks
Directed Tasks 4 and 5:
4. Create a summary of teaching strategies.
5. Prepare for National Curriculum
Terminology Test.
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
TS 3 Subject and
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all pupils:
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
History Group Sessions: Week 2 of 5
(UWE Timetable Week 8)
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday 16th September 9-3
Planning and Teaching History
Key Questions:
What are short, medium and long term
Tuesday 17th September
9.00-12.00, 13.00-15.00
Planning for Deeper Learning
What are key elements, key skills,
keywords, concepts and factors?
What is special about questioning in the
History classroom?
1. Davies (2011) Chap 7. What do teachers
(need to) know?
2. Haydn et al, op cit, Chapter 3
3. Banham D (2000) The return of King John
using depth to strengthen overview in May
Teaching History, pp22-31
Online: Continue to access website materials;
Explore Subject VLE and Treasure Trove
ICT Continue familiarisation with ICT Kit
Wednesday 18th September
Professional Development:
How do pupils learn?
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Prior to this session:
Read and note down key points from Capel et al
(2013, 6th Edn) as directed. Read and annotate
the readings on Learning Theory provided in
Wednesday 18th September 13.00-15.00
Master Classes
Record appropriate follow up action on SK
Profile and start to address targets set
Thursday 19th & Friday 20st
Master Classes, ICT sessions, Library
ICT Session and Trainee led subject knowledge
sessions. Access online materials and engage
with appropriate reading
Friday 20th ICT Session 1 Session: IWhiteboards and PowerPoint Use (time
Access VLE, HA and BECTA materials as
suggested in session or self identified
Week 3 of 5 ( UWE Timetable Week 9)
Monday 23rd September
Good and Outstanding Teaching,
Learning Theories and Behaviour
Management Strategies Examination
Work I
How are GCSEs and GCEs structured?
What do we expect in terms of progression
in knowledge, concepts and skills by
GCSE and A-S/A Level? What are the
Ebac, the Welsh Bac and the IBac?
1. Hatie, (2012) Hatie, John, (2012) Visible
Learning for Teachers Part 2 ‘The Lessons.’
2. Part 2 ‘The Lessons.’
3. Davies et al (2002) Enlivening Secondary
4. Cunnah W (2000) History Teaching,
Literacy and Special Educational Needs in
Arthur J and Phillips R (Eds) Issues in
History Teaching, London: Routledge
(This links to Directed Task 8.)
TS 3 Subject and
TS 4 Plan and teach
well structured
TS 2 Pupil Progress
and outcomes
TS 2 Promote good
outcomes by pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
TS 6 Accurate and
productive use of
Tuesday 24th September
Planning for Deeper Learning
Looking at planning: key elements, key
skills, keywords, concepts and factors?
What is special about questioning in the
History classroom?
Haydn et al, op cit, Chapter 3
Banham D (2000) The return of King John using
depth to strengthen overview in May Teaching
History, pp22-31
TS 3 Subject and
TS 4 Plan and teach
well structured
Wednesday 25th September
Professional Development: An
Introduction to Curriculum and
Assessment 9.00 – 10.00 Lecture 2B025
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar
What is the purpose of the curriculum?
How do we measure pupils’ progress?
Prior to this session:
Visit and explore
current National Curriculum,national criteria
requirements and current government policy.
Read and note down key points from Capel et al
(2013) as directed
TS 3 Subject and
TS 6 Accurate and
productive use of
Thursday 26h and Friday 27th
Master Classes and ICT Sessions
tbc: ICT Session 2: Stop-Motion Animation
Workshop tbc
Week 4 of 5 ( UWE Timetable Week 10)
Monday 30th September
Working at Examination Level
Extending our familiarity with specification
requirements, system structure and
Tuesday 1st October morning
Writing More, Writing Better
Thinking about Needs and Opportunities
Key Questions: What can we do in History to
promote written literacy and
communication? How can we use written
responses to express and improve historical
thinking and knowledge?
How can we plan for learning, knowledge
and understanding using written tasks and
Reading: Davies (2011)Chap 19 History
Teaching and ICT
Haydn T and Counsell C (Eds) (2003) History,
ICT, and Learning in the Secondary School,
London: Routledge
Record appropriate follow up action on SK
Profile and start to address targets set
Reading about Behaviour Management
Lafflin D & Consell C (2009) Better Lessons in
A Level History. London: Hodder.
Garnett S. Circles, Anchors and Finger
Puppets: How visual learning in A level History
can improve memory and conceptual
understanding. IN: Teaching History 118.
March 2005
Directed Tasks 11a and 11b
Using appropriate language to show an
awareness of behaviour management, plan:
11a – a single lesson
11b – a sequence of 4 lessons
Husbands C (1997) What is History Teaching?
Phillips (2002) Chapters 3-6
Barton, G. (2013) Don't Call It Literacy! What
every teacher needs to know about speaking,
listening, reading and writing. London: Fulton
Tuesday 1st October afternoon
Working In The 4th Dimension:
Objects, Artefacts, Role Play and
Empathetic Awareness
In groups – Create role cards, using ICT, which
are accurate, valid and useable.
Wednesday 2nd October
An introduction to Behaviour
Management (PD Module)
9.00 – 10.00 Lecture
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
How do we manage pupils’ behaviour to
ensure that learning can take place?
How do we ensure that we are beginning to
meet the needs of all pupils?
Prior to this session access the following:
 Improving Teacher Training for Behaviour
 Access the Charlie Taylor Checklist from the
VLE online guidance
 Capel et al (2013) as directed
Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th October
Set up for Bristol Blitz Briefing
Focus: cross curriculum learning
Assemble Blitz Exhibition
Week 5 of 5 (UWE Timetable week 11)
Monday 7th October, Accessing the
Archives: Andrew Payne, Head of
Education, National Archive, Kew
Tuesday 8th October
Secondary Blitz Day 8.30- 16.00
with partner schools
TS 4 Plan and teach
well structured
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 5 Adapt teaching
to respond to the
strengths and needs
of all pupils
TS 4 Plan and teach
well structured
TS 7 Manage
behaviour effectively
TS 2 Promote good
pupil progress and
TS 7 Manage
behaviour effectively
to ensure a good
and safe learning
Blitz Team: ready to present to other subjects
All: Develop subject specific knowledge
TS 3 Subject and
curric’ knowledge
TS 4 Plan and teach
well structured
Room tbc. Check if laptop needed.
Follow Up: access the National Archive site
and further explore possibilities for use.
TS 3 Subject and
Review Risk assessment for visiting pupils;
Read Woodcock J. ‘Does the linguistic release
the conceptual? Helping Young People to
improve their causal reasoning’ TH119 June
2005 pp5-14. London: HA; and Bage (2000)
Thinking History 4-14 Routledge
TS 1 Set high
inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
Wednesday 9 October
Child Development
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
The Role of the Tutor and the Pastoral
Thursday 10th October
Personal Study/Write Up Assignment
Read DfE guidance on the aims of the
curriculum, pastoral best practice and
materials you identify would be of
developmental value to you- e.g. materials
from Childline, Childrens’ charities and
education materials/websites
Complete related reading
Teacher Standards
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Friday 11th October 9-12tbc
ICT Session: Using Film and Images
Prior task and subject materials gathering as
specified in advance. Read Davies (2011)
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UWE BLOCK 1: 9 September – 11 October 2013
Professional Development Module: Whole Cohort Lecture and PD Seminar programme
Phase 1: Beginning and Connecting
Professional Development WCL and
Week 7
Wednesday 11 September
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67
An Introduction to the Professional
Development Module
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Directed Study
Prior to this session:
Reflect on your own educational
journey and identify 3 key points in
your educational journey. Bring to the
PD Seminar.
Indicative Teachers’
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths and
needs of all pupils:
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 4 Units
4.2 and 4.3.
Welcome to the Professional
Development Module programme with
an overview of
Phase 1: Beginning and Connecting
What is the purpose of the Professional
Development Module?
Week 8
Wednesday 18 September
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67
An introduction to Learning Theories
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
For this session:
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 5 Unit 5.1
Read carefully and annotate the
readings on Learning Theory
provided in advance.
have a secure
understanding of how
a range of factors can
inhibit pupils’ ability to
learn, and how best to
overcome these
demonstrate an
awareness of the
physical, social and
development of
children, and know
how to adapt teaching
to support pupils’
education at different
stages of development
TS 2 Promote good progress
and outcomes by pupils:
understanding of how
pupils learn and how
How do pupils learn?
For this session:
Week 9
Wednesday 25 September
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67
An introduction to Curriculum and
11.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Visit and
explore current National Curriculum
review materials, the English
Baccalaureate and the Henley
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 7 Units
7.1 and 7.2, Chapter 6 Unit 6.1
What is the purpose of the curriculum?
How do we measure pupils’ progress?
TS 3 Demonstrate good
subject and curriculum
have a secure
knowledge of the
relevant subject(s) and
curriculum areas,
foster and maintain
pupils’ interest in the
subject, and address
demonstrate a critical
understanding of
developments in the
subject and curriculum
areas, and promote
the value of
TS 6 Make accurate and
productive use of
know and understand
how to assess the
relevant subject and
curriculum areas,
including statutory
Week 10
Wednesday 25 September
For this session:
TS 2 Promote good progress
and outcomes by pupils
Access the following:
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture 2B025
An introduction to Behaviour
Improving Teacher Training for
Behaviour from
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 9
How do we manage pupil behaviour to
ensure that learning can take place?
Access the Charlie Taylor Checklist
from the VLE online guidance
TS 7 Manage behaviour
effectively to ensure a good
and safe learning
How do we ensure that we are
beginning to meet the needs of all
Week 11
Wednesday 10 October
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture The role of
the tutor and the pastoral role of the
10.00-11.00 Lead Lecture Child
For this session:
Access the Byron Report (2008) and
Do we have safer children in a digital
world? - A review of progress since
the 2008 Byron Review (2010) from
A teacher is expected to
demonstrate consistently high
standards of personal and
professional conduct.
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 1 Unit 1.1
and 1.2
11.30 – 1.00 PD Seminar
having regard for the
need to safeguard
pupils’ well-being, in
accordance with
statutory provisions
Additional readings and research:
Capel,S. Leask, M. Turner,T, (2010) Readings for Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to M
Level Study. London: Routledge
Hattie.J (2011) Visible Learning for Teachers:Maximising impact on Learning. London: Routledge
Moore, A. (2012) Teaching and Learning: Pegagogy, Curriculum and Culture. 2nd.Ed. London: Routledge
PLACEMENT A1: 14 October – 25 October 2013
Attendance on Placement
Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT)
Directed Study (DS)
Personal Study (PS)
Training Meetings
Full time over the 10 days
5 - 8 hours (made up of episodes/parts of
lessons/some whole class teaching)
7.5 hours per week
5 hours per week
1 hour for trainee group per week
1 hour for individual or 1 ½ per trainee per week
Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Organise and the support the trainee through the Induction programme and place copy of the programme in
Trainee Green File(s)
Monitor the work of the Subject Mentor(s)
Run TWO timetabled SPT session to address the SPT session content.
Allocate trainee(s) to a tutor group/learning family/tutor in FE.
Discuss with the trainee the importance of the Professional Development Portfolio and the Trainee Progress
Tracker (TPT)
Ensure each trainee has discussed and agreed with their SM an appropriate timetable for their return
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Key Priorities: Focus for Induction weeks
Behaviour Management
Professional values and Responsibilities
Welfare and safety
Maintenance of Trainee(s) Green File Contents.
Place the following in the file:
Item provided by
Induction timetable with RPT, SPT, SM, DS and PS
contact time clearly marked.
Timetable for trainee return
Subject Mentor
Subject Mentor Meeting Log x 2
Subject Mentor
One formal lesson Observation
Subject Mentor
PLACEMENT A1: 14 October – 25 October 2013
Professional Development: Senior Professional Tutor Session
Phase 1: Beginning and Connecting
Senior Professional Tutor to Organise:
Programme of welcome and induction for the 10 days to include: meeting key post holders, pupil and
staff shadowing (at least ½ day equivalent for each) and observations and issue of name badge/swipe
Access to a copy of the prospectus /key performance data/Ofsted report/key policy extracts
An initial briefing on H & S, fire evacuation, safeguarding and Child Protection and e-safety policy and
Ensure trainee has identification as required by the school.
Set up trainee meeting with IT manager to get login and access to school’s network.
