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A. Pacemaker
A. Bicuspid (mitral) valve
Q. Some people may have the blood
Q. True or False. A nucleus is absent group B Positive (B+).What factor is
from human red blood cells.
present in their blood that makes it
A. Rhesus
Q. State two ways in which red
blood cells differ from typical body
cells e.g. from the cheek lining.
Q. Where in the body are white
blood cells produced?
A. No nucleus; Haemoglobin;
Shape; Size; No mitochondria;
Carries O2 or CO2
A. Bone marrow
Q. Name a group of white blood
cells, other than lymphocytes.
Q. Blood is made up of plasma and
blood cells. What is plasma?
A. Phagocytic (White cells);
A. Liquid part of blood
Q. State a precise location in the
human body at which red blood
cells are made.
Q. Where is the pacemaker located
in the heart?
A. Marrow of long bones
A. Right atrium
Q. Cardiac muscle may be described
as a contractile tissue. Explain the
meaning of the underlined term.
Q. What is the function of white
blood cells?
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A. It can shorten
A. Fight disease
Q. True or False. The sino-atrial
node (pacemaker) is located on the
right side of the heart.
Q. Give the precise location of the
SA node in the heart.
A. In wall of right atrium
Q. What is the role of the SA
Q. What is the role of valves in the
(sinoatrial) and AV (atrioventricular)
nodes in the heart?
A. Causes contraction of heart
muscle; Pacemaker; Impulse
Q. Give any two functions of the
lymphatic system.
A. To prevent backflow of blood
Q. Name the blood vessel that
brings blood from the heart to the
A. Returns fluid to blood;
Transport; Lymphocytes
A. Aorta
Q. Give two factors which cause an
Q. Mention two ways to maintain a
increase in heart rate.
healthy heart.
A. Eat less fat; Exercise regularly;
Avoid excess stress; Eat less salt;
Don’t smoke
Q. Name the blood vessels that
supply the heart cells with blood.
A. Exercise; Anxiety; Drugs;
Q. Give the precise location of the
AV node in the heart.
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A. In (or near) septum; Near
tricuspid valve; Between atrium
and ventricle
A. Coronary; Cardiac arteries
Q. What causes the sound of a
Q. What structure(s) protects the
A. Rib cage
A. Valves closing
Q. Name the structure in the heart
that controls the heartbeat.
Q. Name the valve between the
upper and lower chambers on the
left-hand side.
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Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
3.2.2 Organisational Complexity
of the Human
3.2.3.H Blood Cells
3.2.4.H Heartbeat Control
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