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A. A group of tissues performing
the same function
A. Mitosis & meiosis
Q. Give one way in which mitosis
differs from meiosis.
Q. Genes are found on what
structures in a cell nucleus?
A. Chromosomes
A. Two identical daughter cells OR
can occur in haploid cells
Q. In genetics, what is meant by the
term haploid?
Q. What is the function of meiosis?
A. Single set of chromosomes;
Half the diploid number
Q. What is a chromosome?
A. Halving of chromosome
numbers; To produce gametes
Q. A what stage of mitosis are the
chromosomes located at the
equator of the cell before they begin
to separate?
A. Group of genes joined together;
Large DNA molecule
Q. What is the medical term for the
group of disorders in which certain
cells lose normal control of mitosis?
A. Metaphase
Q. Towards the end of mitosis, in
what type of cell does a cell plate
A. Plant cell
A. Cancer
Q. Suggest a possible cause of
Q. To what are the chromosomes
attached during metaphase of
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A. e.g. Radiation, Chemicals,
Smoking, Viruses, etc.
A. Spindle
Q. What name is applied to the
period of the cell cycle in which
division is not taking place?
Q. What is a tissue?
A. Interphase
Q. Give a cellular process that
occurs during the period in the cell
cycle in which the nucleus is not
A. Replication; Growth; Protein
synthesis; Respiration;
Q. Suggest a possible treatment for
A. A group of cells with the same
Q. Explain the term tissue culture.
A. Cells grown on or in medium;
Cells grown outside organism
Q. Give two examples of the use of
tissue culture.
A. Cancer research; Plant
A. e.g. Chemotherapy,
Radiotherapy, Surgery
Q. What is the function of spindle
fibres during cell division?
Q. Name a gas that would be
needed for the growth of tissue in
the laboratory.
A. For chromosomes to attach to &
contract to separate chromosomes
A. Oxygen
Q. Tissues grow by cell division.
Name the type of cell division by
which tissues grow.
Q. Why are sterile conditions
needed to grow a tissue culture in a
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A. To avoid contamination
A. Mitosis
Q. What is the role of mitosis in
single-celled organisms?
Q. What type of cell division, mitosis
or meiosis, is involved in tissue
A. Mitosis
A. Reproduction
Q. Name the two types of cell
Q. Organs are found in both plants
and animals. What is meant by the
term organ?
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Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
2.3 Cell Continuity
2.3 Cell Continuity
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
2.3 Cell Continuity
2.3 Cell Continuity
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
2.3 Cell Continuity
2.3 Cell Continuity
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
2.3 Cell Continuity
2.3 Cell Continuity
Follow-me Quiz
Follow-me Quiz
2.3 Cell Continuity
2.3 Cell Continuity
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