Professional expectations including time keeping and dress code whilst on placement in your
Maintenance of Trainee Green File and Review of Trainee Information Form for each trainee
(information to be passed to relevant Subject Mentors for the construction of Subject teaching
Senior Professional Tutor
Indicative Content
Session 1: Welcome and
Induction Week 1
Welcome your trainee teacher
group and introduce them to
your institution. This must
include the following:
for the 2 weeks
indicating the
following: SPT
Meeting, Subject
Mentor meeting,
time in the relevant
Faculty or
Directed Study
time, Pupil
observations of
practising teachers
and Private Study
Policy and
Attachment to a
Tutor Group.
Session 2: Induction Week
Review of the first week of
Induction and how well the
trainee(s) have settled in.
Check on the completion of
Indicative Teachers’ Standards and
PGCE Programme Modules
Directed Study
Access and read the institution’s
prospectus, mission statement and most
recent Ofsted Report.
Familiarise yourself with the Staff
Handbook and in particular the sections
on behaviour management and
classroom management policies and
Familiarise yourself with the layout of the
school, the location of key resources
(Learning resource centre, ICT facilities.
Complete the Safeguarding/Child
protection/e-safety sections in your
Professional Development Portfolio.
Begin to develop your Placement A File
and use your Trainee Progress Tracker
TS1 Set high expectations which
inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
TS5 Adapt teaching to respond to the
strengths and needs of all pupils
TS7 Manage behaviour effectively to
ensure a good and safe learning
Teachers must have proper and
professional regard for the ethos,
policies and practices of the school
in which they teach, and maintain
high standards in their own
attendance and punctuality.
Teachers must have an
understanding of, and always act
within, the statutory frameworks
which set out their professional
duties and responsibilities.
PD, PP and SKfT Modules Learning
Build on UWE PD sessions through
reflection on the WCL and Seminar
Review your RP 1 and identify key targets
to be addressed on this Placement. Add
targets as appropriate to RP1
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 4 Plan and teach well structured
the directed study tasks.
Discussion of the
trainees’ aspirations:
some driving
What were their observations
from their induction week?
Revisit Behaviour Management policy for
classroom implementation.
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
What are they looking forward
to when they return for the B2
Personal and Professional Conduct:
Teachers uphold public trust in the
profession and maintain high standards
of ethics and behaviour, within and
outside school
Where do they see their key
development targets for this
PD, PP and SKfT Module Learning
What have they
identified from their RP1 that
can be supported through the
SPT programme?
TS 7 Manage behaviour effectively to
ensure a good and safe learning
A further programme
of introduction to key
members of your
An introduction to
the Senco and the
SEND Policy and
procedures for the
Recommended readings:
Department for Education (2011) Training our next generation of outstanding teachers. Available from:
14 October – 25 October 2013
History Subject Mentor Agenda – Beginning and Connecting
During this block you will need to:
 Welcome the trainee to the Faculty/Department and introduce to the staff (both teaching and support) and
provide copies of appropriate policy documents including Scheme of Work and examination specifications.
 Ensure that you have organised the subject based parts of the induction timetable with the SPT.
 Support the trainee in their early use of the Trainee Progress Tracker (TPT).
 Run ONE timetabled SM Session to support the trainee’s induction into subject teaching and support the
trainee in completing the Subject Mentor Meeting Log.
 Support the trainee in early lesson planning (using the UWE proforma) evaluating and target setting.
 Support trainees in the early development of the management of pupil behaviour.
 Discuss the school’s approach to meeting the needs of all pupils.
 Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable for their return.
 Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks.
Phase 1- Beginning and Connecting
History Mentor Sessions:
Indicative Content
Mentor Session 1
Focus: Welcome/ Orientation I
a) Who is who in the
Explore your plans for induction for the
trainee(s) including observation s.
b) Roles, responsibilities and
expectations: role of other adults in
the classroom.
c) Check SPT has attached trainee to a
tutor group and has put a
Safeguarding (Child Protection) and
E-Safety initial briefing in place.
n.b. Complete Mentor Session Weekly
Log Sheet with clear targets for the coming
week. Ensure that you have discussed
how this will inform the use of the TPT: the
Trainee Progress Tracker and SKP:
Subject Knowledge Profile
Mentor Session 2
Review of the week:
Revisit targets set in last session
Focus: Orientation II
a) Finding out about the host
 continue opportunities to settle the
trainee in and to assess their training
Trainee and mentor look carefully at
departmental approaches to planning
and record keeping. Make reference
to National Strategy. Create a mark
book with trainee.
Mentor to support trainee in planning
for learning outcomes: ask about the
planning proformas given to trainees.
Set new targets for part 2 of placement:
Trainees’ Directed Study
Carry out Task 6: (Focused observation) to
observe serving teachers in history and other
subjects and look at the role of other adults in
the classroom.
In your teaching files note the different types of
learning activity in which pupils are engaged,
e.g. discussion, practical work, using textbooks,
calculators, computers, role-play, video,
cameras etc.
List some reasons why teachers might choose
to use one type of activity rather than another.
Note similarities and differences across the
Task 9 (Assessment)
Discuss the nature of early plans and self
Gather example assessment materials and
school/department policy for use in UWE during
the next block.
Task 7:
Sensitively gather information on the staffing,
facilities and types of resources available in your
placement. Consider the following aspects, as
- staffing (specialists? non-specialist?)
- accommodation (rooms, suites?)
- materials (purchased? school/collegeproduced?)
- schemes of work
- external exam specifications followed
- results and performance over time
- equipment (video, audio etc)
- ICT (hardware, software, locations?)
- fieldwork, including health & safety
- support for the national strategy
- how to book AVA, ICT etc resources
- progression from KS2 or 3 to the next stage
- subject choices available to pupils at 14-19?
- how many (and what percentage) study History
when given the choice?
Read Harris and Haydn ‘30% is not bad
considering: factors influencing pupil take up of
history post KS3- an explanatory enquiry’ IN:
Teaching History 134 March 2009 pp27-36.
London: HA
TS 8 Fulfil
Part 2:
Personal and
TS 8 Fulfil
Part 2:
Personal and
UWE BLOCK 2: 28 October – 1 November 2013
Phase 1- Beginning and Connecting
History Group
(UWE Timetable Week 13)
Monday 28th October Morning
Re view: Where are we now?
Building on Initial Experience;
Revisiting Curriculum aims and
Sharing experiences of host placements
and progress towards ‘Enabling
Learning: The Processes of Learning
and Teaching Portfolio’.
Trainees’ Directed Study
a) Review school experience so far, identify areas
for development from ICT and Subject
Knowledge self audits.
b) Prepare for Master Classes.
Phillips R (1998) History, State and
1. Ramdin R (1999) Reimaging Britain: 500 Years
of Black and Asian History, London: Pluto
2. Visram R (2002) Asians in Britain: 400 Years of
History, London: Pluto Press
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
Monday 28th Afternoon
Inclusive History, Varied Histories:
Inclusive History
Dealing with Diversity (1-4)
What is the role of multi-perspectivity in
History teaching?
Reading: Meeting Individual Needs
1. Davies (2011) Ch 14 ‘Teaching Diversity’
2. Davies et al (2002) op cit
3. Stern J (1999) Developing as a Teacher of
History, Cambridge: Chris Kington, Chapter 4
Nationhood. London: Sage
TS 1 Set high
motivate and
Friday 26th October, Accessing the
Archives: Andrew Payne, Head of
Education, National Archive, Kew. (tbc)
Room tbc. Check if laptop needed.
Follow Up: access the National Archive site and
further explore possibilities for use.
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
Tuesday 29th October (9-12)
Geography for Beginners (tbc)
10.30-12.00 Trainee led brief: Gg/Hi
Online: Read the Geography National Curriculum
document, reflect how History and Geography
departments might work together to raise
Look at the GA site:
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
Tuesday 29th October (1-3)
Learning Outside the Classroom;
Preparation for York
What is a ‘Risk Assessment’?
Fieldwork Activity Tasks: Complete the following:
 Identify your learning objectives for a residential
 Devise pupil tasks which will achieve your
learning objectives Estimate how long it would
take to visit each site and carry out the tasks
 Make a draft risk assessment (Visit the teacher
union sites and search for risk assessment
 Complete a costing exercise
 Identify your own subject knowledge and other
self-needs for a residential visit
Wednesday 30th October
9.00 – 10.00
Professional Development Lecture:
Literacy across the curriculum
Joan Foley
1. National Curriculum for English and Appendices
on Spelling Punctuation and Grammar at KS1-4
2. Barton, G. (2013) Don't Call It Literacy! What
every teacher needs to know about speaking,
listening, reading and writing. London: Fulton
3. Davies (2011) Ch 7 and Ch 11
(PD Module)
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
TS 8 Fulfil
Part 2:
Personal and
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
Thursday 31st October
PD Assignment due in
Thursday 31st October - Saturday 2nd
York Fieldwork. (optional)
Develop SK related to trip.
Read Davies (2011) Ch 20 ‘Educational Visits’
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UWE BLOCK 2: 28 October - 1 November 2013
Professional Development Module: Whole Cohort Lecture and PD Seminar
Phase 1: Beginning and Connecting
Professional Development
WCL and Sessions
Week 14
9.00 10.00 Lead lecture 2D67
Literacy across the curriculum
Directed Study
Read the following text:
Barton, G. (2013) Don't Call It Literacy! What
every teacher needs to know about speaking,
listening, reading and writing. London: David
11.30 – 1.00 PD Seminar
Visit the website for Read, Write Inc and find
out more about Systematic Synthetic Phonics
Indicative Teachers’
TS 3 Demonstrate good
subject and curriculum
• demonstrate an
understanding of and take
responsibility for
promoting high standards
of literacy, articulacy and
the correct use of
standard English,
whatever the teacher’s
specialist subject
Access and read
Additional readings and research
PLACEMENT A2: 4 November - 20 December 2013
Attendance on Placement
Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT)
Full time
10 hours (made up of episodes/parts of lessons/ whole
class teaching)
7 hours (including further observations/attachment to a tutor
3 hours
1 hour for trainee group
1 hour for individual or 1 ½ per trainee
Directed Study (DS)
Personal Study (PS)
Training Meetings per week
Key Priorities: Focus for Placement A
The whole child
How children learn
Curriculum and assessment
Place of the subject specialism and auditing
own knowledge
Teaching (Early planning and preparation)
SEND – beginning identification of individual
Behaviour management strategies and their
early implementation
Implementation of safeguarding and child
Language and Literacy
Introducing Numeracy
Familiarisation with the learning environment:
the classroom
Engaging with reading and academic study
Beginning reflection and developing practice
Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Organise the Professional development Programme and place copy in Trainee Green File(s)
Monitor the work of the Subject Mentor including how they are addressing the SM agendas and the key
Run the timetabled SPT sessions to address the SPT session content and address the key priorities at the
beginning level
Monitor the trainee(s) commitment and contribution to a tutor group/learning family/tutor in FE.
Ensure that the trainee is tracking their early development as a teacher through the Professional
Development Portfolio and Trainee Progress Tracker
Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable with any necessary amendments
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Organise ONE formal lesson observation
Complete the Progress Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. The trainee must sign the Report
and be given a copy.
Maintenance of Trainee(s) Green File Contents.
Place the following in the file:
Item provided by
Item provided by
Trainee(s) timetable with RPT, SPT, SM, DS and PS contact time clearly marked
1 formal lesson observation
7 Subject Mentor Meeting Logs
Subject Mentor
3 formal Lesson Observations
Subject Mentor
1 Formal Lesson Observation
UWE Subject Mentor
Trainee Progress Report
PLACEMENT A2: 4 November - 20 December 2013
Professional Development: Senior Professional Tutor Sessions
Phase 1: Beginning and Connecting
Senior Professional Tutor to Organise:
Re-welcome your trainee group and revisit their aspirations for this placement
Issue the SPT Programme of Sessions for this Placement (based on SPT Agendas and the Indicative
Content given below).
Check that each trainee has a Subject Timetable with RPT, Directed Study, Personal Study, SPT and
SM meetings shown clearly.
Ensure that all trainees have completed a programme of introduction to key members of your
institution (if not completed in Induction week).
An introduction to the SENCO and SEND policy and procedures (if not completed in Induction week).
Further Safeguarding and Child Protection with more focused and thorough input.
Weekly review of Subject Mentor Meeting Log (completed by trainee) for in - school QA of the
training programme.
Monitor trainee use of their Trainee Progress Tracker (TPT).
Maintenance of the Green School File for each trainee.
Scrutiny of Lesson Observation Forms.
