Staff Council Meeting 10/17/12 Minutes In Attendance: 20 staff members attended from the various campuses including; Wheeling, Lisle, Chicago, Florida and Milwaukee Staff Council Leadership Board Members in attendance: Tracy Costello, Barb Voss, Eileen Murphy, Alfreda Walton, Nancy LaBay, Jennifer Petersen, Dan Essig, Colleen Turner and Adrianne Hyler Overview of Learning Support - Grover Wake The Learning Support department offers tutoring services at all campuses with the Chicago campus as the main office. All tutoring information as well as additional services provided by the Learning Support staff can be found on the Learning Support website. Two new staff recently joined the Learning Support group; Peter Ploegman who specializes in working with ESL, ADA and Veterans and Tim King who specializes in math, science and technology. December Connection Update - Lori Markuson There are three Connections this year: September, December 11, 2012 and a spring connection. The December Connection will be held at the Chicago campus. To date the schedule is tentative but includes a possible presentation, talent show and dinner and/or reception. Additional information will be forthcoming. Lori was asked if the committee was doing anything to speak with managers to promote staff attendance. Staff is encouraged to attend but sometimes because of workload and schedules it is difficult for staff to do so. Suggestions were made and discussed to address staff morale. Barb Voss suggested there needs to be some kind of enrichment for the staff at the Connection in December. Some suggestions included; team building, morale/motivational workshops, healthy strategies for staff, exercises at your desk, and massages, etc… Current and Future Events Warm clothing drive took place on the Wheeling campus. Numerous coats were collected and donated to (WINGS), Women in Need Growing. 1 Lisle Pot-Luck Lunch and Food Drive – Thursday, October 25th, 2012. All non-perishable food items will be donated to the Lisle Township Food pantry. Next month: the annual food drive, on the Wheeling campus. All non-perishable items to be donated to the Wheeling Township food pantry. Possible holiday outreach event for the Chicago campus was addressed and Dan Essig was noted as the contact person for this. By Laws: By Barb Voss The By-Laws for Staff Council are currently being reviewed for future ratification by the Staff Council. Making the Day Better - Barbara Voss Barb Voss ended the meeting with a presentation on ways to make the work day more enjoyable. Please refer to the information sheet below. Meeting adjourned: 3:05 p.m. 2 MAKE TODAY BETTER STRETCH!!! BODY first thing every morning/ sitting at your desk/lungs-deep breaths incorporate exercise throughout the day MIND positive thoughts as you go to sleep/awake with “ it can be a better day if you allow it” it takes effort from YOU .. you make it happen (line from Working Girl) SELF- “extend” yourself with a SMILE(besides you will look more attractive)/ TRY! NOURISH!! BODY-eat well and often.. BREAKFAST pyramid balance/whole grains proteins/ you start is more important than how you finish; no starting a journey on an empty tank of gas…drink water &less caffeine MIND-learn something new… 10 things/crossword/trivia/news radio/hobby/journal/LISTEN SELF-Compliment yourself even out loud; it will feed your spirit…. We are all loveable..Pat on the Back exercise/build bridges of friendship(take the smile to the next level; lunch out, potluck) ENJOY!!! BODY.. Clean!!! Wear comfortable shoes! Colors that you like.. something New (scarf/earings outfit..happy socks! PACE yourself!! Slow and steady wins the race.. TREAT yourself! I’m worth it MIND-Be inspired.. find a website you can review daily or when needed/desk calendar/your own special place..a photo or art in your work space/ SELF-Rewards are ok!/Take a break…you can and you should/Positive people breed positive people; surround yourself with the good when you can/ LAUGH!! Polka polka polka/stay in touch with those you love WIND DOWN BODY- Relaxing bath/ crawl in early if you need to; sleep becomes us! MIND-book/music/not the RHONJ/have no regrets; learn from the low points of the day/count your blessings instead of sheepRAKFIKI SELF-Prepare for the day b/4 U leave work plan for tomorrow to do in to done/ plan ahead @home; clothes/lunch/errands; it will simplify the morning 3 4