AP Biology Syllabus

estimated time: 3 weeks
▪ AP Biology Investigation Labs (2012): Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg
▪ AP Biology Investigation Labs (2012): Investigation 3: Comparing DNA Sequences to understand Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST
▪ What reliable evidence supports our modern theory of evolution? ▪ How is natural selection a major mechanism of evolution? ▪ How
does life evolve in changing environments?
Learning Objectives
Convert a data set from a table of numbers that reflect a change
in the genetic makeup of a population over time & apply
mathematical methods & conceptual understandings to
investigate the cause(s) & effect(s) of this change
[LO 1.1, SP 1.5, SP 2.2]
Pose scientific questions about a group of organisms whose
relatedness is described by a phylogenetic tree or cladogram in
order to (1) identify shared characteristics, (2) make inferences
about the evolutionary history of the group, and (3) identify
character data that could extend or improve the phylogenetic
tree [LO 1.17, SP 3.1]
Construct explanations based on scientific evidence that
homeostatic mechanisms reflect continuity due to common
ancestry and/or divergence due to adaptation in different
environments [LO 2.25, SP 6.2]
Campbell and
Reece, Chapter 22:
“Descent with
Modification: A
Darwinian View of
Life” and Chapter
26: “Phylogeny and
the Tree of Life
“Welcome to
Evolution, and
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 3:
Comparing DNA Sequences
to Understand Evolutionary
Relationships with BLAST
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
 Students use Berkeley’s “Welcome to Evolution 101” with
chapter 22 reading as their pre-lesson assignment to increase
their understanding of evolution. Students manipulate,
evaluate, & apply data to investigate “cause & effect” of
populations over time, make predictions about future
populations, & offer explanations (with justification) of natural
selection’s role in evolution. This is a student directed teacher
facilitated activity.
Students are given examples of various cladograms, then are
asked to construct & justify their own cladograms (Web site:
“Making Cladograms”). This activity allows the students to
interpret & analyze common ancestry & degrees of evolutionary
Students explore BLAST using bioinformatics to determine
evolutionary relationships in the study of diseases. They extend
their learning by designing & conducting an evolutionary
analysis of their chosen organism and/or researching specific
diseases that interest them.
Formative Assessment:
Students are provided with a set of organisms & characteristics
(prokaryotic or eukaryotic, & various characteristics) which they
analyze and look for patterns. They then construct a cladogram
& answer questions reflecting their proper completion,
interpretation, & application.
Unit 1 Learning Objectives continued: Page 2
Evaluate evidence provided by data to qualitatively &
quantitatively investigate the role of natural selection in
evolution [LO 1.2, SP 1.5, SP 5.3]
Analyze data to support the claim that responses to information
& communication of information affect natural selection
[LO 2.38, SP 5.1]
Apply mathematical methods to data from a real or simulated
population to predict what will happen to the population in the
future [LO 1.3, SP 2.2]
Evaluate data-based evidence that describes evolutionary
changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time
[LO 1.4, SP 5.3]
Use data from mathematical models based on the HardyWeinberg equilibrium to analyze genetic drift & the effects of
selection in the evolution of specific populations [LO 1.6, SP 2.2]
Convert a data set from a table of numbers that reflect a change
in the genetic makeup of a population over time & apply
mathematical methods & conceptual understandings to
investigate the cause(s) & effect(s) [LO 1.1, SP 1.5, SP 2.2]
Evaluate evidence provided by data to qualitatively &
quantitatively investigate the role of natural selection in
evolution [LO 1.2, SP 2.2, SP 5.3]
Campbell and
Reece, Chapter 23:
“The HardyWeinberg Equation
can be used to Test
Whether a
Population is
“Peanut Variation Lab”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 2:
Mathematical Modeling:
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 23: The Evolution of
“Lesson 6: Why Does
Evolution Matter Now?”
