UKS2 Spring Curriculum Booklet 1

Spring Term 2016
There have been some changes in Year 5 and 6 – we are incredibly pleased with the
mature attitude shown by our Upper Juniors; they have settled into their new
classes without issue.
Mrs L Guilder
Year 6
Mrs C Gould
Year 5
Members of Staff who support the Upper Juniors
Mrs J Lea
Mrs E Ravenscroft
Mrs A Markley
Mrs E Coleman
Mrs J Melling
On Wednesday afternoons all children will have enrichment activities. These activities
include construction, cooking and photography, to name a few. The aim of the afternoon is
to give the children a chance to experience a range of different learning opportunities,
whilst also providing a chance to develop socially and emotionally.
The children are in mixed groups. The groups include children from EYFS
up to Year 6. The children will take part in 2 different sessions on a Wednesday and every
half term their sessions will change.
Mrs Guilder will continue to be out of class on a Tuesday afternoon and all day Friday as
she works part-time – Mrs Melling will be the class teacher on Fridays.
PE Kit
PE kit will be needed in school on Tuesday for Outdoor Games lessons and on Fridays
for P.E. It is important that on a Tuesday children bring in the correct footwear and
tracksuit bottoms and jumper. This session will always be outside and there are times
when it will be cold and wet.
Children with foot infections will need a pair of black pumps for indoor PE
It is a requirement that all jewellery is removed for P.E. Sticking tape on earrings is
no longer acceptable, they must be removed for the P.E. session. If earrings cannot
be removed, your child will not be able to participate in the lesson.
The Curriculum
We are all very excited to be teaching topics from the new curriculum again this academic
year. The curriculum that we teach is underpinned by Fundamental British Values, these
include democracy, individual liberty and respect and tolerance for all.
This term’s topics;
History/Geography = The Vikings
Science = Our Changing World / Marvellous Mixtures
P.E. = Gymnastics & Team Games
R.E. = Ceremonies / Belonging to a faith
D/T = Viking food & Viking long ships
French = Journeys / Transport
Music = Growth & Roots
P.S.H.E = Me in the World / Me and my Safety
English will cover all genres for the year groups. This includes classics such as Arabian
Nights and well-loved tales such as Harry Potter.
Maths will cover a range of topics and needs. This includes place value, percentages, decimals
and measure.
Reading is the key to learning, but sadly so many of our Y5 & Y6 children do not read
at home for pleasure. If you encourage your child to read for at least 15 minutes
every day at home, you will help them in many more areas of their learning. It can be
a book, a magazine, a newspaper, a leaflet, instructions…anything to encourage
reading! THANK YOU!
Homework and Help
Homework will be set weekly – homework books should be handed in
by Wednesday each week and will be returned on Friday. Children
are encouraged to record all homework in their homework diary.
Homework is your child’s responsibility but your support is very
valuable. House points are given for homework and homework diaries
completed and handed in (10,000 bonus points are given to each house
with all homework handed in!).
Mrs Gould and Mrs Guilder
Rewards and Sanctions
The Year 5 and 6 children will continue in their house teams this term Vikings, Tudors, Romans and Egyptians. Each child can score points for
their team through their work, behaviour, learning attitude and being a
positive and pro-active in school.
The points are totaled and there is a weekly winner as well as a termly
winner at the end of each term. The idea is build team work, ambition
and a collective responsibility. Every Tuesday, assembly time is dedicated
to meeting as a house to discuss and celebrate positives and discuss how
we can improve. This group reflection time is used to encourage honesty
and self-improvement as well as the children praising each other for
their resilience and positives attitudes.
Below is the how sanctions work in each of the year 5/6 classrooms.
These are linked to the rights and responsibilities above. We strive for
our children to be the best they can be, we make children aware of what
is acceptable and unacceptable. We really appreciate your support with
All children and staff in school are aware of the following:
Children respecting their However if you do not respect your rights and the rights
rights and the rights of
of others, the following will happen:
others you will be praised
and may be rewarded with 1. Verbal reminder.
team points.
2. If spoken to again your name will be written on the
3. 2 more times (equaling 3) will mean Time Out break
time/15mins at lunch or the next day’s break (you can
get multiple times out in a day). We will also inform your
4. Continuous unacceptable behaviour will lead to further