TtT F Guidance for observers

SKfT Lesson Observations – Guidance for Observers
Has the trainee teacher demonstrated an
understanding of:
Look for evidence of:
the key concepts, language and skills
relevant to the subject area?
progression in the subject area?
connections to other topics?
methods of assessment for this topic?
Has the trainee teacher displayed:
a range of appropriate teaching skills and
an ability to plan appropriate activities
using appropriate resources?
an understanding of the appropriate use
of ICT for this topic?
an awareness of common errors and
an ability to make the topic accessible to
all pupils?
an ability to support pupils in overcoming
errors and misconceptions?
an ability to ask an appropriate range of
questions in relation to the topic?
displayed an enthusiasm for the subject?
conveyed the relevance of the subject?
displayed confidence in responding to
pupils’ questions?
Different teaching strategies are planned for and demonstrated
A range of skills are used (eg: modelling, explaining, questioning,
The activities chosen enable pupils to meet learning objectives
The resources are appropriate to topic, ability level (including
extension work and support work)
ICT is used in teaching appropriately to enhance the learning
experience. The benefits of pupils using ICT are explained.
Lesson plan identifies common misconceptions or areas that can
lead to error
Look for evidence of:
Has the trainee teacher:
Planning shows key points to be delivered (could be through
Key vocabulary identified
Vocabulary displayed around room
Objectives relate to key concepts and skills
Lesson plan shows links to prior learning
Prior learning is referred to in lesson
Plan shows progression in learning and level of task through
Links are made to other areas pupils have studied or to where this
topic will help with other areas
Trainee explains how the lesson relates to the ‘bigger picture’
Pupils can see the ‘learning journey’
Assessment opportunities identified on plan
Assessment methods are clearly explained and used appropriately
Assessment links to objectives (could be in plenary)
Look for evidence of:
Has the trainee teacher demonstrated:
Lesson plan shows awareness of needs of individuals
Level of vocabulary is accessible to pupils
Subject specific vocabulary introduced at appropriate point
All pupils are engaged in learning
Trainee picks up pupil errors
Errors and misconceptions are either pre-empted by explanation or
are corrected when demonstrated by pupils. This is done in a
manner appropriate to pupil
Sequences of questions are planned and shown on lesson plan
Open and closed questions are used
Questions are at appropriate level
Responses lead to further appropriate questions
Look for evidence of:
Trainee is well prepared for lesson
Style of presentation engages pupils
Trainee displays enthusiasm through use of voice
Trainee displays enthusiasm through facial and body language
Pupils are aware of why the topic is being taught, where it links with
overall learning
Practical applications explained as appropriate
Pupils’ questions are answered or developed appropriately.
Trainee can support pupils in finding answers for their questions
Trainee can use their own experiences to add interest and