Analyze data to support the claim that responses to information
& communication of information affect natural selection
[LO 2.38, SP 5.1]
Apply mathematical methods to data from a real or simulated
population to predict what will happen to that population in the
future [LO 1.3, SP 2.2]
Evaluate data-based evidence that describes evolutionary
changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time
[LO 1.4, SP 5.3]
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
This is a student-directed lab in which students apply the
Hardy-Weinberg equation by using peanut shells & seeds to
investigate natural selection in peanuts. Two variations are
investigated: length of shell & #s of peanuts in each shell. The
activity reveals how the # of seeds is an adaptation to survival.
There is an open-inquiry portion of this lab in which students
design & conduct their own experiments to analyze the HardyWeinberg principle on variables of their choosing. I will
facilitate during the lab. If any students have a peanut allergy
we will substitute another legume.
Investigation 2: Students will analyze, manipulate, and convert
data as they model biological phenomena using computer
applications. Students will explain (with justification) how
genes behave in populations. Students design & conduct their
own experiments applying the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
principle & equation. I facilitate as necessary
Formative Assessment:
Students create & present mini-posters that reflect the results,
experimental protocol, methodology, & data collection of
Investigation 2. Mini posters will be peer & teacher reviewed
Instructional Activity:
Students view a video clip from “Lesson 6: Why Does Evolution
Matter Now?” which shows the transmission of tuberculosis &
the evolution of multiple drug-resistant strains of TB. Students
will explain (with justification) the following:
1. How does the misuse of antibiotics affect the evolution of
disease-causing bacteria?
2. Why should we care about a resistant strain of bacteria that
develops in China?
Formative Assessment:
Working in pairs, students design & carry out an inquiry-based
activity that will allow them to apply the Hardy-Weinberg
mathematical model. Each pair determines the population they
would like to use & explain (with justification) how that
population exhibits the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or, if
applicable, what conditions exist that are preventing it from
representing the model. Results will be peer and teacher
Unit 1: Learning Objectives continued: Page 3
Evidence for Evolution
Evaluate evidence provided by data from many scientific
disciplines that support biological evolution [LO 1.9, SP 5.3]
Refine evidence based on data from many scientific disciplines
that support biological evolution [LO 1.11, SP 4.2]
Design a plan to answer scientific questions regarding how
organisms have changed over time using information from
morphology, biochemistry, & geology [LO 1.11, SP 4.2]
Connect scientific evidence from many scientific disciplines to
support the modern concept of evolution [LO 1.12, SP 7.1]
Construct &/or justify mathematical models, diagrams, or
simulations that represent processes of biological evolution
[LO 1.13, SP 1.1, SP 2.1]
Pose scientific questions about a group of organisms whose
relatedness is described by a phylogenetic tree or cladogram in
order to (1) identify shared characteristics, (2) make inferences
about the evolutionary history of the group, and (3) identify
character data that could extend or improve the phylogenetic
tree [LO 1.17, SP 3.1]
Construct explanations based on scientific evidence that
homeostatic mechanisms reflect continuity due to common
ancestry &/or divergence due to adaptation in different
environments [LO 2.25, SP 6.21]
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 22: “Descent with
Modification: A Darwinian
View of Life”
Instructional Activities:
After reading Lamb’s article, students will support or refute the
premise that the eye has changed over time due to natural
selection. Students will evaluate data & evidence to support &
explain (with justification) their claims about evolution & how
organisms have changed over time.
Lamb, Trevor, D., “Evolution
of the Eye”
“Instant” Evolution
Seen in Darwin’s
Finches, Study
Darwin Lives!
Modern Humans
Are Still Evolving”
Computer Lab: Students will use Berkeley’s Understanding
Evolution website to engage in an exploration of the patterns in
the diversity of life across Earth. Students will connect scientific
evidence from different disciplines to help explain why
organisms change over time. The website also offers the
opportunity for students to interpret, analyze, & manipulate
data while applying scientific reasoning skills as they infer how
evolution has affected various species.
Students read & analyze articles from the two web sources noted
under materials. Students then write an essay summarizing &
explaining (with justification) how modern concepts of
evolution are supported through natural selection. I will
facilitate this activity as needed.