One formal lesson observation with feedback for each trainee.
Senior Professional Tutor Sessions:
Indicative Content
Directed Study for trainees
Indicative Teachers’
Standards and PGCE
Programme Modules
Session 1: Discussion of the
trainees’ aspirations following on
from induction.
Continue to build on UWE PD sessions
through reflection on the WCL and
Seminar series.
TS 2 Promote good
progress and outcomes by
What are their early targets from their
induction weeks?
Review your RP 1 and first experiences of
teaching and identify key targets to be
addressed on this Placement. Add targets
as appropriate to RP1
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
What are they looking forward to now?
Revisit Behaviour Management policy for
classroom implementation.
TS 7 Manage behaviour
effectively to ensure a
good and safe learning
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Personal and Professional
Teachers uphold public trust
in the profession and
maintain high standards of
ethics and behaviour, within
and outside school
PD, PP and SKfT Module
Learning Outcomes
Session 2 – 5 to be delivered in the
order that suits your institution
You should undertake the suggested
readings for each of the SPT sessions to
support your training.
Teachers’ Standards (2011)
and UCET Exemplification of
the Teachers’ Standards for
Initial Teacher Training
Curriculum and Assessment
How is your institution responding to
the change agenda at 11 - 19?
How is your institution responding to
social and community cohesion and
equality issues?
Read the intuition’s prospectus and look at
the range of qualifications on offer.
Find out about the Key Stage structure in
the school.
Visit the Department for Education at
and re - read some of the key documents
about the development of the new
curriculum for implementation in 2014.
TS 3 Demonstrate good
subject and curriculum
TS 6 Make accurate and
productive use of
Managing Pupil Behaviour
Introduce your institution’s policy on
behaviour management.
How is the policy implemented in your
What are the rewards and sanctions
used to support appropriate behaviour?
How does your institution support the
development of classroom routines?
Are classroom behaviour checklists in
place in your institution?
Meeting the strengths and needs of
all pupils: Supporting and Extending
How does your institution cater for the
needs of all pupils?
Read the school’s policy on Behaviour
management .
Use the policy to plan your early
management of small groups and episodes
of teaching.
Develop your confidence through a good
working knowledge of the rewards and
sanctions used and begin to use them to
support your classroom management
Scrutinise Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour
Checklist and develop one of your own
appropriate to the school.
Read your institution’s policy and practice
documentation thoroughly and begin to
explore some implementation strategies.
How are pupils supported to achieve
their best?
Contribute to a group discussion on
strategies you have observed experienced
teachers using and strategies you have
How does the organisation of learners
impact on progress?
Begin to assemble a list of strategies in
your Placement A File.
How is data used to support teachers
to plan, teach and monitor pupil
Identify the role of the LSA in the
classroom. Undertake some early planning
of LSA support for your teaching.
How are teacher interventions
TS 1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and outcomes by
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
TS 7 Manage behaviour
effectively to ensure a good
and safe learning
TS 1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and outcomes by
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
TS 8 Fulfil wider
 develop effective
relationships with
colleagues, knowing how
and when to draw on
advice and specialist
 deploy support staff
Assessment of Learning
Introduce the Assessment policy and
practice in your institution.
Read your institution’s policy and practice
documentation on Assessment thoroughly.
Brief trainees on the range and type of
data available.
Reflect on the key strengths and
challenges of implementing an
Assessment Policy.
How is the data used in the institution,
by teachers?
Identify from your observations some
monitoring and assessment strategies.
How is individual pupil performance
Begin to include and implement some early
TS6 Make accurate and
productive use of
TS8 Fulfil wider
 communicate effectively
with parents with regard
to pupils’ achievements
and well-being.
tracked over each Key Stage?
monitoring strategies in your planning and
Inform the trainees of the feedback and
reporting systems in the institution.
Planning for successful teaching:
What are the key components to a
successful lesson?
How can pupils be motivated and
What is the importance of good subject
How can literacy and numeracy be built
into successful lessons?
Outline the independent
learning/homework policy in the
How does this support the progress of
Session 6: Review of performance
against the Teachers’ Standards
Review trainee(s) progress against the
Teachers’ Standards, themes and
personal targets using the TPT.
Complete a Progress Report for each
trainee with summative comments
indicating clearly the current features of
trainee practice against each Teachers’
Trainee must read, agree and sign the
Progress Report. Place assigned copy
in the Green File
Session 7: Summative Paperwork
Maintain the Trainee Green Files
ensuring that all the paperwork
required is present using cover
checklist. Please return to the
Partnership Office at UWE promptly.
Monitor fully the quality of training
through a close scrutiny of the
Use the UWE Lesson Plan Proforma
(appropriate to your subject) to plan your
teaching of episodes and lessons.
Begin to plan and use appropriate
resources to engage pupils in learning.
Identify the approaches to using the
classroom as a learning environment.
Ensure that all episodes and whole lessons
taught are evaluated and targets set.
Examine your institution’s advice and
guidance on lesson planning.
Reflect on your progress against the
Teachers’ Standards on this placement
and discuss with your SPT. Record this in
your TPT
Review Your Progress Report and the
summative record of your development as
a teacher using the Teachers’ Standards.
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
• impart knowledge and
develop understanding
through effective use of
lesson time
• promote a love of learning
and children’s intellectual
• set homework and plan
other out-of-class activities to
consolidate and extend the
knowledge and
understanding pupils have
• reflect systematically on the
effectiveness of lessons and
approaches to teaching
• contribute to the design and
provision of an engaging
curriculum within the relevant
subject area(s).
TS 8 Fulfil wider
 take responsibility for
improving teaching
through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and
feedback from colleagues
Begin to identify points of discussion for
Review Point 2 (January 2013).
Ensure your files are in good order for this
session, with items correctly filed in the PD
Reflect on your learning during this
placement and also what has most
powerfully impacted on your learning.
Use your TPT to track your progress
against the Teachers’ Standards in
preparation for Review Point 2.
Look through trainee Placement A
Teaching file (s) and PD Portfolio
together in a systematic manner.
Note down any areas for praise for
trainees and subject mentors, and
areas for development in future
mentoring and coaching.
TS 8 Fulfil wider
 take responsibility for
improving teaching
through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and
feedback from colleagues
4 November – 20 December 2013
Subject Mentor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Welcome the trainee on their return to the placement.
Review and adjust the trainee’s timetable as needed to ensure 10 hours per week of planned teaching.
Run a WEEKLY timetabled SM Session to support the trainee’s subject teaching and address the content
outlined below and ensure that a Subject Mentor Meeting Log is completed by the trainee for each meeting
(and then a copy passed to SPT).
Support the trainee in reviewing their progress against the Teachers’ Standards using their Trainee Progress
Tracker (TPT).
Support the trainee in lesson planning (using the UWE proforma) evaluating and target setting.
Support trainees in the continuing development of the management of pupil behaviour.
Ensure that the trainee is beginning to plan to meet the needs of all pupils.
Monitor the trainee’s Teaching File and the completion of Directed Study tasks including a focus on
safeguarding, e-safety and Health and Safety.
Support the trainee’s development of Subject Knowledge for Teaching using their Subject Knowledge Profile
and Action Plan. Sign Action Plan and comment on trainee’s progress and negotiate targets for future action.
Provide or arrange a weekly lesson observation using the lesson observation proforma).
Ensure there is a minimum of THREE formal written observations in this placement.
Where possible ONE of the formal observations should be jointly with the UWE Visiting Subject Tutor.
Support the trainee in selecting a topic or focus area for the Subject Knowledge for teaching Module
Phase 1- Beginning and Connecting
History Mentor Sessions:
Indicative Content
Mentor Session 1 of 7. (w/b Nov 4th)
Focus: Developing Key Skills
 Welcome the trainee back.
 Revisit their development targets set with
you and in Review Point 1.
 Discuss what they have done whilst at
 Discuss subject knowledge and ICT selfdevelopment needs and help trainees
action plan their development.
 Set a clear date for ‘going solo’ in the
classroom and targets for the coming
Set new targets using the Mentor Record
Mentor Session 2 of 7. (w/b Nov 11th)
Focus: Becoming Involved
 Increase the trainees’ involvement in the
tutor group to which they are attached.
 Encourage them to become involved with
extra-curricular activities.
 Discuss how assessment practice and
documentation can support learning and
Trainees’ Directed Study
In addition to beginning to take over
your own classes you should continue to
observe the best practice of colleagues
in and beyond the History department.
Carry out Task 6:
Observe a range of History lessons.
Each time your focus should include
specific technical aspects of teaching
and classroom management such as
starters and plenaries; exposition;
organisation of individual, pair or group
work; a focus on how pupils respond to
teachers, tasks, etc.
Take a role in the PSHEe and tutor
Take a role in the wider life of the
placement setting.
Observe colleagues teaching and
reflect on the skills being shown in
managing learning. Use the
observation forms provided and think
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 7 Manage
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
planning. Mentor should emphasise the
use of behaviour management for impact,
on learning, assessment recording and
reporting to promote learning outcomes
and understanding, and raise
achievement rather than assessment
dominating all activities.
Set new targets using Mentor Record
Discuss the SKP: Subject Knowledge
Profile and trainee Autumn Action plan
Mentor Session 3 of 7 (w/b Nov 18th)
Review progress towards targets set in last
session and lesson feedback
Individual Needs, Special Educational
Needs and Disability
Introduce the trainee to the SENCo and the
co-ordinator for Gifted and Talented (Able)
Brief trainee(s) on what is done in History
lessons, and the wider school, with regard to
 Differentiation; inclusion; able pupils
Discuss how planning and assessment helps
focus on individual need.
Set new stretching and challenging targets
using mentor record
Mentor Session 4 of 7 (w/b Nov 25th)
Revisit earlier development targets
Looking more deeply.
What has the trainee learnt, from observing
others, about:
 starts and ends of lessons?
 transitions?
 teacher’s use of tasks/questions?
 behaviour management?
 planning in the department?
 assessment for learning?
 the planning process across the
and set new development targets.
Mentor Session 5 of 7 (w/b Dec 2nd)
Revisit earlier development targets.
Revisiting Planning and Using Assessment
to Aid Progress and Learning.
Talk with the trainee about their planning again
– is it focused on:
 behaviour management?
 content?
 learning?
 Why?
 How can we help the trainee see the
How can we speed up meaningful planning
about timings and especially starting,
ending and transition routines.
d. Carry out Directed Task 10
e. In your teaching file note
f. assessment policy and practice at
g. Key Stage; collect relevant
Ask to see teachers’ marking and
assessment records. Begin own records.
(You will use this information in UWE-based
Task 13:
Note (and if possible observe) classroombased and other support and inclusion work.
Become aware of departmental policy and
Sensitively, with the guidance of your Subject
Mentor, identify a pupil with special
educational needs (which could include
exceptional ability). Arrange to observe or
work with this pupil over a series of lessons.
Reflect on the learning needs of this pupil and
explore the nature of effective teaching
strategies. How does ICT contribute to this
pupil’s development? Consider the readability
of texts used in the classroom. Use the insight
that you gain from these activities to help you
to plan more effectively for individuals or small
groups of pupils within the larger classes with
whom you work. For example, adapt a
worksheet to support differentiation.
Re-read Hattie (2012) and Davies (2011)
Read Capel (2013) or other texts about
classroom management and good practice.
 What does your tutor group think makes a
good lesson and a good teacher?
 How does this differ from your own views?
 How effective is your timing in your lesson
 How sharply focused on key moments/
incidents are your self-evaluations?
 Is your planning, and are your activities,
focused on learning outcomes rather than
content alone? How do you know in each
lesson when pupils have learnt what you
intended? Is it clear from the plan and
Review your own planning and self-evaluation.
Task 9:
Mark some work of a group of children whom
you teach. Discuss with your subject mentor
how you:
a) assessed the pupils’ attainment;
b) gave feedback to the pupils;
c) recorded the pupils’ attainment for future
d) could use the information from the
assessments to inform your subsequent
lesson planning and teaching;
e) could relate pupils’ work to appropriate
level descriptors.
Gather examples of assessment policy and
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all pupils
TS6 Make
accurate and
productive use of
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
TS 7 Manage
productive use of
TS 7 Manage
and achieve very sharply focused selfevaluation?
How can we help the trainee focus on
pedagogical issues, not just on planning for
behaviour management and ‘raw’ content
Find an opportunity to discuss with placement
based colleagues the assignments due in
during the Spring.
Set new development and Subject
Knowledge targets
Mentor Session 6 of 7 (w/b Dec 9th)
Progress Review-How Are WE Doing?
