Theoretical part

Introduction to Electron Microscopy course:
Visualizing biological, medical and/or material science objects is often part of a scientific
research project and different tools and options are available.
The light microscope (LM) is a well known tool to enlarge objects. However, the resolution and
magnification of the LM methods are limited and many interesting objects are smaller than the
resolution we can obtain with the light microscope. By using another part of the
electromagnetic spectrum (electrons instead of photons) we can increase magnification and
resolution, so that much smaller objects can be seen and studied.
In the electron microscopy (EM) course you will learn basic theoretical principles of a number of
state of the art electron microscopical methods, like for instance (Scanning) Transmission
Electron Microscopy ((S)TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Focused Ion Beam
Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM), 3D-Electron Tomography (3D-Tom) and the Integrated
Light Electron Microscopy (ILEM). In the practical part you will learn how to prepare objects
(samples) so that they can be studied in the microscope and you will use the different electron
microscopes yourself.
After the theoretical part you will have a basic understanding of electron microscopy and
specimen preparation and be able to discriminate and recognize the different types of electron
microscopes used and described in scientific literature. You will be able to select the proper
electron microscopic method for your own (future) specific scientific problem or question.
After the practicals, you will be familiar with the basic steps and protocols used for either (cryo)
TEM, S(T)EM, FIB-SEM, 3D Tomography and data analysis techniques. You will learn how to
collect, analyze and present the obtained results in a poster at the end of the second period.
Required background:
The theoretical part will be open to all beta master students and AIOs. No specific background
is required, although it will be convenient to have basic knowledge of cell biology, physics
and/or chemistry.
Course setup:
The course contains two periods of two weeks with a Theoretical part and a Practical part.
Theoretical part - open to all Master students and AIOs.
In the morning sessions of the first period a theoretical background will be provided on general
electron microscopical topics and some of the electron microscopic approaches that are
available within the Biomolecular Imaging department of the UU. Lectures will be given by
specialists in the particular field of research or by invited speakers.
After lunch break in the first week there will be on site demonstrations of the different
techniques. After the lunch break in the second week, review articles and the applications of
microscopic methods in research papers will be discussed by smaller groups of participants. The
groups will give a short presentation at a mini-symposium at the end of the second week.
Practical part – open for 20 participants
In the second period, small groups (max 4 students per group) will be formed and you will
perform hands-on experiments in one of the electron microscopic methods. Due to the limited
capacity within the Biomolecular Imaging department this will be open for a limited number of
participants (max. 20). If there are too many applicants a selection will be made by the course
coordinator based on the expected use of electron microscopy in future research by the
applicant. Therefore, a short letter with a motivation for attending the practicals should be
send by email to the course coordinator ( at least three weeks before the
practical course starts. Participants will be informed two weeks ahead of the practical course if
they are allowed to follow the practicals. The practicals will be ended with a poster
presentation of the different groups.
Practicals will be supervised by experienced (staff) members of the Biomolecular Imaging
Course grading:
Several aspects of the course will be used to determine a final grade for the two parts. You will
be actively involved in the grading process. You will judge and grade the other group’s literature
presentations and the posters. Your grade will be averaged with the grade from the course
leaders. Parts are completed successfully when the final grade is 5.5 or higher (according to the
Onderwijs Examen Reglement).
Theoretical part: (two weeks)
Result Theoretical test*
Presentation of the literature project**
This part of the course is rated with 3 ECTS
Practical part: (two weeks)
Presence and input in the practicals
This part of the course is rated with 3 ECTS
* Theoretical test
Test with a number of short essay questions, some images, and a few statements on the
different techniques and the applications of the microscopic techniques. A theoretical test
example will be provided at the beginning of the course.
**Literature project
You will read, analyze and discuss scientific results described in research papers (at least 2)
obtained with a special electron microscopic technique. You will present and discuss your
conclusions to and with each other in a mini symposium.
You will present the results of your practical research project in a poster. The posters will be
judged, discussed and graded by the other student groups and the course leader.