You were telephoned on __/__/____ and offered an admission date

Forth Valley CHP
Substance Misuse Services
(old MRI Suite)
Falkirk Community Hospital
Westburn Avenue
Offer of Admission
Our Ref
Enquiries to
Direct Line
CMcI//admissions letter
Medical Secretaries Office
01324 673654/673656
You were telephoned on __/__/____ and offered an admission date to Ward 2, Forth Valley
Royal Hospital for planned assisted alcohol withdrawal treatment.
You verbally confirmed acceptance of the admission date of: __/__/____
You will be under the care of: Dr Gotz (Inpatient) - Dr McIntosh/ Dr Aveyard (Outpatient)
Your bed has been booked for you and on arrival at the hospital on the day of admission
please report directly to Ward 2, Mental Health Unit, Forth Valley Royal Hospital at
If you find that you are unavailable for this admission date it is important that you telephone
me as soon as possible and provide a reason for your unavailability.
An alternative
admission date can then be arranged for you. Please note that we are unable to accept
requests for treatment to be deferred for longer than three months.
In exceptional circumstances the ward may become full at short notice due to emergency
admissions. This may mean that your planned admission is cancelled. Every effort will be made
to inform you as quickly as possible of this change of arrangements and to reschedule your
admission to the ward.
Waiting list Statement- Confirmation of Addition to the Waiting List
This is to confirm that you have been added to the planned inpatient assisted alcohol withdrawal
waiting list to have treatment carried out. Under the Patients Right (Scotland) Act 2011 you have a
guarantee to be admitted for treatment within 12 weeks (84 days). This is the maximum time that
you should wait; we will of course endeavour to see you sooner. To ensure that you are admitted for
your treatment within 12 weeks you could receive an offer of an appointment from NHS Forth
Valley or in special circumstances at another NHS site.
If you fail to attend the hospital on the agreed admission date and have not in been in contact
to cancel the appointment then no alternative date for admission will be given until your care
plan has been reviewed with you and your substance misuse services consultant and key
(Please turn over)
Chairman: Alex Linkston CBE
Chief Executive: Jane Grant
Forth Valley NHS Board is the common name for Forth Valley Health Board
Registered Office: Carseview House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4SW
If you require ambulance transport for medical or mobility reasons, please contact the Scottish
Ambulance Service on 0300 123 1236.
Following discharge from the ward you will be seen by your keyworker on __/__/____ at
If you have any queries relating to your admission or treatment, please do not hesitate to contact me
on the number above.
Yours sincerely
Medical Secretary
SMS file copy / GP /FACE