FUNCTIONAL SKILLS PROFILE FOR TOBY BALDWIN-CHARLES JULY 2015 Long term outcomes for functional skills To be able to drive my powered chair or self-propel my manual chair as part of my daily routine To make choices about what I do during my day To feed myself independently and make choices about what I eat and drink To take responsibility for aspects of my self-care To use my joystick to read familiar texts To be able to control aspects of my environment using ICT To be able to recognise when I need the bathroom Life Skills I am able to drink from a cup which I like to pick up from my tray. I like my food to be chopped and eat it using an oval sloped dish with a right handed angled spoon. I can wipe my mouth after I have eaten my snack. I am able to make choices about what I like to eat and drink. I sit on the toilet as part of my everyday routine but am reliant on adults for my personal care. I am a confident driver in my powered chair and can propel myself when I am in my manual chair. My Next Steps in Life Skills To wash my hands using soap and water To ask for a drink when I am thirsty To assist in washing myself in the shower Literacy Skills: reading I enjoy sharing books helping to turn the pages, but do not always remain focussed to the end of the story. I can respond to questions about the pictures, pointing to objects in the pictures. I can sign missing parts of the text when reading familiar rhyming texts. My next steps in reading To remain focused when sharing an appropriate picture book To hold the book myself and turn the pages at the appropriate time To sign as part of sharing familiar texts To read symbols in a list as part of collecting resources Literacy Skills: writing I understand that symbols and print carry meaning and can match symbols to objects. I enjoy acting out familiar stories and am beginning to make choices about what I want to happen. I can sequence a familiar story. With support I am beginning to use my CCS book to make choices about what I would like to happen in a story. My next steps in writing To be able to select symbols to sequence a familiar event To use my CCS book to make choices when retelling a story To choose 2 symbols / use 2 signs to describe a picture or event Mathematical Skills I can join in with counting rhymes and recognise when others make mistakes when they are saying the number words to 10. I can sign the numbers to 3 and recognise the signs to 5. I find 1 to 1 correspondence quite difficult so my counting is not very accurate. I am beginning to sort objects for different criteria. I understand the concepts of more and less in the context of number and quantities. I can compare the length and height of two objects. I understand the concept of exchange when shopping but do not understand the value of coins or recognise them. My next steps in mathematics To be able to count to 5 To be initiate handing the money to the assistant when shopping To match 1 to 1 in the context of counting Community and Transition I enjoy the company of my friends and visiting different places in the community. I especially enjoy going to restaurants for a meal. I can make choices about what I want to eat from the menu (which needs to be read to me) and behave very well during the meal. I also like going kayaking with my dad and have been on a camping and kayaking weekend with him which I really enjoyed. My next steps for Community and Transition To develop my friendships in my local community To try new activities to extend the range of things I enjoy