Begin by looking at the positive achievement
of the trainee in general, and move onto a
recently observed lesson.
Also talk about the quality of support and
mentoring- how well are you jointly doing?
Use this conversation to review earlier
targets and set new ones. Revist the SKP
Mentor Session 6 of 7 Cont’d…
Ensure you meet the requirements for formal
lesson observation and feedback during
this block. Refer to specific Teacher
Standards. Pursue and revise targets.
Discuss issues emerging from these
observations. Help trainees to sharply
critically evaluate and improve their lessons,
but ensure that you help build your trainee’s
confidence and self-esteem and discuss
‘journey travelled’ so far in terms of skills and
records reporting examples. Remember to
anonymise these if you use them in
assignments or file notes
The insights that you gain from these activities
should be helpful to you when working on your
assessment at UWE.
Key Questions
Read Cavies (2011) Ch 9,11
How far are your learning objectives being
translated into learning outcomes?
How can you use feedback and self review to
guide your progress?
How do others plan – for the short, medium
and longer term- how do they critically selfevaluate? What can you learn from their
Before this meeting think carefully about
how well you are coping with key stages in
lessons which shape the learning and
teaching, e.g. start, activities, end,
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Revisit your SKP and ICT audits.
Develop a CV and letter of application
over the break.
Begin to reflect on consolidating your early
 Remember that you are still a very new
 Remember that your mentor will appear a
lot more capable and confident than you,
and that the purpose of their feedback is
to spot what you do well and praise it –
and to offer you advice about what can be
improved for next week/the future.
Preview the Spring programme and take
advantage of any opportunities for preparing
by seeing/doing/enquiring in your current
Set and record new draft targetsTalk through likely targets for the SKP Spring
Action Plana and for the Review Point with the
Group Tutor at UWE in January
Mentor Session 7 of 7 (w/b Dec 16th)
Review earlier targets
Review and carry out tasks on action plans in
the light of targets and issues raised following
observations of yourself.
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Identify ways to assess and record
assessments of pupil learning.
Your trainee will, hopefully, have begun to
make progress in a number of areas –
although they will still have much to learn.
Make your self-reflection and evaluation
sharply focused and specific.
Go through the Progress Report [which has to
be sent back to the University by the specified
 set a clear plan of action, and help them
consider their teaching, their subject and
ICT knowledge/self-audits.
Remember that a clear, realistic (and fair –
Reminder: Before you finish
Return any items borrowed to your hosts.
Get all marking and record keeping up to
Provide a clear statement of what has
been done with each class. List where you
will have reached on the schemes of work
to hand over to your hosts.
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
they are trainees with only a few weeks school
experience) report helps them best – and will
be used by their ‘B’ placement mentor in
With your mentor/SPT agree evidence for
some of the Teacher Standards in your
Professional Development Portfolio.
Check with your SPT/Mentor whether they
would be willing to write a confidential
reference for you when you apply for jobs
in the Spring.
UWE BLOCK 3: 6 - 10 January 2014
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
History Subject Sessions
Monday 6th January A.M.
Reviewing Progress
 Welcome
 Reflective self-review and
sharing time: what went well
in placement ‘A’?
 What ‘smart’ targets do I
need to set to meet the
Teacher Standards?
 ‘Big Picture’ for this term
Trainees’ Directed Study
Personal Self Review
 Arrange tutorial with your personal tutor. Bring your
Professional Development Portfolio and self-audits (ICT
and SK)
Reflect on assessment and how it relates to different forms of
learning, including key skills. Visit the Standards site online
and Assessment for Learning pages.
Reading: Becoming a reflective practitioner
Haydn et al (1997) Ch 1.
Dawson I What time does the tune start?: From thinking
about ‘sense of period’ to modelling history at KS3. Pp50-57
in Teaching History 135 June 09
Tuesday 7th January A.M,
First Appointments:
Getting a teaching job
Reflect on the type of school which might best develop your
skills and craft knowledge. As discussed:
 Send for job details and draft an application
 Create an up to date CV
Identify areas of relative strength and those requiring further
and create an action plan
Tuesday 7th January P.M.
Look at the collection of historical fiction, story, and factual
writing in the History base room.
Reading: Collins F & Graham J (2001) Historical Fiction for
Children: Capturing the Past, London: David Fulton,
especially Ch16;
Little V & John T (1990) Historical Fiction in the Classroom,
Historical Association
Readings on EAL and literacy, and VLE
Collins & Graham (2001) Historical Fiction for Children
London: Fulton
Using Narrative and Stories
in History Teaching
Supporting Young People
with Specific Literacy
Wednesday 8th January
10.00-11.00 Lecture
11.30-1.00 Seminar
How can I further develop my
Behaviour Management
Read and note down key points from Capel et al (2013)
Read Rogers, B. (2011) Ch 3 in Classroom Behaviour (2nd
Ed.) London: Sage
Follow up: readings on Blackboard (Behaviour Management)
Thursday 9th January
Teaching History at 14-19
Planning for success:
 Working with examination
level classes
 Setting and marking
criterion based assignments
Visitor tbc
Revisit the History specifications on the WJEB, AQA, OCR
and EdExcel websites
 Visit the DfE 14-19 curriculum pages.
Complete a statistical analysis of the results provided and
comment on any aspects of pupil performance you note.
Friday 10th January
Preparation for Immersion and Complementary Training
Week 1
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
TS 3 Subject and
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
TS 3 Subject and
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
Week 25
Immersion and
Complementary Training
Additional guidance will be issued to
support your Immersion/Complementary
13 – 17 January 2014
As appropriate to your I and CT
UWE BLOCK 3: 20 – 24 January 2014
Phase 2. Developing and Embedding
History Subject Sessions
Trainees’ Directed Study
(UWE Timetable Week 26)
Monday 20th January A.M.
Review of Immersion and
Complementary Training Week
Review your experience from last week and use it to realign
priorities for your development and amend action plan
Monday 20th January P.M.
Teaching Sensitive and
Controversial Issues I
What is Historical
Pre-session Carry out reading identified by Tutor/self
Follow Up Identify personal follow up needs and take action
Access the websites suggested in the session
Read: Stearns, Seixas and Wineburg (2000) Ch15 by
TS3 Subject and
Tuesday 21st January
Inclusive Histories:
Curriculum Challenges
Complete lesson plans and resources to support the
teaching of Black history. To include use of DTP, ICT and
extended writing for pupils.
1. Visram R (1994) Black history: Whose history? Black
perspectives on British history, in Bourdillon H (op cit)
2. Grosvenor I (2000) History for the nation:
Multiculturalism and the teaching of history. In: Arthur &
Phillips (op cit) pp148-158
Prior to session: Access appropriate materials in VLE on
Diversity and Social Cohesion, and where appropriate
engage with policy backdrop (e.g. MacPherson Report
(2001), Parekh Report; Ajegbo Report (2007)) and current
Government policy: see DfE website.
Address own subject and professional knowledge
development needs- e.g. in understanding the nature of
multiethnic Britain over time; changing emphasis of
government policy and current priorities.
Follow up reading:
Visit website of Runnymede Trust: (register to download
publications, some of which are on VLE)
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
Reflect on your immersion and/or complementary training
experience and identify three key ways in which the
experience has supported your development as a teacher.
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
challenge pupils
Planning and developing a
culturally diverse curriculum;
revisiting extended writing and
Wednesday 22nd January
Dealing with Diversity:
Addressing Achievement
9.00 – 10.00 Lecture
Wednesday 22nd January
Learning from Experience
PD Seminar Carousel 10.30 –
12.00 to offer cascade of
experiences for all trainee
How did the
training week contribute to my
development as a teacher?
Be prepared to share these with other trainees.
Undertake further readings to support your development in
the identified immersion and/or complementary training area.
Thursday 23rd
ICT Workshop (tbc)
Self-supported Study: ICT workshops: Advanced StopMotion Animation, trainee self-development.
Access online materials and complete appropriate reading
Friday 24th January (tbc)
London Trip: Imperial War
Museum Visit Holocaust
Galleries; and
Palace of Westminster and
tour of Parliament
Use Holocaust Education materials from SK resource as
appropriate for personal development needs.
Read briefing materials and prepare as discussed in session
Read Supple C. (1993) Prejudice to Genocide: Learning
About the Holocaust. London: Trentham; and HEDP Report
Teaching About the Holocaustin English Schools IOE(2009)
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate
and challenge
TS 3 Subject and
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
TS2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by
TS 3 Subject and
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Professional Development Module: Whole Cohort Lecture and PD Seminar
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
Professional Development WCL
and Sessions
Week 24
Wednesday 8 January
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture
Behaviour for learning 2
How can I further develop my
Behaviour Management skills?
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Directed Study
Indicative Teachers’ Standards
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 3 Units 3.2
and 3.3.
See Behaviour for Learning website (follow
link to archived version)
Identify 3 strategies you observed
practising teachers using to manage
pupil behaviour. Note them down and
bring to seminar.
TS 1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
• establish a safe and
stimulating environment for
pupils, rooted in mutual respect
• demonstrate consistently the
positive attitudes, values and
behaviour which are expected
of pupils.
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons:
contribute to the design and
provision of an engaging
curriculum within the relevant
subject area(s).
Identify 3 different strategies you
used yourself and evaluate the
effectiveness of ONE approach. Bring
this to the seminar.
Read Chapter 3 in Rogers, B. (2011)
Classroom Behaviour 2nd Ed. London:
Follow up:
Undertake the further readings on
Blackboard in the Behaviour
Management Folder.
Week 25
Immersion and Complementary
13 – 17 January 2014
Week 26
Wednesday 22 January
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
Carousel to offer cascade of
experiences for all trainee
How did the
immersion/complementary training
week contribute to my development
as a teacher?
Week 27
Wednesday 15 January
Additional guidance will be issued to
support your
Immersion/Complementary training.
Reflect on your immersion and/or
complementary training experience and
identify three key ways in which the
experience has supported your
development as a teacher.
As appropriate to your I and
CT placement
TS 1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS2 Promote good progress
and outcomes by pupils
Be prepared to share these with other
Undertake further readings to support
your development in the identified
immersion and/or complementary
training area.
Read and note down key points from
Capel et al (2009) Chapter 6.
9.00 – 10.00 Lead Lecture
How can I use data to raise the
achievement of pupils?
10.30 – 12.00 PD Seminar
TS5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths and
needs of all pupils
TS 6 Make accurate and
productive use of
• make use of formative and
summative assessment to
secure pupils’ progress
• use relevant data to monitor
progress, set targets, and plan
subsequent lessons
• give pupils regular feedback,
both orally and through
accurate marking, and
encourage pupils to respond to
the feedback.
UWE BLOCK 3: 27th – 31st January 2014
Phase 2. Developing and Embedding
History Subject Sessions
(UWE Timetable Week 28)
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday 27h January
‘What the Dickens?’
Cross-Curriculum work with
English trainees.
Pre-session Carry out reading identified by Tutor/self
Follow Up Identify personal follow up needs and take action
Access the websites suggested in the session
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
Read materials provided on numeracy and literacy support
and development. Engage with reading for Action Enquiry
TS 3 Subject and
Tuesday 28th January
Holocaust Education:
Tacking the Void.
Darius Jackson, Holocaust
Education Unit, Institute of
Use Holocaust Education materials from SK resource as
appropriate for personal development needs.
briefing materials and prepare as discussed in session
Supple C. (1993) Prejudice to Genocide: Learning About
the Holocaust. London: Trentham; and
HEDP Report Teaching About the Holocaust in English
Schools IOE(2009)
Online materials as directed
TS 2 Promote good
progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
Wednesday 29th January
9.00 – 10.00 Lecture
How can I use data to raise
the achievement of pupils?
Link to Placement work using data and meeting with Data
Officer/SMT member i/c data
TS 6 Make
accurate and
productive use of
Thursday 30th January
ICT Workshop (tbc)
Read about and consider potential for Green Screening
Read and note down key points from Capel et al (2013) as
Thursday 30th January
Subject Knowledge for Teaching (Portfolio/Scheme of Work) Assignment due in)
Thursday 30th January and
Friday 31st January
Preparation for Placement B
Prepare for placement: address SK needs, review own
planning and feedback;
Revisit personal targets
PLACEMENT B1: 3 February – 14 February 2014
Attendance on Placement
Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT)
Directed Study (DS)
Personal Study (PS)
Training Meetings
Full time
5 – 8 hours (made up of episodes/parts of
lessons/some whole class)
7.5 hours
5 hours
1 hour for trainee group
1 hour per trainee
Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Organise the Induction programme and place copy in Trainee Green File(s)
Run ONE timetabled SPT session to address the SPT session content.
