Walking and Nutrition Scope and Sequence 2015

Walking and Nutrition
Scope and Sequence
Grade Level: 10th, 11th, and 12th
Academic Level: Honors
Course Length: 1 semester (1/2 credit)
Teaching Strategies:
Guided practice
Partner and small group activities
Student projects
Course Goal:
This course is designed to educate young women on how fitness walking and making healthy
food choices can improve overall health.
Specific Areas Covered:
1. Fitness Walking
- Benefits of fitness walking
- Choosing walking equipment
- Health related fitness
- Warming up and cooling down
- Training principles
- Perceived exertion
- Walking techniques
- Muscles
- Choosing a route
- Adjusting to the Environment
- Students will be able to:
- Understand the benefits of walking for fitness
- Understand the appropriate equipment needed for walking for fitness
- Identify four healthy related fitness components
- Apply the four health related fitness components to a fitness walking workout
- Understand the purpose of warming up and cooling down in fitness walking
- Learn a variety of warm-up and cool-down activities
- Identify the five principles of physical training
- Understand what each of the five principles of physical training means
- Understand the meaning of perceived exertion
- Understand why knowledge of perceived exertion is important
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- Understand the basic techniques of proper walking form
- Apply proper walking form in fitness walking
- Identify major muscles used when fitness walking
- Understand the importance of choosing appropriate walking routes
- Understand how to choose appropriate walking routes for fitness levels and safety
- Understand which environmental factors influence your walking
- Understand how environment conditions influence clothing choice
Grade for unit will be determined by:
o Topic worksheets
o How to Guide
o Performance Observation Rubric
o Charting Pedometer Steps
o Written Test
- Fit and Well Text Chapter 3, 4, and 5
- Personal Fitness Text Chapter 2, 4, and 5
- Pedometer Power Text Unit 1
- Walking Activities and Games Text Chapter 2
- Anatomy of Exercise Manual Text
Length of Unit: 11 days
2. Conditioning the Cardiovascular System
- Circulatory and Respiratory System
- Zoning
- Apply the training principle to cardiovascular endurance
- Hands on CPR
- Chronic Diseases
- Students will be able to:
- Identify anatomy of the heart
- Identify anatomy of the lungs
- Describe how blood flows through the heart and lungs
- Describe the physiologic responses of fitness walking as cardiovascular endurance
- Identify the three zones of zoning
- Identify the three steps of zoning
- Adjust effort in fitness walking to designated zone
- Count their resting heart rate and heart rate during fitness walking
- Log their resting heart rate and heart rate during fitness walking
- Calculate target heart rate zones
- Create a fitness walking plan using the FITT principle and the five training principles
- Describe how to perform Hands on CPR
- Identify ways to prevent chronic disease
- Grade for unit will be determined by:
- Topic worksheets
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- How to guide
- Cardiovascular endurance workout plan
- Observation checklist
- Performance observation rubric
- Charting heart rate checks
- Study guide
- Written test
- Fit and Well Text Chapter 3 and 11
- Personal Fitness Text Chapter 7
- Zoning: Fitness in a Blink Text Chapter 1, 2, and 3
- Anatomy of Exercise Manual Text
- Physical Activity and Nutrition for Health Text Unit 2
Length of Unit: 10 days
3. Essential Nutrients
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
- Students will be able to:
- Identify the essential nutrients carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and
- Describe how the body uses carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and
- Describe the recommended intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals,
vitamins, and water
- Identify sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water
- Grade for unit will be determined by:
- Topic worksheets
- Opinion responses
- Study Guide
- Written Test
- Resources:
- Discovering Nutrition Text Chapter 1,5,6,7,9, and 10
- Physical Activity and Nutrition for Health Text Section 2 and 3
- Personal Fitness Text Chapter 9
- Fit and Well Text Chapter 8
- Length of Unit: 9 days
4. ChooseMyPlate
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- Track your snack
- What’s your plan
- Record food intake
- Build healthy meals
Students will be able to:
- Summarize why healthy snacking is important
- Choose healthier snack options based on their nutritional content
- Explain the importance of monitoring total calorie, empty calorie, and sodium intake
in their diet
- Identify how many calories they need in a day
- Understand the five food groups and devise strategies for meeting their daily food
group targets
- Describe the importance of eating a variety of foods to meet daily nutrient and
caloric needs
- Track their daily foods
- Determine whether their meal selections meet their daily food group targets, on
- Determine whether their meal selections fall within their daily calorie allowance, on
- Build a healthy meal
- Create a sample menu that meets daily food group targets
- Create a sample menu within a given calorie allowance
Grade for unit will be determined by:
- Lesson worksheets
- ChooseMyPlate Project
- www.ChoseMyPlate.org
Length of Unit: 5 days
5. Eating for Peak Performance
- Energy Systems
- Balancing input and output
- Students will be able to:
- Identify the three energy systems
- Identify each of the three energy systems processes
- Identify the amount of carbohydrates intake before, during, and after exercising
- Identify the amount of fats intake before, during, and after exercising
- Identify the amount of proteins intake before, during, and after exercising
- Identify the amount of water intake before, during, and after exercising
- Grade for unit will be determined by:
- Topic worksheet
- Carbohydrate, fat, protein, and water intake chart before, during, and after
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- Discovering Nutrition Text Chapter 11
- Physical Activity and Nutrition for Health Text Section 1
Length of Unit: 3
Revised August 2015