ALGEBRA I SYLLABUS - Muncy School District

Muncy Junior-Senior High School Mathematics Department
Course Number: 434
Course Name: Algebra I
Course Credit: 2 credits
Instructor: Mrs. Wertz
Meeting Time: Periods 1 and 2
Meeting Location: Room 251
Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra
Phone Number: 546-3127 ext. 3080
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 2:30 P.M. – 2:50 P.M.
Course Description
This course is intended to prepare students for the Keystone Algebra I Exam. Topics will
include those found in the current Keystone Algebra I Content Standards. Students will be
introduced to the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator as a problem solving tool and will further develop
their skills in solving problems analytically, numerically, and graphically.
Course Unit Outline
Course content builds upon that covered in Pre-Algebra. Specific objectives for each topic
shown in the outline below will be provided by the instructor at the time of coverage. Optional
topics, to be covered at the discretion of the instructor, and if time permits, will be from the
Keystone Algebra II Standards. The order of coverage of some of the topics may vary.
Module 1
1.1 Operations
• Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
• Square of a Binomial
• Properties of Square Roots
• Simplifying Rational Expressions
1.2 Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Equations
• Solving Two--‐Step Linear Equations
• Solving Multi--‐Step Linear Equations
• Word Problems Involving One Step Linear Equations
• Word Problems: Linear Models
• Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Graphing
• Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Elimination
• Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Substitution
• Writing Systems of Equations from Word Problems
1.3 Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities
• Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities
• Graphing Inequalities in One Variable
• Solving Linear Inequalities
• Compound Inequalities
• Absolute Value Inequalities
• Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
• Systems of Linear Inequalities
Module 2
2.1 Functions
• Functions
• Input-Output Tables
• Ordered Pair
• Writing Number Patterns in Function Notation
• X-Intercepts
• Y-Intercepts
• Graphing Linear Equations
2.2 Coordinate Geometry
• Slope
• Slope-Intercept Form
• Standard Form
• Point-Slope Form
• Linear Function
2.3 Probability and Statistics
• Probability
• Addition Rule of Probability
• Multiplication Rule of Probability
• Scatter Plots
• Line of Best Fit
• Box and Whisker Plots
Daily Classroom Expectations
1. Arrive to class on time.
2. Come prepared.
3. Participate in all activities.
4. Respect all.
5. Abide by all school rules as set forth in the Pathfinder.
Attendance, Absences, and Make-Up Work
You are responsible to check PowerSchool and my website for any missed work from not
being in class for any reason. Please see me if you do not understand what you owe.
Academic Dishonesty
When work is turned in, the work must be your own. Any indication of academic dishonesty will
be dealt with as a serious offense and will result in a grade of zero for that assessment item for all
students involved and a referral to the Principal’s Office will be made.
Homework will be checked for completion every time it is assigned. I will post the homework
assignment on my website daily (this includes all worksheets) in the plan book. According to math
department policy, late homework will not be accepted for credit. Students may not return to their
locker for a homework assignment. If a student can’t find the assignment in their backpack before I
review the correct answers, he/she will not receive credit for completing the assignment. The
homework must be completed according to the directions in class. Sometimes answers only are
appropriate, but other times, the original question must be written and all work shown. Failure to
complete an assignment according to the directions will result in no credit for the assignment.
Students who are absent must make up the assigned homework for the days they were not in school.
A zero will temporarily be entered for homework when absent. When the student makes up the
homework, the zero will change. If the homework is never made up, the zero will become
permanent. If you cannot find a homework worksheet, then print another one from the link
provided in the plan book on my website. If you do not understand the assignment, then you must
see me before period one the day it is due in order not to be penalized for not completing the
Muncy Junior/Senior High School Math Department Calculator Policy
The math courses offered at Muncy Jr/Sr High School actively integrate calculator technology
based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Technology Principle.
Many activities implemented within our courses have been created using the features
available on the Texas Instruments® graphing calculators. Students may purchase their own
calculator or borrow one from their math teacher.
Calculators are treated like textbooks and are the property of Muncy School District.
Students will sign one out and return it at the end of the school year. Students who attempt to turn
in a calculator with the incorrect serial number will not receive credit for turning one in. Students
who are unable to return their assigned calculator must pay a replacement fee or buy a new
calculator to replace the assigned one. New replacement calculators must be in the original
packaging with no evidence of tampering and must match the exact model originally assigned.
Some of the latest calculator technology provides students with the ability to import, store,
and hide games and messages. If a student is found doing anything inappropriate with their
calculator during class, we reserve the right to clear the memory of the calculator, even if the
calculator is personally owned. Multiple offenses for inappropriate use will result in a punishment at
the discretion of the instructor.
Calculators may not be shared during quizzes. Students will be expected to bring their
calculators with them daily. No spare calculators will be available, so if batteries are dead or the
calculator has been forgotten or lost, students will do all required work that day without a calculator.
While the calculator is an invaluable tool for studying mathematics, there will be times when
the instructor deems that a particular topic or skill is more appropriately investigated and assessed
without the use of a calculator.
Algebra I uses the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator. The replacement fee for this calculator is
$100. Students are responsible for obtaining batteries for the calculator issued.
Pencils, erasers, a binder or folder, a one subject notebook or note paper, and sheet
protectors are recommended. Notebooks or note paper will be used to take notes for new topics.
The binder or folder is for keeping the formula sheet, study guides, and helpful handouts. You are
financially responsible for the textbook and graphing calculator you are issued. Lost or damaged
materials – whether cosmetically or functionally – will be your financial responsibility and
replacement/repair costs will be done in accordance with district policy.
Grading Policy
Marking period grades will be calculated on the basis of a point system – the percent of
points earned out of the number of possible points. Graded material will consist of any combination
of the following each marking period:
 quizzes, chapter tests, unit exams
 homework assignments
 in-class activities and explorations
It is the responsibility of each student and their parents to check the PowerSchool website and to be
aware of their grade at all times throughout the marking period. There will be no re-quizzes and no
re-tests offered throughout the course. Unless you are required to be given extra time for
completing quizzes and exams, please do not ask for additional time. Assessments are designed to
be completed in one class period.
Homework – Allow your parents to read your class syllabus and sign this letter acknowledging
such. Then, sign and return this form and bring batteries for your calculator to receive a 10/10.
This paper and the batteries are due no later than Monday, August 25, 2014. (Remember, there is
no partial credit for late assignments.)
Student Name = ________________________________________________________
Adult contact name = ____________________________________________________
(for the purpose of discussing academic progress in math class and/or for discipline problems)
Relationship to student (circle one below)
Email address = __________________________________________________________________
Preferred contact phone number = ___________________________________________________
(Please keep in mind I will only be contacting you between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M)
textbook # ______________________________________________________________________
Graphing Calculator Serial Number ___________________________________________________
Please sign acknowledging that you have read and understand the information regarding this
Student Signature _________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature __________________________________________________________________