Allocate trainee(s) to a tutor group/learning family/tutor in FE.
Ensure each trainee has an up to date Professional development Portfolio and Trainee Progress Tracker
Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable for their return
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Monitor the work of the Subject Mentor(s)
Key Priorities: Focus for Induction week
Teachers’ Standards
Behaviour Management
SEND and meeting the needs of all pupils
Professional values and Responsibilities
Safeguarding, child protection, welfare (including bullying) and Health and Safety
E-safety including cyber bullying
Maintenance of Trainee(s) Green File Contents.
Place the following in the file:
Item provided by
Induction timetable with RPT, SPT, SM, DS and PS
contact time clearly marked.
Timetable for trainee return
Subject Mentor
2 Subject Mentor Meeting Logs
Subject Mentor
One formal lesson Observation
Subject Mentor
PLACEMENT B1: 3 February – 14 February 2014
Professional Development: Senior Professional Tutor Session
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
Senior Professional Tutor to organise:
Programme of welcome and induction for the 10 days to include: meeting key post holders, pupil
and staff shadowing (at least ½ day equivalent for each) and observations and issue of name
badge/swipe card
Access to a copy of the prospectus /key performance data/Ofsted report/key policy extracts
An initial briefing on H & S, fire evacuation, safeguarding and Child Protection and e-safety policy
and procedures.
Ensure trainee has identification as required by the school.
Set up trainee meeting with IT manager to get login and access to school’s network.
Professional expectations including time keeping and dress code whilst on placement in your
Maintenance of Trainee Green File and Review of Trainee Information Form for each trainee
(information to be passed to relevant Subject Mentors for the construction of Subject teaching
Senior Professional Tutor Session:
Indicative Content
Directed Study
Indicative Teachers’
Standards and PGCE
Programme Modules
Access and read the institution’s
prospectus, mission statement and
most recent Ofsted Report.
TS1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
Familiarise yourself with the Staff
Handbook and in particular the
sections on behaviour management
and classroom management policies
and procedures.
TS5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
Session 1: Welcome and Induction
Welcome your trainee teacher group and
introduce them to your institution. This
must include the following:
A schedule/timetable for the week
indicating the following: SPT Meeting,
Subject Mentor meeting, time in the
relevant Faculty or Department,
Directed Study time, Pupil shadowing,
observations of practising teachers
and Private Study time.
Behaviour Management Policy and
Attachment to a Tutor Group.
A discussion of their aspirations for
Placement B with trainee reflections
on Review Points 1 and 2 and on their
Immersion and Complementary
Familiarise yourself with the layout of
the school, the location of key
resources (Learning resource centre,
ICT facilities.
Complete the Safeguarding/Child
protection/e-safety sections in your
Professional Development Portfolio.
Begin to develop your Placement B
Teaching File
Plan for a small number of lessons
(between 5 and 8 hours of RPT over
the two weeks)
TS7 Manage behaviour
effectively to ensure a good
and safe learning
 Teachers must have
proper and professional
regard for the ethos,
policies and practices of
the school in which they
teach, and maintain high
standards in their own
attendance and
• Teachers must have an
understanding of, and
always act within, the
statutory frameworks
which set out their
professional duties and
PD, PP and SKfT Modules
Learning Outcomes
Session 2: Trainees will be mainly
working within their subject
department this week.
Continue the programme of
introduction to key members of your
An introduction to the Senco and the
SEND Policy and procedures
Continue to plan and teach a small
number (between 5 and 8 hours of
RPT over the two weeks) and to
maintain your Teaching File.
Meet as many of your teaching
groups as possible.
Get group lists and data on pupils to
TS3 Demonstrate good
subject and curriculum
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
TS7 Manage behaviour
support your future planning.
Reflect on week one of their induction
A focus on the Teachers’ Standards
and the importance of identifying
evidence of meeting those through
the B Placement using the Trainee
Progress Tracker
Check timetable for the trainee’s
effectively to ensure a good
and safe learning
 Teachers must have
proper and professional
regard for the ethos,
policies and practices of
the school in which they
teach, and maintain high
standards in their own
attendance and
PLACEMENT B1: 3 February – 14 February 2014
Subject Mentor Agenda
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
During this block you will need to:
Welcome the trainee to the Faculty/Department and introduce to the staff (both teaching and support) and
provide copies of appropriate policy documents including Scheme of Work and examination
Ensure that you have organised the subject based parts of the induction timetable in consultation with the
Run TWO timetabled SM Meeting to support the trainee’s induction into subject teaching with the Subject
Mentor Meeting Log completed by the trainee
Support the trainee in developing further their lesson planning (using the UWE proforma or appropriate
alternative) evaluating and target setting
Support trainees in the continued development of the management of pupil behaviour
Discuss this placement school’s approach to meeting the needs of all pupils and how to build that into
their planning.
Review trainee progress against the Teachers’ Standards in the Trainee Progress Tracker
Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable for their return
Organise ONE formal lesson observation
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Phase 2- Developing and Embedding
History Mentor Sessions:
Indicative Content
Trainees’ Directed Study
Mentor Session for w/b 3rd Feb
Revisit Task 7
 Gather information about the aspects of
the department and curriculum provision in
your new placement, i.e.
 teachers and others
 accommodation
 materials
 schemes of work
 equipment
 library provision
 homework arrangements/policy
 Where appropriate familiarise yourself
with relevant booking procedures. Begin
to use the resources of the placement to
Focus: Staff and Systems in host setting
Welcome, Introduction to the nature of
host department, and its links with the
rest of the institution.
 Expectations, roles and responsibilities.
 Consider the report on the trainee’s first
 Discuss mentor session and lesson
feedback and targets from previous
 Review trainees’ subject knowledge, ICT
self audits.
Use earlier monitoring and target setting
records to identify strengths, areas for
development and new targets.
Negotiate a timetable with each trainee
for the assessed placement, building on
feedback from their Autumn Progress
Encourage early extra-curricular
Set targets for trainee: some to be short
Identify how best to further develop
subject and ICT knowledge.
Arrange to meet the person in charge of
ICT and explore relevant facilities and
access arrangements.
What opportunities exist to link to PSHEe
and Citizenship?
Are there opportunities for building gender
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
term, others more stretching and longer
term but all phrased as SMART targets
awareness of EAL work?
E-mail timetable to UWE subject tutor. and visiting tutor
if different.
UWE BLOCK 5: 17 – 21 February 2014
Phase 2- Developing and Embedding
History Subject Sessions
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday 17th February A.M.
Becoming A Teacher
Review: where are we now?
 Sharing time
Looking forward: what targets might we set for
the remainder of the course?
Bring A and B placement School Folders and
Assessment Records, Portfolio including SK
profile and any other appropriate records
From booklet or items identified to meet
personal target, and Phillips (2002) Reflective
Teaching of History 11-18
Monday 17th February P.M.
Using Sound and Music
Read: Davies (2011) Ch 8 on interpretations
and 11 on evidence
Tuesday 18th February A.M.
Teaching RE, Teaching Citizenship:
- Illingworth S (2000) ‘Hearts, minds and
souls: Exploiting values through history,’
Teaching History August;
- Stearns, Seixas and Wineburg (2000) Ch2.
On teaching about beliefs
- Arthur et al (2001) Citizenship Through
Secondary History
- Davies I (2000) Citizenship and the
Teaching and Learning of History in Arthur J
& Phillips (Eds) op cit, pp137-147
- Smart D (2000) Citizenship in History: A
Guide for Teachers, Nelson Thornes
- Articles from Teaching History, especially no
96 1999. See file in resource base.
- Curriculum online at DfE website
- SACRE Materials.
As indicated in research methodology
Johnston, J. Planning for research IN:
Oversby (2011) Ch. 19 (digitalised reading)
Engage with Blackboard materials and prereadings as advised by UWE Tutors
Delivering ‘Values’: the Aesthetic, Moral
and Spiritual Elements in History:
Teaching, planning and working with values
How do RE and Citizenship foster historical
skills and vice versa?
Tuesday 18th February 1-2pm
Research Methodology and Classroom
Practice: the Classroom Based Enquiry
2-3pm return to classroom to discuss as a
Wednesday 19th February
What is the role of the subject teacher in
developing numeracy across the
9.00 – 10.00 Lecture
Visit the DfE website
and explore the new draft Primary national
curriculum in Maths and English.
Thursday 20th February
National Monument Record (English Heritage
Archive) visit: Swindon
Complete reading related to local and
landscape history
Friday 15th p.m.:
ICT workshops, Library time and Self
Directed Study
Access materials as appropriate and in followup to this weeks work
Tasks related to Teaching RE provided
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate
and challenge
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Trainee specific
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 3 Subject and
TS8 Fulfil wider
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
17 - 21 February 2014
Professional Development Module: Whole Cohort Lecture and PD Seminar Programme
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
Professional Development
WCL and Session
Week 30
Tuesday 18 February
1pm to 2. pm WCL
Introduction to Knowledge for
Teaching: Classroom Based
2 – 3pm Subject seminar on CBE
Week 30
Wednesday 19 February
10.00 – 11.00 Lead Lecture
Indicative Teachers’ Standards
Directed Study
Johnston, J. Planning for research in
Oversby (2011) chapter 19 (digitalised
Visit the DfE website and explore the
new national curriculum in Maths and
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 take responsibility for improving
teaching through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and
feedback from colleagues
TS 1 Set high expectations
which inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 3 Demonstrate good subject
and curriculum knowledge
• demonstrate an understanding
of and take responsibility for
promoting high standards of
literacy, articulacy and the correct
use of standard English, whatever
the teacher’s specialist subject
Numeracy throughout the
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar
How can I meet the wider role of
the teacher within my subject and
how can I draw upon other
subjects to support my
TS8 Fulfil wider professional
Additional readings and research
PLACEMENT B2: 24 February – 2 April 2014
Attendance on Placement
Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT)
Directed Study (DS)
Personal Study (PS)
Training Meetings per week
Full time
15 hours (episodes/parts of lessons/ whole class
2.5 hours
2.5 hours
1 hour for trainee group
1 hour for individual or 1 ½ per trainee
Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Organise the Professional Development Programme and place copy in Trainee Green File(s)
Monitor the work of the Subject Mentor including how they are addressing the SM agendas and the key
Run the timetabled SPT sessions to address the SPT session content and address the key priorities at the
developing and embedding level
Support the trainee in undertaking the assignment for Classroom Based Enquiry: Knowledge for Teaching
(see pages in Handbook)
Monitor the trainee(s) commitment and contribution to a tutor group/learning family/tutor in FE.
Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable with any necessary amendments
Scrutinise the trainee’s Professional Development Portfolio and the Trainee Progress Tracker to inform the
completion of the Mid Point Report.
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Organise ONE formal lesson observation
Complete the Mid Point Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. The trainee must sign the Report
and bring with them to the Training Review Day.
Phase 2 Developing and Embedding
Key Priorities: Focus for Placement B
Supporting pupils: the pastoral role of the teacher
Embedding theories of learning
Extending curriculum/specialist knowledge (KS4 and
Developing higher level teaching to ensure
progression (detailed planning, preparation and
pedagogic approaches)
SEND – meeting the needs of all learners
Managing behaviour effectively to promote learning
EAL, BL, ML embedding successful
Developing strategies for promoting pupils’
well being
Integrating Language and Literacy
Integrating Numeracy
Improving and using the environment as a
learning and teaching tool
Developing scholarship and enhanced
academic study skills
Developing reflective practice and
responding to guidance and feedback
Maintenance of Trainee(s) Green File Contents.
Place the following in the file:
Item provided by
Trainee(s) timetable with RPT, SPT, SM, DS and PS contact time clearly marked.
1 Formal lesson observation
5 Mentor Session record Sheets
Subject Mentor
3 Formal lesson observations
Subject Mentor
1 Formal Lesson Observation
UWE Visiting Subject Tutor
Copy of Formative Feedback on Knowledge for Teaching in Secondary
Education: Classroom - Based Enquiry
Trainee Mid Point Report
PLACEMENT B2: 24 February – 2 April 2014
Senior Professional Tutor
Indicative Content
Directed Study for trainees
Indicative Teachers’ Standards and
PGCE Programme Modules
Phase 2 Developing and Embedding
Session 1: Discussion of the
trainees’ aspirations.