Students are given examples of cladograms, then will construct
& justify their own cladograms (web activity). In the process
students will be able to interpret & analyze common ancestry &
degrees of evolutionary relationships
Formative Assessment:
Using a set of organisms & characteristics provided, students
will analyze characteristics (type of cell, physical structures,
etc.) & patterns, construct a cladogram, & answer questions that
reflect their proper completion, interpretation, & application.
UNIT 1: Learning Objectives continued: Page 4
Origin of Species
Analyze data related to questions of speciation & extinction
throughout Earth’s history [LO 1.20, SP 5.1]
Design a plan for collecting data to investigate the scientific
claim that speciation & extinction have occurred throughout
Earth’s history [LO 1.21, SP 4.2]
Use data from a real or simulated population(s), based on
graphs or models & types of selection, to predict what will
happen to the population in the future [LO 1.22, SP 4.2]
Justify the selection of data that addresses questions related to
reproductive isolation & speciation [LO 1.23
Describe speciation in an isolated population & connect it to a
change in gene frequency, change in environment, natural
selection, &/or genetic drift [LO 1.24, SP 7.2]
Describe a model that represents evolution within a population
[LO 1.25, SP 1.2]
Evaluate given data sets that illustrate evolution as an ongoing
process [LO 1.26, SP 5.3]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 24: “The Origin of
the Species”
“Speciation in Real
“Evolution: Species
and Speciation”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
After reading the article “Speciation in Real Time” students will
analyze data obtained from two groups of researchers who show
how mating differences can evolve in bird populations in fewer
than 50 years. Students will work in small groups to explain &
analyze how evidence in the article suggests that lineage is
beginning to split. Groups will make predictions (with
justification) about the evolution of these bird populations
beyond 50 years. Using these predictions & the article data,
students will pose scientific questions about speciation
evolution. I will facilitate as needed.
Students use speciation to apply species concepts, follow
speciation events in frogs, & analyze speciation case studies of
mosquitoes & the Florida Panther. Through this exploration of
real studies in speciation, students reason how to collect data to
deduce that processes of extinction currently exist. The case
study that examines mosquitoes helps students to see how
species & speciation affect disease vectors. Students will
determine whether the Florida Panther is a unique species
outside of other puma by conducting a case study. I will help
direct students through speciation events as students direct
their own learning & analysis.
Summative Assessments:
Students will work in groups to construct models that show
evolutionary speciation of the state bird, the Carolina Wren.
Each student will write a 3 – 5 page report that explains (with
justification & evidence) the progression of evolutionary change
& the circumstances that lead to the new species.
Students take an assessment composed of 25 – 30 multiple
choice questions; 2 or 3 short response questions, & 1 lab-based
free-response question that requires data analysis based on
whether Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: HardyWeinberg or Investigation 3: Comparing DNA Sequences to
Understand Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST. The
assessment will take approximately 90 minutes
estimated time: 5 weeks
Laboratory Investigations:
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 5: Photosynthesis
Essential Questions:
▪ How is the cell the basic unit of life? ▪ How do substances enter & leave a cell? ▪ What is the relationship between structure & function of cell organelles?
▪ What mechanisms does a cell have to maintain homeostasis? ▪ How is free energy used to facilitate growth, reproduction, & sustain homeostasis?
▪ How are extracellular signals converted into cellular responses?
Learning Objectives
Explain how internal membranes& organelles contribute to cell
functions [LO 2.13, SP 6.2]
Make a prediction about the interactions of subcellular
organelles [LO 4.4, SP 6.4]
Construct explanations based on scientific evidence as to how
interactions of subcellular structures provide essential functions
[LO 4.5, SP 6.2]
Use representations & models to analyze situations qualitatively
to describe how interactions of subcellular structures, which
posess specialized functions, provide essential functions
[ LO 4.6, SP 1.4]
Use representations & models to pose scientific questions about
the properties of cell membranes & selective permeability based
on molecular structure [LO 2.10, SP 1.4, SP 3.1]
Use representations & models to analyze situations or solve
problems qualitatively or quantitatively to investigate whether
dynamic homeostasis is maintained by the active movement of
molecules across membranes [LO 2.12, SP 1.4}
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 6: “A Tour of the
Cell”, and Chapter 27:
“Bacteria and Archaea”
“Cells Alive!”
