If (Funds Required>0)

Requirement Document
Account Section
Account section consist of 5 major actions i.e.
Add Funds to TH-Balance
Campaign Status
Verify Transactions
Generate Reports
Manage Notifications
Add Funds
It is used to add funds given by offline donors through cheque, cash or draft. All the
Donor information i.e. Donor Name, Email ID, Contact # is saved in table “Employer
Contributor” and its amount related information i.e. Amount, Payment Method ID,
DateOfChequeSubmission is saved in table “TH Balance”.
Campaign Status
It will list all the campaigns sorted with respect to their amount donated descending with
patient name, surgery type and days left. Each Campaign can be donated from THBalance by picking oldest added Employer with preferred surgery type and check its
If contributor exists then
Line 10:
Check contributor’s Funds
1. If Funds Required==Funds Collected then
Deduct money from that contributor balance update its balance to zero and give it to
that campaign’s Funds Collected column.
2. If Funds Required<Funds Collected then
Deduct required amount from contributor’s balance and update its new balance and
give it to that campaign’s Funds Collected column.
3. If Funds Required>Funds Collected then
Deduct money from that contributor balance update its balance and give it to that
campaign’s Funds Collected column and pick Second oldest contributor’s amount and
check its balance
If Funds Required==Funds Collected then
Deduct money from that contributor balance update its balance and give it to that
campaign’s Funds Collected column.
If Funds Required<Funds Collected then
Deduct required amount from contributor’s balance and update its new balance and
give it to that campaign’s Funds Collected column.
If Funds Required>Funds Collected then
Deduct money from that contributor balance update its balance and give it to that
campaign’s Funds Collected column and pick third oldest contributor’s amount and
check its balance so on
Until we get money equal to funds required
If (Funds Required>0)
Pick oldest employee with surgery type as “Other” and deduct money from that
contributor and check balance GOTO LINE: 10 with surgery type=other
Pick oldest employee with surgery type as “Other” and deduct money from that
contributor and check balance GOTO LINE: 10 with surgery type=other
After donation send email to each contributor whose amount is been used for that
campaign. Also send email to the advocate that donation for your patient is been
Verify Campaigns
It will list all the unverified campaigns from table “Offline Contribution” sorted by days
left for expiry with amount committed, Payment method, and Notify Donor columns.
To verify any campaign select the radio button and it will move the unverified
contribution from “Offline Contribution” table to “TH Balance” table and marked it verified
and send an email to the Donor and update the Funds Required for that respected
If no contribution is given within the next 5 bank working days after commitment than
discard that transaction and set “is deleted” bit to true.
If expiry date is near than you can also send email through Notify Donor checkbox.
NOTE: Only the amount committed by any offline contributor or employer
contributor will be verified if amount we have received will be equal to that
If any amount received in our TH account will not be equal to any of our
committed amounts by donor than they will be treated as anonymous
contributions and will be used for any needed campaign.
Generate Report
Account manager can generate Profit/Loss report daily or weekly or monthly as
requested by admin.
Net profit or Loss on daily bases can be calculated as ((Total amount received-Total
service charges) -Total TH Expense) per day
If Result is +amount then we get a profit
If Result is –amount then we are in loss.
This report will be sent to admin automatically each time account manager generate any
Manage Notifications
This action consist of all requests made by admin for example to verify any specific
campaign or to donate nay campaign or send report etc.
Account manager had to fulfill each request made by admin and in case of any query he
can write and send that to admin also.
Account manager can also send notifications to Advocate Manager to increase amount
of any specific campaign or to increase campaign end date etc.