What were their
observations from their
induction week?
What are they looking
forward to?
Where do they see their
key development targets
for this placement?
What have they
identified from their RP2
that can be supported
through the SPT
How will they provide
appropriate evidence for
meeting the Teachers’
Build on UWE PD sessions through
reflection on the WCL and Seminar
Review your RP 2, Trainee
Progress Tracker (TPT),
Professional Development Portfolio
(PDP) and identify key targets to be
addressed on this Placement.
Explore how their Immersion
training has supported their
development as a teacher
Revisit Behaviour Management
policy for classroom
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 4 Plan and teach well structured
TS 7 Manage behaviour effectively
to ensure a good and safe learning
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
Personal and Professional
Teachers uphold public trust in the
profession and maintain high
standards of ethics and behaviour,
within and outside school
PD, PP and SKfT Module Learning
The following sessions to be
delivered in the order that suits your
Developing the successful
management of Pupil Behaviour
Introduce your institution’s policy on
behaviour management.
How is the policy implemented in
your institution?
How are the rewards and sanctions
used to support appropriate
How does your institution support
the development of classroom
You should undertake the
suggested readings for each of the
SPT sessions to support your
Teachers’ Standards (2011) and UCET
Exemplification of the Teachers’
Standards for Initial Teacher Training
Read the school policy on
Behaviour Management.
TS 1 Set high expectations which
inspire, motivate and challenge
Use the policy to plan your
management of whole classes and
how you respond to behaviour
outside the classroom
Develop your confidence through a
good working knowledge of the
rewards and sanctions used and
begin to use them to develop
further your classroom
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all pupils
TS 7 Manage behaviour effectively
to ensure a good and safe learning
Revisit the guidance for behaviour
management for
Raising achievement through the
use of data: Supporting and
Extending Learners.
How does your institution use data
to raise achievement?
How is data used to support
teachers to plan, teach and monitor
pupil progress?
Read your institution’s policy and
practice documentation thoroughly
and begin to explore some
implementation strategies.
Contribute to a group discussion on
strategies you have observed
experienced teachers using and
strategies you have used.
TS 1 Set high expectations which
inspire, motivate and challenge
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all pupils
How are you planning to support
pupils to achieve their best?
How does the organisation of
learners impact on progress?
Begin to assemble a list of
strategies in your Placement BFile.
Identify the role of the LSA in the
Undertake some early planning of
LSA support for your teaching.
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 develop effective professional
relationships with colleagues,
knowing how and when to draw
on advice and specialist support
 deploy support staff effectively
Read your institution’s policy and
practice documentation on
Assessment thoroughly.
TS6 Make accurate and productive
use of assessment
How are teacher interventions
Assessment of Learning
Introduce the Assessment policy
and practice in your institution.
Brief trainees on the range and type
of data available.
How is the data used in the
institution, by teachers?
How is individual pupil performance
tracked over each Key Stage?
Inform the trainees of the feedback
and reporting systems in the
Planning for successful
What are the key components to a
successful lesson?
How can pupils be motivated and
What is the importance of good
subject knowledge?
How can literacy and numeracy be
built into successful lessons?
Outline the independent
learning/homework policy in the
How does this support the progress
of pupils?
Reflect on the key strengths and
challenges of implementing an
Assessment Policy.
TS8 Fulfil wider professional
 communicate effectively with
parents with regard to pupils’
achievements and well-being.
Develop and implement monitoring
strategies in your planning and
Take responsibility for assessing,
marking and feeding back to pupils
on a regular basis.
Use the UWE Lesson Plan
Proforma (appropriate to your
subject) to plan your teaching of
episodes and lessons.
Begin to plan and use appropriate
resources to engage pupils in
Identify the approaches to using the
classroom as a learning
Ensure that all episodes and whole
lessons taught are evaluated and
targets set.
TS 4 Plan and teach well structured
• impart knowledge and develop
understanding through effective use
of lesson time
• promote a love of learning and
children’s intellectual curiosity
• set homework and plan other out-ofclass activities to consolidate and
extend the knowledge and
understanding pupils have acquired
• reflect systematically on the
effectiveness of lessons and
approaches to teaching
• contribute to the design and
provision of an engaging curriculum
within the relevant subject area(s).
Session 5: Review of
performance against the
Teachers’ Standards and Mid
Point Summative
Review trainee(s) progress against
the Teachers’ Standards, themes
and personal targets using TPT.
Complete a Mid Point Report for
each trainee with summative
comments and clear targets against
the Teachers’ Standards.
Trainee must read, agree and sign
the Mid Point Report before
bringing back to UWE on
Placement Review Day 3 and 4
April 2014
Maintain the Trainee Green Files
ensuring that all the paperwork
required is present using cover
Reflect on your progress against
the Teachers’ Standards in your
Trainee Progress Tracker on this
placement and discuss with your
Review Your Progress Report and
the targets set.
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 take responsibility for improving
teaching through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and feedback
from colleagues
Section 2
Begin to identify points of
discussion for Training Review Day
on 3 and 4 April 2014
Ensure your files are in good order
for this session, with items correctly
filed in the PD Portfolio.
Reflect on your learning during the
first half of this placement and also
what has most powerfully impacted
on your learning.
Monitor fully the quality of training
through a close scrutiny of the
paperwork including
Subject Mentor Meeting Logs and
Lesson Observation Forms (both
formal and informal) to monitor
trainee progress and SM support.
Note down any areas for praise for
trainees and subject mentors, and
areas for development in future
mentoring and coaching.
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 take responsibility for improving
teaching through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and feedback
from colleagues
PLACEMENT B2: 24 February – 2 April 2014
Subject Mentor Agenda
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
During this block you will need to:
Welcome the trainee back and ensure they have copies of appropriate policy documents including Schemes
of Work and examination specifications.
Monitor the trainee in the subject based parts of the induction timetable in consultation with the SPT
Run FIVE timetabled SM meetings to support the trainee’s subject teaching with the Subject Mentor Meeting
Log completed by the trainee
Support the trainee in embedding good practice in their lesson planning (using the UWE proforma or
appropriate alternative) with focused evaluation and target setting
Support trainees in the management of pupil behaviour in and out of lessons embedding successful
Provide or arrange a weekly lesson observation using the lesson observation proforma). Ensure there is a
minimum of TWO formal written observations in this placement.
Where possible ONE of the formal observations should be jointly with the UWE Visiting Subject Tutor.
Ensure that the trainee is confident in planning meeting the needs of all pupils drawing upon further
guidance from specialist colleagues where needed
Support the development of the trainee in their reflection on their progress against the Teachers’ Standards
using their Trainee Progress Tracker
Monitor the trainee timetable to ensure both curriculum and age phase coverage
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks
Phase 2: Developing and Embedding
Mentor Sessions: Indicative
Mentor Session 1 of 5
w/b Feb 24h
Discuss work done at UWE and
review last school based targets set
Focus: To Identify key
professional development
priorities, e.g.
 Involve trainee in assessment
 coursework setting/
 NC levelling;
 homework setting;
 looking at performance data.
Look at the academic calendar:
 Plan opportunities to observe best
practice, attend parents’ evenings
and to carry out tasks which will
stretch and extend the trainee over
the course of the term.
Trainees’ Directed Study
Revisit Task 7
 Collect departmental policies and
anonymised examples of pupils’ work to
exemplify assessment at each key stage.
Ensure you have tasks and mark schemes
and note any key contextual details.
 Ask when there will be opportunities to:
 consider how assessment/performance data
is used to aid planning, monitoring and
 develop experience of marking or
moderating pupils’ coursework at
 develop your experience of formative
marking which is related to the key
Ensure that your use of the above data and
experience is reflected in your lesson
planning and evaluation.
Collect data about the following aspects of
Teacher Standards
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal and
Professional Conduct
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
TS6 Make accurate and
productive use of
Focus: Examining Assessment
Re-Introduction to subject department
assessment practice and procedures.
Examine the relationship
between departmental practice
and whole school policies.
Pay particular attention to work
at Key Stage 3. How is it
marked? What feedback is
Explore departmental work to
‘level’ pupil assignments and to
compare and moderate work
and achieve consistency
between classes.
Look at trainee marking,
feedback and record keeping
examples and set improvement
Set new targets
Mentor Session 2 of 5
w/b 3rd March
Review targets
Focus: Assessment at
Examination Level
 The nature of examinations, tests
etc in the teaching of history.
Lesson Observations
 Agree when you will make formal
and informal observations of the
trainee’s teaching.
 Agree the nature of any particular
Set new targets
Mentor Session 3 of 5
w/b 10th March
Review targets
Focus: Obtaining a First Post
Preparation for job applications and
interviews – subject specific
- If possible arrange to read
trainee application letter, and set
up a mock application process
and interview with appropriate
Set new targets
Mentor Session 4 of 5
w/b 17th March
Personal Review:
Focus: Feedback after lesson
observations and tracking targets
to promote progress
Following lesson observation and
feedback on two occasions during
this block:
 Discuss issues emerging from
aspects of assessment in relation to your
Faculty/Subject Department:
examination specifications used
policy statements including the use of ICT
relevant National Curriculum
documentation, where appropriate
procedures for marking and recording
pupils’ day to day work and homework
pupil progression
How explicit/clear are learning objectives
 in departmental planning?
 to pupils?
How well are learning objectives translated
into learning outcomes?
What can be done to develop practice and
raise achievement?
How is achievement reported to pupils and
Note: the dialogue from these sessions/tasks
should inform professional development
Collect/Discuss: Exemplar external
examination materials for History.
 Explore the methods of assessment used
such as coursework, timed written papers,
and oral assessment.
 Consider issues such as language used,
presentation, structure, and marks
 Consider how assessment reflects and
affects curriculum decisions.
Consider how the form (and nature,
presentation and structure) of assessment
reflects and affects your own teaching and that
of departmental colleagues.
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
TS6 Make accurate and
productive use of
Schedule: Ensure that you have arranged to
meet with the colleagues responsible for EAL,
G&T, SENCO/LSA/HLTA deployment and
widening participation FE/HE to discuss their
roles during the coming weeks.
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
Review: In your planning ensure you are
planning for learning rather than just behaviour
or time management or content delivery
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Observe: Continue to observe other teachers.
You may find it useful to focus on specific
aspects such as Citizenship, moral and
spiritual issues, as well as how pupils learn
and respond in the classroom.
Review: and carry out tasks on action plans in
the light of targets and issues raised following
observation of yourself.
Part 2: Personal and
Professional Conduct
 Listen carefully to the feedback from
observations of your lessons – what
specific things will your mentor look for in
their next observation in order to feel you
have made progress?
 Review your self-audits. Identify any
standards for which, as yet, you have no
evidence. Consider how you might plan
opportunities that enable you to develop in
these aspects of the requirements.
NB Discuss your subject knowledge
TS 3 Subject and
curriculum knowledge
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
these observations.
Help trainees to critically evaluate
their lessons, including how they
interpret and respond to pupils’
understanding, misconceptions,
interaction with tasks set, etc.
 Closely discuss lesson timings,
management of starters,
transitions and endings.
 Help your trainee plan and
evaluate to ascertain how much
learning has taken place rather
than just behaviour management
or content delivery.
 How far is their subject and ICT
knowledge developing? Ask
them to reaudit their position.
 Review your own target and
feedback approaches – are they
appropriately supportive yet
Focus: Moving Forwards
Helping the trainee reflect on their
 Closely track targets and trainee
 Revisit your trainee’s SK and ICT
 What one or two developmental
tasks should the trainee
complete over the Easter break?
development with your mentor and how far
you are addressing the Teacher Standards.
Look more deeply at your own work.
 Compare your Autumn planning and
evaluation with your current work – how
have you made progress? Where is
further progress needed?
 Review your Subject Knowledge action
plans and ICT audit with your SM.
 Revisit Task 10a for this placement.
 What contribution have you made to Tutor
and extracurricular work?
 What does my mentor want to see in my
teaching/files to know that I have made
 What do I need to do/collect so that I can
do advanced planning over Easter?
 What opportunities are there to enrich my
experience of PSHE/Citizenship/other
All trainees should send their personal
tutor a reference update listing the good
things they have done this term!
Please also send a revised timetable if
changes have been made.
Set new targets
Mentor Session 5 of 5
w/b March 31st
Monitoring and Extending
Individual Pupils
Discuss with your trainee how the
school/ college and how individual
teachers monitor and support the
progress for individuals.
