We are a Catholic Family! - St. Stephen Catholic Church

We are a Catholic Family!
I can still remember as a young boy growing up in a Catholic
family and receiving my First Holy Communion for the first time.
Following that climatic moment my home life began to change.
My loving grandmother who had been a huge part of our lives
became ill with terminal cancer. Due to her illness she was
unable to care for herself and my mother made the decision to
care for her in our home where she could get the best care she
deserved and live the rest of her days with the loving support of
our entire family. Even though, I knew it was the best and loved
my grandmother dearly it was a time of heartbreak for me.
Many of my priorities began to change and placed on a shelf the
final two years of her life.
At the age of 17, I joined the Army Reserves
and became a soldier full time once my
training had concluded. Twenty eight years
later and twenty five overseas trips I found myself settled in our beautiful home with my wonderful wife
in the great town of Riverview, FL. We later had two beautiful children, yet something was missing.
During my time in the Army, many ordinary family rituals were simply not possible due to our different
schedules. Finally, once settled one of my first decision was to help my children understand the gift of
faith I had been given. I was eager to share with them the foundations of my faith. Our children had
experience different faith backgrounds by attending different churches along with Sunday Schools.
With all that in mind, I began to inquire about sacraments for my children - it was time! So, I enrolled
them in Faith Formation at St. Stephen Catholic School. Because our children were over the age of
seven they were now ready to begin RCIA adapted for children which is a program designed for children
needing sacraments over the age of reason (seven years old).
While enrolling them in the Faith Formation Program (RCIC), my heart was stirring and I knew at that
moment it was time and there was unfinished business I needed to attend too. I needed to complete
my own sacraments; the Sacrament of Confirmation.
This past year our family has discovered how unique our parish of St. Stephen truly is catering to the
needs of its community and all its families. I began to see St. Stephen was different than the churches I
had visited growing up. St. Stephen has been a warm and welcoming parish and how you experienced
this as soon as I entered its doors.
St. Stephen was also accommodating with my work schedule. Rosie Bridges, Sacrament Coordinator
asked Jeanne Schneider, Pastoral Coordinator if she could meet with me setting up a schedule that
would meet my work schedule. Jeanne did just that…she was relentless in making sure I was learning all
I needed to learn and made it so exciting. She allowed me to ask all the questions I needed to ask never
did I feel inadequate or silly for asking. I truly enjoyed my time with Jeanne as we continue to discuss
our lives in Christ and what it meant to be part of something much bigger than myself. Jeanne also
arranged for my marriage to be convalidated (I was married civil and now it was time to validate my
existing marriage and allow the sacramental blessings to flow). Deacon Dan was instrumental in
insuring all paperwork was completed and located a baptism certificate that I was not able to find. That
was a challenge it in itself!
On February 2, 2013 I can happily share I was confirmed along with 180 young adults at St. Stephen
Catholic Church by Bishop Robert Lynch. I can also share on April 30, 2013 my two children were
baptized and received Confirmation and First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
We may take different paths in life but it is comforting to know we can always come home to Christ come home to the Catholic Church.
Thanks to all St. Stephen volunteers who worked hard to keep us on our paths to Christ.
Kent Dolasky
St. Stephen Catholic Church Parishioner