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 7: “Membrane
Structure and Function”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
In the “Cells Alive!” student-directed activity, students construct
a Venn diagram comparing prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells.
Students explain (with justification) the nature of evolutionary
relationships & how cellular organelles work together for
homeostatic balance to maintain life. I will facilitate this
Students review micrograph pictures of bacteria, plant, &
animal cells, making comparisons & predictions (with
justification) on how interactions of the subcellular structures
provide essential functions. The micrographs will be pictures I
have printed off the internet & presented to class during
lectures/notes or pictures similar to them. I will facilitate this
activity by identifying cell organelles.
Students design a 3-D representation of a specific cell organelle.
The representation will have a given size requirement and
students then must calculate the scale to real size. Students will
explain (with justification) the role their organelle has in
maintenance of cellular homeostasis. These models will be peer
& teacher reviewed.
Students are provided with a simplified diagram of the fluid
mosaic model of a cell membrane. Students must draw and
label the following into this basic diagram: cholesterol,
glycoproteins, glycolipids, channel proteins, cell surface
markers, pump, gated channel. This activity is student directed.
UNIT 2: Learning Objectives continued page 2
Use calculated surface-area-to-volume ratios to predict which
cell(s) might eliminate wastes or procure nutrients faster by
diffusion [LO 2.6, SP 2.2]
Explain how cell size & shape affect the overall rate of nutrient
intake & the rate of waste elimination [LO 2.7, SP 6.2]
“Cell Size”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 4:
Diffusion and Osmosis”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
To introduce this portion of Unit 2 I will bring in a wilted plant
& ask them to explain (with justification) the following:
1. No one has watered this plant recently. Is it dead?
2. What causes the plant to wilt?
3. Is there anything to be done that will reverse the wilting?
Students pose scientific questions regarding the wilted plant, &
selective permeability, the properties of cell membranes, & the
movement of molecules across a membrane.
Students create visual representations that illustrate & explain
examples of passive transport across the membrane; the role of
proteins in cellular transport, hypotonic, hypertonic, & isotonic
cellular environments; & movement of large molecules or large
volumes of molecules (exocytosis, endocytosis).
Students design & conduct experiments to investigate processes
of diffusion & osmosis in the transport of molecules across cell
membranes. They will also analyze how surface-area-to-volume
ratio affects the rate of diffusion by measuring the movement of
acid into agar blocks with phenolphthalein. This lab is student
directed & teacher facilitated.
Formative Assessment:
Students make three cube boxes using specific dimensions to
determine whether cell size is important in the homeostasis of
cells. The focus is on the surface-area-to-volume ratio.
Students explain (with justification) their answers to:
1. Which cube would be most efficient as a cell?
2. What role does the surface-area-to-volume ratio have in cell
Justify the selection of data regarding the types of molecules
that an animal, plant, or bacterium will take up as necessary
building blocks & excrete as waste products [LO 2.8, SP 4.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 2: “The Chemical
Context of Life”, Chapter 3:
“Water and the Fitness of
the Environment”, and
Chapter 4: “Carbon and the
Molecular Diversity of Life”
Instructional Activities:
Students work in groups, using vocabulary/concept cards to
construct a large-scale representation or model of the carbon or
nitrogen cycle (some groups do carbon, some nitrogen), in
different ecosystems. Student artifacts depict & explain the
abiotic & biotic factors in the cycles. During group
presentations, students should justify their selections &
explanations. This is a student-directed, teacher facilitated
Formative Assessment:
Students are given an exit ticket as a closing to the lesson or an
entry ticket as a follow-up to the lesson on the next day. On the
ticket, the students respond briefly, with justification, to the
following constructed-response question: What role do the
carbon & nitrogen cycles play in the production of complex
organic molecules such as protein s& nucleic acids in living
organisms? The assessment will be timed at 15 minutes.
