T-cell Recognition/Antigen presentation

Where are T-cells produced? Where does maturation take place? Name the major
populations of T-cells.
T-cell Recognition/Antigen presentation
How do T-cells recognize antigens what is the specific receptor?
Describe the main steps of antigen presentation
What is the role of MHC-I?
Which cells express MHC-I?
Where do the presented peptides come from?
What is the role of proteasome?
What type of T-cells are MHC-I restricted (recognize MHC-I
/peptide complexes) What is the fate of the APC?
Describe the role of MHC II !
Expression pattern? Where do the presented peptides come
Why proteasome-derived peptides fail to bind MHCII in the ER
? Describe the role of the invariant chain!
Why does MHCII have 2 chains?
(consider attachment of the invariant chain that prevents
binding of proteasome derived peptides )
Are both self and foreign peptides presented by APCs
simultaneously? Is there antigen presentation in the absence of
infection? Do APCs present antigens in the absence of T-cells?
Are different peptides presented by a single APC simultaneously?
How does (or does it) the immune system sense if a cell just slightly or
heavily infected?
Structure of TCR
compare the structure of TCR with that of the BCR! (soluble antibody, number of
binding sites, no soluble form for TCR)
T-cell response
How many antigen(s) is/are recognized by a single T-cell?
How many antigen(s) is/are recognized by the entire pool of T-cells in our body?
What happens to:
 antigen-specific
 antigen non-specific,
 or autoreactive T cells ?
Define the term “naïve” (T – or B-cell
Where are the foreign peptides first presented to T cells?
What is clonal expansion?
Where are pathogens located during the process of clonal expansion?
(it may vary depending on how bad, wide-spread the infection is)
Define the term effector T-cell! Where do effector T-cells meet the antigen?
Compare naïve and effector T-cells based on
 localization
 cell number
T cell functions
What is the function of cytotoxic T cells??
What is the function of cytotoxic T cells in general??
What type of immune reactions (effector mechanisms) are required to combat
and eliminate intracellular- (virus, bacterium) extracellular (bacteria, fungi,
parasites) pathogens?
Which T-helper population is activated the most in response to
extracellular pathogens,
WThere and when is it decided whether a naïve T-cell is going to develop into
a TH1, TH2, Th17 effector cell?
Cytokine microenvironment: (IL12, IFNy, IL4, IL1-6 need to know no more yet) ,
List the so-called “signature cytokines” of the various Th cell populations!
Describe the effect of these signature cytokines on the differentiation of the other
T-cell subsets and to the subsets that had produced them. (role of IL-4, IFNy, and
IL17 )!
The names and the function of the inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL1, IL6, IL12 and
type I IFNs are also required for the test
The names of chemokines, selectins and integrins are not required for the first
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