 You could focus on pupils
‘average’ pupils
the more able
Set one or two targets to help
your trainee reflect on how far
they take individual need into
account when planning, teaching
and evaluating.
Follow this up with some
reflection on how assessment
and marking should inform
planning and teaching, and how
pupils can be made aware of
their strengths and areas for
Set new targets
Deploying Expertise Effectively
Look more deeply at the work of others:
 Continue to observe a range of
experienced teachers, eg using an
observation schedule.
Include consideration of how pupils learn,
their misconceptions of history etc.
 Using the UWE pro-forma or
departmental equivalent, extend your
experience of lesson planning by
identifying skills, knowledge, values etc
relevant to citizenship in your plans.
Identify how literacy and numeracy will be
supported and consider differentiation in a
variety of forms.
 Gain experience of setting lesson plans in
the context of a scheme of work, eg by
developing your own scheme, or
reviewing the department’s in terms of the
key elements etc covered.
 Refer back to the brain centred curriculum
handouts from the PD Module and any
reading you may have done on teaching
and learning styles and learning theory.
What approaches does your placement
use to promote a learning culture?
 Reflect on how support staff are briefed,
developed and deployed. What can you
do to make the use of additional support
more effective in your lessons/
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 2 Promote good
progress and outcomes
by pupils
TS 3 Subject and
curriculum knowledge
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
TS 5 Adapt teaching to
respond to the strengths
and needs of all pupils
TS6 Make accurate and
productive use of
TS 7 Manage behaviour
PLACEMENT B3: 22 April – 22 May 2014
Attendance on Placement
Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT)
Directed Study (DS)
Personal Study (PS)
Training Meetings per week
Full time
15 hours (made up of significantly of whole class
2.5 hours
2.5 hours
1 hour for trainee group
1 hour for individual
Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – during this block you will need to:
Organise the Professional Development Programme and place copy in Trainee Green File(s)
Monitor the work of the Subject Mentor including how they are addressing the SM agendas and the key
Run the timetabled SPT sessions to address the SPT Professional Development session content and
address the key priorities at the consolidating, enhancing and extending
Support the trainee as they implement their intervention for the Knowledge for Teaching in Secondary
Education: Classroom – Based Enquiry intervention.
Monitor the trainee(s) commitment and contribution to a tutor group/learning family/tutor in FE.
Ensure each trainee has an appropriate timetable with any necessary amendments with an expectation of
whole class teaching responsibilities for the majority of the RPT
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks in particular their use of their PD Portfolio and TPT.
Organise ONE formal lesson observation
Scrutinise the trainee’s Professional Practice Teaching File in week beginning 12 to 21 May 2014 (see pages
3-14 to 3-18 in the PGCE Handbook) and complete the required proforma.
Complete the Final Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. The trainee must sign the Report and
then bring their completed and checked green Folder back too UWE with them for the Training Review Day.
Phase 3 Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
Being proactive in the wider life of the school including
supporting pupil wellbeing
Evidencing sharp understanding of how to develop and
consolidate learning over time
Evidencing excellent subject knowledge linked to progress
and assessment strategies
Extending use of creative and imaginative planning,
preparation and teaching strategies
Demonstrating very effective management of behaviour to
promote learning
Consolidating of the use of well targeted
interventions to secure good or better learning for all
including SEND, EAL, ML, BL
Evidencing confident knowledge in supporting
learners in numeracy, language and literacy
Evidencing academic enquiry at Master’s level
Consolidating higher level scholarship for a
professional audience
Reflecting on and identifying future needs and early
career development
Maintenance of Trainee(s) Green File Contents.
Place the following in the file:
Trainee(s) timetable with RPT, SPT, SM, DS and PS contact time clearly marked.
Item provided by
1 Formal lesson observation
5 Mentor Session Meeting Logs
Subject Mentor
3 Formal lesson observations
Subject Mentor
1 Formal Lesson Observation
UWE Visiting Subject Tutor
Trainee Final Report
PLACEMENT B3: 22 April – 22 May 2014
Professional Development: Senior Professional Tutor sessions
Phase 3: Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
Senior Professional Tutor Sessions:
Indicative Content
Directed Study for trainees
Indicative Teachers’ Standards
and PGCE Programme Modules
Session 1: Discussion of the
trainees’ aspirations.
Review your Mid Point and the
targets set on Training Review Day
at UWE and identify key targets to
be addressed on the second part of
B Placement.
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
Set challenging targets for this final
part of B Placement
TS 7 Manage behaviour
effectively to ensure a good and
safe learning environment
What were their targets for
the second part of the B
Where do they see their key
development targets for this
part of the placement?
What have they
identified from their Mid Point
Report that can be supported
through the SPT programme?
How will they provide
secure/high quality evidence
for meeting the Teachers’
Discuss trainee’s contribution
to the wider life of the school
Revisit Behaviour Management
policy for classroom
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
Personal and Professional
Teachers uphold public trust in the
profession and maintain high
standards of ethics and behaviour,
within and outside school
PD, PP and SKfT Module Learning
The following SPT Professional
Development Sessions to be delivered
in the order that suits your institution
Classroom Based Enquiry :
Knowledge for Teaching
Support the trainee in the completion of
the planned intervention
First Appointments
How do I get a job?
Explore with trainees the approach
your institution takes to appointing staff:
the advertisement and application
process, the methods used for short
listing, interview and selection.
Where possible arrange formal mock
interviews with senior colleagues
ideally videoing the process for
structured feedback.
Consolidating and Extending your
support for all learners
How does this institution provide
holistic support for learners and ensure
pace, challenge and care?
(Could include inputs from SENCO,
LSA, G&T co-ordinator, pastoral team,
other agencies, BfL leaders, NQTs.)
How is data used to monitor
performance and support raising
You should undertake the
suggested readings for each of the
SPT sessions to support your
Implement the intervention with
chosen pupils/class
Teachers’ Standards (2011) and
UCET Exemplification of the
Teachers’ Standards for Initial
Teacher Training Programmes
TS5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
Examine job advertisement details
for key messages, update your CV
and letter of application and provide
a copy for your SPT/SM if they
Send your UWE personal tutor an
email updating them on your
progress for reference purposes.
Read in-house policy and practice
documents and read the Online
Access DfE sites for policy,
research and other information.
Follow up session by considering,
in a discrete and professional way,
needs of actual pupils you teach.
TS5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all
• know when and how to
differentiate appropriately, using
approaches which enable pupils to
be taught effectively
• have a secure understanding of
how a range of factors can inhibit
pupils’ ability to learn, and how best
Consolidating and Enhancing
management of Pupil Behaviour
Review your institution’s policy on
behaviour management.
How is the policy implemented in
different subject areas?
Do pupils value the rewards and
sanctions used to support appropriate
Identify the use effective of classroom
routines? What characterises an
effective classroom routine?
Raising achievement through the
use of data: Supporting and
Extending Learners.
How does your institution use data to
raise achievement?
How is data used to support teachers
to plan, teach and monitor pupil
to overcome these
Re-read the school policy on
Behaviour Management.
Use the policy to plan your
management of whole classes and
how you respond to behaviour
outside the classroom
Use your good working knowledge
of the rewards and sanctions used
and use them effectively to
enhance your classroom
How does the organisation of learners
impact on progress?
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all
TS 7 Manage behaviour effectively
to ensure a good and safe learning
Revisit the guidance for behaviour
management for
Read your institution’s policy and
practice documentation thoroughly
and begin to explore some
implementation strategies.
Contribute to a group discussion on
strategies you have observed
experienced teachers using and
strategies you have used.
Begin to assemble a list of
strategies in your Placement BFile.
How are you planning to support pupils
to achieve their best?
TS 1 Set high expectations which
inspire, motivate and challenge
Identify the role of the LSA in the
classroom. Undertake some early
planning of LSA support for your
How are teacher interventions
TS 1 Set high expectations which
inspire, motivate and challenge
TS 2 Promote good progress and
outcomes by pupils
TS 5 Adapt teaching to respond to
the strengths and needs of all
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 develop effective professional
relationships with colleagues,
knowing how and when to draw
on advice and specialist support
 deploy support staff effectively
Assessment of Learning
Review the Assessment policy and
practice in your institution.
Extend you understanding of the range
and type of data available.
Further explore with trainees how the
data used in the institution, by
What is your contribution to the tracking
of individual pupil performance over
each Key Stage?
Reflect on your institution’s policy
and practice documentation on
Assessment thoroughly – how well
are you implementing it?
Consolidate and enhance the
strategies your are using to monitor,
assess and feedback on pupils’
TS6 Make accurate and productive
use of assessment
TS8 Fulfil wider professional
 communicate effectively with
parents with regard to pupils’
achievements and well-being.
Take significant responsibility for
assessing, marking and feeding
back to pupils on a regular basis.
Contribute where possible to the
feedback and reporting systems in the
Planning for successful teaching:
What do you now think are the key
components to a successful lesson?
How have you motivated and engaged
pupils and how can you enhance this
Use the UWE Lesson Plan
Proforma (or appropriate
alternative) to plan your teaching of
Plan, develop and use appropriate
resources to engage pupils in
TS 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons
• impart knowledge and develop
understanding through effective use
of lesson time
• promote a love of learning and
children’s intellectual curiosity
What is the importance of good subject
How can literacy and numeracy be built
into successful lessons?
How are you using the independent
learning/homework policy in the
How does this support the progress of
Extend the range of approaches
you employ to use the classroom
as a learning environment.
Ensure whole lessons taught are
critically evaluated and targets set.
Cross-Curricular Connections
Introduction to the school’s response
to, and involvement in, cross-curricular
initiatives such as KS3 strategy,
literacy, ICT, numeracy, citizenship,
work-related learning.
Post 16: also Key Skills and Skills for
Life initiatives.
Review of performance against the
Teachers’ Standards and Final
Review trainee(s) progress against the
Teachers’ Standards, themes and
personal targets.
Formally scrutinise the trainee
Professional Practice Teaching File
against the module criteria (pp 3 - 14)
Complete a Final Report for each
trainee with summative comments and
clear targets against the Teachers’
Read placement documentation
related to curriculum innovation and
gather examples.
Look at The National Curriculum
• set homework and plan other outof-class activities to consolidate and
extend the knowledge and
understanding pupils have acquired
• reflect systematically on the
effectiveness of lessons and
approaches to teaching
• contribute to the design and
provision of an engaging curriculum
within the relevant subject area(s).
TS3 Demonstrate good subject
and curriculum knowledge
demonstrate an understanding of
and take responsibility for promoting
high standards of literacy, articulacy
and the correct use of standard
English, whatever the teacher’s
specialist subject
Revisit guidance on cross-curricular
working; also see VLE, and DfE
Ensure that your PP Teaching
File(s) are up to date and well
maintained for the SPT scrutiny
Reflect on your progress against
the Teachers’ Standards on this
placement and discuss with your
SPT using your Trainee Progress
Review Your Final Report and the
targets set.
Trainee must read, agree and sign the
Final Report before bringing back to
UWE on Placement Review Day on 23
May 2014 along with their Green File
Monitor fully the quality of training
through a close scrutiny of the
paperwork including
Mentor Meeting Training Log and
Lesson Observation Forms (both
formal and informal) to monitor trainee
progress and SM support.
Note down any areas for praise for
trainees and subject mentors, and
areas for development in future
mentoring and coaching.
TS 8 Fulfil wider professional
 take responsibility for improving
teaching through appropriate
professional development,
responding to advice and
feedback from colleagues
PLACEMENT B3: 22 April – 22 May 2014
Subject Mentor Agenda – Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
During this block you will need to:
Welcome the trainee back and ensure they have an updated timetable if required
Monitor the trainee in the subject based parts of their timetable in consultation with the SPT
Run timetabled SM meetings to support the trainee’s subject teaching with the Subject Mentor Meeting Log
completed by the trainee
Support the trainee in consolidating and extending good practice in their lesson planning (using the UWE
proforma or appropriate alternative) with focused evaluation and target setting
Consolidate the strategies trainees use to manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning
Ensure that the trainee is confident in using an extended range of strategies to meet the needs of all pupils
drawing upon further guidance from specialist colleagues where needed
Provide or arrange a weekly lesson observation using the lesson observation proforma). Ensure there is a
minimum of THREE formal written observations in this placement.
Monitor the trainee timetable to ensure both curriculum and age phase coverage
Monitor trainee(s) completion of the Directed Study Tasks, their PD Portfolio and TPT.
Phase 3: Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
History Mentor Sessions
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday April 21st: Easter Monday Bank Holiday
Mentor Session 1 w/b April 21st
Progress Review
Focus: Progress Review- Planning for Pupil
Review targets to date.