UNIT 2: Learning Objectives continued: Page 3
Explain the connection between the sequences & the
subcomponents of a biological polymer & its properties
[LO 4.7, SP 7.1]
Construct explanations based on evidence of how variation in
molecular units provides cells with a larger range of functions
[LO 4.11, SP 6.2]
Represent graphically or model quantitatively the exchange of
molecules between an organism & its environment, & the
subsequent use of these molecules to build new molecules that
facilitate dynamic homeostasis, growth, & reproduction
[LO 2.9, SP 1.1, SP 1.4]
Refine representations & models to explain how the
subcomponents of a biological polymer & their sequence
determine the properties of a polymer [LO 4.2, SP 1.3]
Use models to predict & justify that change in the
subcomponents of a biological polymer affect the functionality
of the molecule [LO 4.3, SP 6.1, SP 6.4]
Analyze data to identify how molecular interactions affect
structure & function [LO 4.17, SP 5.1]
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 5: “The Structure
and Function of Large
Biological Molecules”
Instructional Activity:
Students create molecular models demonstrating SPONCH
elements that form macromolecules important to the
homeostasis of living systems & the sustainability of
environmental systems. The models will be ones that students
can manipulate to represent concepts such as dehydration &
synthesis reactions. This activity is teacher facilitated & student
Formative Assessments:
Each student is given a picture of bacteria, plants, or animals.
Each picture has a guiding question that provides a springboard
to write 3 to 5 paragraphs explaining the role of chemistry in
biological systems.
Guiding Question: Explain (with justification) the role of
SPONCH elements in the environment depicted on your card &
how they are integral parts of the macromolecules essential to
living systems. This is a student-directed, teacher-facilitated
Students use food nutritional labels to explain the role of
macromolecules in the human body. Small groups of students
each fold a large piece of paper into 4 squares, labeling each
square with the name of a macromolecule. Students explain &
justify how the food item will or will not supply the
macromolecule sources, describe the types of molecules that a
human requires as essential building blocks, & explain why it is
necessary to continue to take in food for homeostatic purposes.
Groups present & defend (with justification) their findings to
the class. I will correct any misconceptions or inaccuracies
verbally & provide feedback on sticky notes which I will place on
their papers while they are working on them. All models will be
posted in the room and students will tour the room adding
comments on their sticky notes to each paper
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 8: “An Introduction
to Metabolism”
LabBench Activty:
Enzyme Catalysis”
“Enzymes Help Us
Digest Food”
Instructional Activities:
Computer Lab: Students study some of the basic principles of
molecular movement in solution & perform a series of activities
to investigate these processes. The LabBench enzyme catalysis
activity allows students to explore how enzymes catalyze
reactions by lowering activation energy. This is a studentdirected, teacher-facilitated activity.
“Enzymes Help Us Digest Food” is a hands-on activity that
allows students to explore enzyme specificity & function by
analyzing the molecular basis for lactose intolerance. The
activity requires them to justify the role of enzymes & to identify
& predict the action of unknown enzymes. Students engage in
self-directed work and I facilitate as needed.
UNIT 2: Learning Objectives Page: 4
Justify the scientific claim that organisms share many
conserved core processes & features that evolved & are widely
distributed among organisms today [LO 1.16, SP 6.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 6: “A Tour of the
Cell”, Chapter 25: “The
History of Life on Earth”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students view slides or micrographs (cytoskeletons,
mitochondria, chloroplasts, linear chromosomes, & nuclear
envelopes) that justify the scientific claim that organisms share
core features. By viewing these representations, students are
able to see structural evidence to support sommon ancestry
between eukaryotes. This activity also provides students the
opportunity to use microscopy & deduce the relationship of cell
size & how organelles perform specific roles for maintaining
homeostasis in organisms. The activity is student-directed & I
assist with individual use of microscopes as needed.
