90's Radio Script: Nostalgia Show

‘Nineties’ Radio Script for November 5th
JINGLE (0:20)
Siren 107.3FM, Headspace, array of topics with this week’s being 90’s nostalgia.
Whether or not you were born in the nineties or brought up children in this era, everyone will have had
some experience in regards to tv shows, film, fashion and music.
Tell us what you miss most about the iconic nineties by tweeting us at…you might feature on air later in
the show.
On today’s show: 90’s sweets… (3:00)
STING (0:10)
CUE: To get in the nineties mood and find out more about this era, our team visited the traditional sweet
shop Goodies of Lincoln. Situated at the bottom of Steep Hill, owner Richard Baxter shared his
experiences of 90’s sweets and their sales. (0:20)
JINGLE (0:20)
Favourite 90’s sweets=flumps because…
Interesting to hear about the rising sweet costs, tell us what you think about this by tweeting us at…
Stay tuned to hear interview with 90’s DJ Paul Tyler.
Now one of the most famous bands of the nineties, formed in 1991, English rock band Oasis with their
1995 hit Wonderwall. (2:00)
SONG- Wonderwall, Oasis (4:39)
That was Wonderwall, such a classic, gets everyone singing. I have to say though I prefer some of their
songs from the early 2000’s e.g. Stop Crying Your Heart It.
Later on the show we have a discussion of the 90’s era with three special guests. (1:00)
First, live in the studio, we have 107.3 Siren FM presenter Paul Tyler who is the station’s breakfast
show announcer. (0:20)
LIVE INTERVIEW (5:00): As a radio presenter, you must constantly be reminded of the 90’s era? What
do you love about the nineties? How does it differ? How has radio changed over the decades? Are
there any 90’s musicians who you just love?
Thanks Paul Tyler, give the Siren FM breakfast show a listen to hear more.
Coming up we have DJmdb live in the studio to talk all things music. But first, here is Blur Song 2 from
1997. (0:20)
SONG- Blur, Song 2 (2:03)
That was Blur. So during the nineties there was supposedly abit of rivalry between Blur and Oasis. Both
English rock bands.
We set up a poll and our votes show that your favourites are… (1:00)
Own 90’s experiences, favourite films etc. (2:00)
Now, joining us in the studio we have local DJ, who goes by the stage name of DJmdb and has a huge
like for 90’s music.
Before we chat to DJmdb, here is selection of 90’s classics to relive those memories. (0:20)
LIVE INTERVIEW (5:00): When did you start out in the DJ industry? Where did your love for music
originate from? I hear you’re particularly interested in 90’s music, why is this? Favourite artists? What
kind of responses do you get from the audience when you play 90’s tunes?
QUICK FIRE SONG ROUND FOR DJ: Answers=1. Boombastic, 2. No Diggity, 3. 500 miles, 4. Don’t
speak, 5. Saturday Night.
CUE: Continuing with the music theme, a group of reporters went to local music shop Back to Mono’s in
Lincoln. They chatted to owner…to investigate… (0:20)
SONG- Wannabee, Spice Girls (3:05)
That was Back to Mono’s discussing 90’s music. Then the Spice Girls 1996 hit Wannabee to reignite
those party memories. My favourite Spice Girl was…tweet us yours. (0:20)
LIVE INTERVIEW (5:00): Returning to the studio we have Paul Tyler and DJmdb, along with…to
discuss the 90’s era and why people are so nostalgic about it…
STING (0:10)
NO ADULTS ALLOWED PROMOTION (3:00): Coming to end of show, up next is No Adults Allowed, a
show made by young people for young people. Full of music and games. Visit sirenonline.co.uk for
more info on what to expect.
Thanks for listening, we’ve been…hope you’re feeling nostalgic and ready to relive those memories.
Please keep tweeting us at…to tell us what you thought about the show. And remember this time next
week on Headspace Siren 107.3FM there will be a show on…
Now, let’s end on a high. Here’s 1996 classic Common People by Pulp. (1:00)
SONG- Common People, Pulp (4:15)