Take a thorough look at trainee planning, and
talk about how planning should be based on
securing target outcomes in terms of
knowledge, skills and aptitudes rather than just
content delivery.
Set new targets
Mentor Session 2 w/b April 28th
Focus A: Progress Review – Evaluating
Teaching, and Shaping Behaviour
Management to secure Pupil Progress
Review trainee progress to date:
Discuss issues arising from the observation.
Help trainees to critically evaluate their lessons,
including positives as well as areas for
development. Also talk about ways of looking for
learning in the classroom to ensure pupils are
making progress
Focus B: Personal Review- Using
Assessment diagnostically to secure
deeper, stronger learning
Assessing the Assessments
 Consider how the school/department
systematically assesses work.
Continue to observe other teachers. This
should include a consideration of the values
promoted through teaching.
Review and carry out tasks on action plans in
the light of issues and targets raised following
the observation of yourself.
Continue to observe other teachers. This should
include a consideration of the values promoted
through teaching.
Review and carry out tasks on action plans in
the light of issues and targets raised following
the observation of yourself.
Ensure requirements for informal and formal
lesson observation and feedback
are being met
a) Read texts on assessments, with special
regard to assessment in History e.g.
Timmins, Vernon and Kinealy (2005) Ch6
b) Gather and reflect on departmental/school
policy, and pupil work/views.
c) Reflect on how far you are developing a
TS 2 Promote
good progress
and outcomes
by pupils
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
TS 7 Manage
sophisticated understanding of historical
understanding and skills development in
pupils and young people and complete
appropriate reading to strengthen your
How effectively does the trainee understand
criterion based assessment? Levelling?
Assessment Objectives at GCSE and A-S
/A level?
Set new targets
Monday May 5th: May Day Bank Holiday
Mentor Session 3 w/b TUESDAY May 6th
Focus: Personal Review- Using SelfEvaluation and Target Setting as tools for
Professional Development
 Review trainee’s targets, and self audits.
 Consider which of the Teacher Standards
the trainee displays most strongly, and
where there is space for development
 Look at, and set priorities for development
 Ensure that the trainee is working on her/his
Ensure your teaching and assessment files
are in good order.
 Complete remaining directed tasks.
 What self-development tasks/opportunities
do you need to set up in order to stretch
yourself further during May and the June
immersion training?
Send your personal tutor a timetable update and
a reference update.
Mentor Observation
Sharpening The Focus
 Agree what will be the focus of forthcoming
formal lesson observations and what
‘success criteria’ will be set.
Set new targets
Review, and carry out tasks on, action plans
in the light of targets and issues raised
following observation of yourself.
Seek opportunities to continue to observe
good practice.
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
TS 7 Manage
PLACEMENT B3: 12 – 22 May 2014
Phase 3- Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
History Mentor Sessions
Trainees’ Directed Study
Mentor Session 4 w/b 12th May
Review SK Profile: reaudit and action plan for
further development
Focus A. Reviewing Personal Targets and
Review earlier targets Mid Point Report, and SK
Profile. Take a thorough look at trainee files and
record keeping
Negotiate a new action plan with your trainee
focused on the standards and individual need.
Focus B:Teaching History at Examination
 Discuss the History examination courses
offered in your department with your
trainee. What influences key decisions
about examination level work? What key
events and ‘landmarks’ are there in the
examination year?
 Seek opportunities to extend your trainee’s
experience and understanding of different
ways of stretching and challenging exam’
level pupils.
Mentor Session 5 w/b 19th May
Review earlier targets
Focus: Meeting Individual Pupil Needs:
Discuss how teachers can identify and respond
to the needs of individual pupils of all abilities.
How well does the trainee feel they are
identifying group and individual achievement?
What specific things should they now do to
sharpen their assessment practice, planning
and teaching?
 Introduce departmental assessment and
reporting requirements. Provide examples
of well-written reports to parents and carers.
 Look in detail at assessment and feedback.
Set new targets
Respond to any paper work issues identified in
this session.
Thinking about Examination Level History,
Learning and Teaching
Review schemes of work, resources and lesson
observation data to gather teaching and learning
strategies used with GCSE/Entry Level and A-S
and A-level classes.
You will use these in UWE-based work.
Recording and Reporting
Extend your experience of relating pupils’ work
to subject specific criteria (eg NC level
descriptors, GCSE and A-level criteria and
Gain experience of writing reports appropriate
for parents/carers.
Teaching and Learning Through a Pupil’s
With the help of your Subject Mentor and SPT,
(and their permission, and that of the pupils
involved) select a small group of pupils of
differing abilities and talk to them about what
they like and dislike about being taught History
and being in school
How do they see their own ability? What do
they think constitutes good learning? What, to
them, are the features of good teaching?
What do they think of active learning? Of ICT
use in History? Of the role of the tutor? etc
You will use these findings in a UWE-based
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
TS 2 Promote
good progress
and outcomes
by pupils
TS 3 Subject
and curriculum
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all
TS6 Make
accurate and
productive use
of assessment
HISTORY UWE Training Review Day: 23 May 2014
Phase 3: Consolidating , Enhancing and Extending
Subject Sessions
Directed Study
How can I review my progress so far and
prepare for placement B?
What are my strengths and areas for
Peer review of Placement A
teaching file, Professional
Development Portfolio, Trainee
Progress Tracker and Subject
Knowledge portfolio.
Meet with group tutor.
Set targets for your career entry.
Professional values
and responsibilities
TS8 Fulfil wider
What are my strengths and areas for
What preparation do I need to make for my
final complementary or immersion training?
Prepare for immersion or
complementary training.
Professional values
and responsibilities
TS8 Fulfil wider
Submit Classroom Based Enquiry
Knowledge for Teaching Module
components 1 and 2 (6th June 2pm)
Week 45
Immersion and Complementary Training
2 – 6 June 2014
Additional guidance will be
issued to support your
Week 46
Immersion and Complementary Training
9 - 13 June 2014
Additional guidance will be
issued to support your
Self-Review Sessions for I and CT Weeks
Trainees’ Directed Study
Review current development targets
Individual Needs Analysis
Consider the Teacher Standards and seek
opportunities to reinforce your areas of strength
and develop areas of relative
Work on subject knowledge and ICT action
 Speak with your SPT and Mentor: what
else do they feel you could now do to
develop your skills?
Focus: Consolidating and Stretching.
1. Consider any specific training needs and
Agree strengths and areas for development
Set experiential and developmental
targets for the week
Continue to monitor and support trainees with
their work for the SK profiles and ICT audit;
discuss with your trainee how they will build on
what was agreed last time during the rest of
their course
Review awareness of transition issues
KS2 to 3 Transfer
a) With the agreement of your mentor, speak
to some Year 7 or 8 pupils – find out which
history units have been taught in KS2;
identify key concepts and words with which
pupils should be familiar. How does this
data help you plan for learning and pupil
b) Develop a baseline test for Year 7 pupils
which would identify their strengths/
weaknesses. Pass these on to your B
Focus: Transition, Progression and
Consider how the host institution works to
ensure smooth transition between each key
Discuss the nature of History related
involvement/ work at pre-vocational and
post-16 levels here or in partner settings.
TS 1 Set high
which inspire,
motivate and
challenge pupils
TS 2 Promote
good progress
and outcomes by
Update your personal tutor with news of
your work/progress so they can update
your reference.
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Review awareness of NQT induction
placement school and to Dean Smart.
Find out more about partnership work in
your host institution.
Post KS3 Transfer and Support
a) How is transition managed for the Y8 or 9
into GCSE and Yr 11 into Post-16 work?
 Begin to identify likely strengths and areas
for your Profile now (which you will carry
forward as an NQT)
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Focus: Expectations of NQTs
Talk to your hosts about induction for NQTs:
 expectations
 likely needs and sources of support
 workload etc
Visit the DfE/National College websites and
refer to materials about inducation and
early professional development for newly
qualified teachers.
Try and arrange for them to speak to a
recently qualified colleague or NQT.
Look at Induction Arrangements via the
website of the National College
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Immersion Week 3: 9th - 13th June 2014
(Sample Draft Programme- details tbc)
Phase 3- Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
Immersion and Complementary Training
Week 3
All week:
Monday 9th June
Managing Learning Outside the Classroom
Chepstow Preparation
9-00 - 10.00 Chepstow Peer Led Briefing
10.00 - 12.00 Chepstow Hot Seating and
Role Preparation
1.00 – 3.00 Prepare role, SK, and costume for
Transfer of files to History Portal shared space
With Design Technology and Art and Design
Groups- prepare and deliver brief on
Chepstow, read, for example, the Sutton
Companion to Castles.
Tuesday 10th June
Develop materials using ICT as directed in the
Access materials on your SK disc.
 Individual needs planning/reference
 Set challenging personal development
ICT: Skills consolidation session.
Prepare using the briefing materials provided.
Consider how local histories can feed into
national and international topics
11th and
Chepstow Onsite Activity with partner
TS 1 Set high
expectations which
inspire, motivate
and challenge
Prepare role, SK, and costume for Chepstow
TS 2 Promote
good progress and
outcomes by pupils
Review activities at lunch time on Day 1 and at
end of day and at lunch time on Day 2
TS 3 Subject and
TS 4 Plan and
teach well
structured lessons
TS 7 Manage
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Return of Kit to UWE after session
Friday 13th June
Chepstow kit unloading, cleaning, sorting and
from 8am
Use DFE /TA web materials to consider how
teachers become ‘extended professionals and
the role of Induction and Personal
Professional Development.
Capel et al (2013) as directed
Work with pupils on e-media at partner
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Professional Development Module: Whole Cohort Lecture and PD Seminar
Phase 3: Consolidating, Enhancing and Extending
Professional Development WCL
and Session
Friday 20 June
9.00 – 10.45
Seminar with Group Tutor
11.00 – 1.00
Final Lead Lecture: Celebrating our
Directed Study
Reflect on your development as teacher
and how you can contribute through
feedback to the ongoing development of
the PGCE programme.
Indicative Teachers’ Standards
All the Teachers’ Standards
Work together as a subject group to
produce and present a 5 minute
presentation on your subject and its
place in the contemporary school
curriculum t
History Group Timetable
Trainees’ Directed Study
Monday 16th June 9.00-10.00
Professional Development Review: Review
of Immersion and Complementary Training
Bring materials gathered in school to this
Refer to TA website/ Blackboard folders.
Draw out implications of work on Transition t
for future planning of
schemes/lessons/pastoral work.
Set new personal targets and discuss with
History Group Tutor
Preparing for Transition
Review of targets/ progress to date.
Sharing and discussing approaches to
learning history and assessment practice.
Making effective use of the remaining time.
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Part 2: Personal
and Professional
Career entry planning.
1. Liebling H (1999) Getting started: an
induction guide for NQTs, Network
Educational Press
2. Stern J (1999) Developing as a Teacher
of History, Chris Kingston
For further readings see the Readings File in
the History Resource Base.
Refer to Career Entry Profile.
Make a list of creative approaches to teaching
Trainee specific
Tuesday 17th June A.M.
Assessment Session
Reflect on learning to inform Transition
Trainee specific
Tuesday 17th June P.M.
Managing Transitions- Understanding and
supporting progression across the Key
Reading: Primary National Curriculum and
1. Bage G (2000) Thinking History 4-14,
London: Routledge
2. Fines J & Nichol J (1997) Teaching
Primary History, Heinemann
3. Harnett P (2000) Curriculum decision
making in the primary school: the place of
history, in Arthur & Phillips, pp24-36
4. Watts R & Grosvenor I (1995) Crossing
the Key Stage of History, David Flton
Dean Jacqui (1995) Teaching History at KS2,
Cambridge: Chris Kington
Identifying appropriate trainee activities for
final block experience.
Preparing for the CEDP process.
Monday 16th June P.M.
Flower Show
(draws on task from placement B)
Wednesday 18th June PD Module:
Creativity and Crosscurricularity/Conference
Access online materials and complete
appropriate reading / access websites to
consider subject connections.
Thursday 19th June
Completion of Profile Folders and Treasure
Trove Work. Option for local History
TS 5 Adapt
teaching to
respond to the
strengths and
needs of all pupils
TS 8 Fulfil wider
Friday 20th June 09.00-10.30
‘The End of the Beginning’:
Course Evaluation,
Transfer materials to Treasure Trove
Friday 21st June 11.00- 12.30
Whole Cohort Session