Students individually research Lynn Margulis’ hypothesis of
endosymbiosis, then work in small groups to “pool” their
information. Each group responds to the following prompts to
justify the scientific claim that organisms share many conserved
core processes:
1. Based on Marguils’ hypothesis, how would the
endosymbiont lose its autonomy & become an organelle in
eukaryotic cells?
2. Provide examples & justify evidence supporting the
endosymbiotic theory for the origin of eukaryotes.
3. Provide evidence to refute Marguils’ hypothesis that
prokaryotes gave rise to eukaryotes.
I will facilitate a discussion that supports Marguils’ hypothesis &
offer room to refute it. At the end of the lesson students are
asked to form their own opinion based on the scientific evidence
collected & discussed.
Formative Assessment:
Students will construct a concept map to illustrate the
relationships between the three domains of life: archaea,
bacteria, & eukaryotes. Students will be asked to explain in
writing the molecular processes & cellular features that are
common in life. Students will present their concepts to the class
for peer & teacher review.
Summative Assessment:
The students take an assessment made up of 25 – 30 multiple
choice questions, 2 – 3 short response questions, and 1 labbased free response question that requires data based on
movement of molecules through membranes: osmosis &
diffusion. The assessment should take approximately 90
UNIT 2: Learning Objectives continued: Page 5
Explain how biological systems use free energy based on
empirical data that all organisms require constant energy input
to maintain organization, to grow, and to reproduce [LO 2.1, SP
Justify a scientific claim that free energy is required for living
systems to maintain organization, to grow, or to reproduce, but
that multiple strategies exist in different living systems [LO 2.2,
SP 6.2]
Predict how changes in free energy availability affect organisms,
populations, & ecosystems [LO 2.3, SP 6.4]
Use representations & models to analyze how cooperative
interactions within organisms promote efficiency in the use of
energy & matter [LO 4.18, SP 1.4
Construct explanations of the mechanisms & structural features
of cells that allow organisms to capture, store, or use free energy
[LO 2.5, SP 6.2]
Describe specific examples of conserved core biological
processes & features shared by all domains or within one
domain of life, & how these shared, conserved processes &
features support the concept of common ancestry for all
organisms [LO 1.15, SP 7.2]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 8: “An Introduction
to Metabolism”, Chapter 9:
Cellular Respiration:
Harvesting Chemical
Energy”, and Chapter 10:
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigative
Lab 5: Photosynthesis
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students research how fermentation occurs in yogurt, cheese ,
chocolate, vinegar, or sourdough bread. They then write a 2-3
page paper using the following questions as a guide:
1. What metabolic pathway is used in the fermentation
2. What substrate is involved in the process?
3. What are the products that result from the process?
4. How is fermentation accomplished?
5. How is the product prepared for consumption?
This activity is student-directed & teacher facilitated.
Students use research & their understanding of fermentation to
design & conduct an experiment to investigate how yeasts are
able to metabolize a variety of sugars. I will facilitate as needed.
Using the floating leaf disk procedure, students investigate
factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis in living leaves.
Students design & conduct investigations using variables that
may affect photosynthesis. This activity is student-directed and
teacher facilitated.
Students read a teacher-selected article on research that
justifies how herbicides block the metabolic pathways that allow
a plant to photosynthesize. Students pose scientific questions
about the research & construct explanations (with justification)
regarding how mechanisms & structural features of the plant
disallow the plan to capture, store, or use free energy.
Formative Assessment:
Students will work in pairs to create a poster that explains the
interdependent relationships of cellular respiration &
photosynthesis, and how the processes of cellular respiration &
photosynthesis affect a runner in a marathon race. Students
should use few words & focus on using graphics to represent the
cyclic processes. This visual representation will be peer and
teacher reviewed.
UNIT 2: Learning Objectives continued Page 6
Cell Communication / Signaling
Describe basic chemical processes for cell communications
shared across evolutionary lines of descent [LO 3.31, SP 7.2]
Generate scientific questions involving cell communication as it
relates to the process of evolution [LO 3.32, SP 3.1]
Use representation(s) & appropriate models to describe features
of a cell signaling pathway [LO 3.33, SP 1.4]
Construct explanations of cell communication through cell-tocell direct contact or through chemical signaling
[LO 3.34, SP 6.2]
Create representation(s) that depict how cell-to-cell
communication occurs by direct contact or from a distance
through chemical signaling [LO 3.35, SP 1.1]
Describe a model that expresses the key elements of signal
transduction pathways by which a signal is converted to a
cellular response [LO 3.36, SP 1.5]
Justify claims based on scientific evidence that changes in signal
transduction pathways can alter cellular responses
[LO 3.37, SP 1.5]
Describe a model that expresses key elements to show how
change in signal transduction can alter cellular response
[LO 3.38, SP 1.5]
Construct an explanation of how certain drugs affect signal
reception and so, signal transduction pathways
[LO 3.39, SP 6.2]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 11: “Cell
“Pathways with
“Amazing Cells:
Cells Communicate
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students engage in an online investigation that addresses how
the cell communicates through signals aided by pathways made
of mostly proteins. During this activity students will:
1. View a 3-D animation for cell communication, the fight or
flight response
2. Examine an in-depth view of how cells communicate during
a fight or flight response
3. Engage in an interactive exploration called “Dropping
4. Learn what happens when cell communication goes wrong
5. Look at the inside story of cell communication
This activity is student-directed & teacher-facilitated.
In the activity “Pathways with Friends” students model cell
communication by acting as components in a cell signaling
pathway. This teacher-directed activity provides a model for
cell communication and the student-directed class discussion of
the activity allows them to explain cell communication & to
predict (with justification) what would happen if “someone
didn’t do their job” (conformational changes in the components
of cell signaling)
Students, working in pairs, create a model using cut out pieces
of construction paper to illustrate the key features/components
in a G-protein receptor system & the three stages of cell
signaling: reception, transduction, and cellular response.
Students will describe & present their models for peer & teacher
review & revisions as needed.
Summative Assessment:
Students take an assessment that is made up of 25 – 30 multiple
choice questions, 2 or 3 short response questions (one on cell
signaling), and 1 lab-based free response question that requires
data analysis based on photosynthesis &/or diffusion & osmosis.
The assessment should take approximately 90 minutes.
estimated time: 6 weeks
Laboratory Investigations:
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 8: Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation
Essential Questions: ▪ How are traits passed from one generation to another? ▪ How do eukaryotic cells store, retrieve, & transmit genetic information?
▪ How are genotype & human disorders related? ▪ How does gene expression control the cell & affect its metabolism? ▪ What are the social, political, and ethical issues related to
genetic engineering?
Learning Objectives
Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis
Make predictions about the natural phenomena occurring
during the cell cycle [LO 3.7, SP 6.4
Describe events that occur in the cell cycle [LO 3.8, SP 1.2]
Construct an explanation, visual representations or narratives,
as to how DNA in chromosomes is transmitted to the next
generation via mitosis, or meiosis followed by fertilization
[LO 3.9, SP 6.2]
Represent the connection between meiosis & increased genetic
diversity necessary for evolution [LO 3.10, SP 7.1]
Evaluate evidence provided by data sets to support the claim
that heritable information is passed from one generation to
another through mitosis, or meiosis followed by fertilization
[LO 3.11, SP 5.3]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 12: “The Cell Cycle”,
Chapter 13: “Meiosis and
Sexual Life Cycles”, and
Chapter 21: “Genomes and
Their Evolution”
“Microscopic Close
Up: Mammal Cell
Undergoing Mitosis
in Orange
“Mitosis & Meiosis:
Doing It on the
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students make slides of onion root tips to view mitotic cell
division. They explain (with justification) why more cells will be
in interphase. Students make predictions (with justification)
about the events that occur during the cell cycle. This activity
has components that are both student-directed and teacherdirected.
Students watch & analyze time-lapse video clips of mitotic cell
division. The events in the video clips illustrate that mitosis is a
continuous process with observable structural features &
different phases. Students then construct a pictorial
representation that show the following processes in mitosis:
replication, alignment, separation. This activity is studentdirected and I facilitate use of microscope as needed.
Students create a Venn diagram comparing the process of
eukaryotes passing heritable information to next generations of
cells by mitosis & by meiosis. They support this comparison
with evidence provided by data sets. Students make & explain
connections between mitosis & meiosis & increased genetic
diversity & evaluate & explain differences & similarities between
mitosis & meiosis. This is a student-drive, teacher-facilitated
Students reinforce their understanding of mitosis & meiosis by
using pipe cleaners to model critical distinctions between what
happens to chromosomes during the cell cycles. Students
demonstrate what happens to one pair of chromosomes during
mitosis & then explains each stage correctly. Then they do the
same with a pair of chromosomes going through meiosis. This
is a student-directed, teacher-facilitated activity.
UNIT 3: Learning Objectives continued Page 2
Skloot, The Immortal Life of
Henrietta Lacks
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 9:
Biotechnology: Restriction
Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students read & analyze The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
over a 2 week period as a project. They will work in small
groups to discuss & explain the nature of cancer cells & the cell
cycle, use of HeLa cells in scientific research and legal & ethical
questions regarding using human cells & tissues for scientific
research without consent. I will facilitate this discussion.
Students explore & explain how to use genetic information to
identify & profile individuals. They apply mathematical
routines to determine the approximate sizes of DNA fragments
produced by restriction enzymes. Students also design &
conduct experiments based on their own questions. Parts of
this activity are student-directed; parts are teacher-directed.
Summative Assessment:
Students take a test made up of 20-25 multiple choice
questions, 1-2 short-response questions, and 1 lab-based
mitosis/meiosis free-response question. This assessment
should take approximately 60 minutes.
Mendel’s Model
Construct a representation that connects the process of meiosis
to the passage of traits from parent to offspring
[LO 3.12, SP 1.1, SP 7.2]
Pose questions about the ethical, social, or medical issues
surrounding human genetic disorders [LO 3.13, SP 3.1]
Apply mathematical routines to determine Mendelian patterns
of inheritance provided by data sets [LO 3.14, SP 2.2]
Explain deviations from Mendel’s model of the inheritance of
traits [LO 3.15, SP 6.5]
Explain how the inheritance patterns of many traits cannot be
accounted for by Mendelian genetics [LO 3.16, SP 6.3]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 14: “Mendel and the
Gene Idea”, and Chapter 15:
“The Chromosomal Basis of
“Who’s the
Instructional Activity:
Students conduct a long-term activity using Wisconsin Fast
Plants that connects the process of meiosis to the passage of
traits from parent to offspring. This exploration is an
introduction to genetics; I will facilitate as necessary. Students
will be self-directed in their observation of data. They will:
1. Water their plants
2. Articulate a hypothesis about the inheritance of genes
3. Gather evidence in a notebook
4. Determine whether their evidence supports their
5. Explain inheritance of a single trait in Wisconsin Fast
Plants based on their evidence
6. Determine the father’s (P2) stem color, based on their
expectation of inheritance
7. Use the chi-square test to explain deviations between any
expected a& observed result
UNIT 3: Learning Objectives continued Page 3
Describe representations of an appropriate example of
inheritance patterns that cannot be explained by Mendel’s
model of the inheritance of traits [LO 3.17, SP 1.2]
Construct explanations of the influence of environmental factors
on the phenotype of an organism [LO 4.23, SP 6.2]
Use evidence to justify a claim that a variety of phenotypic
responses to a single environmental factor can result from
different genotypes within the population [LO 4.25, SP 6.1]
“Genetic Disease
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students examine an ear of corn & determine the type of cross &
genes responsible for the coloration & texture of the corn
kernels. Students pose scientific questions & form a hypothesis
as they attempt to determine whether there is a significant
difference between the expected frequencies & the observed
frequencies in color & texture. This is a student-guided,
teacher-facilitated activity.
Students use the Human Genome research site to explore
single-gene disease disorders (cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia,
Tay-Sachs disease , Allgrove syndrome, Huntington’s disease,
X-linked color blindness, Trisomy 21/Down Syndrome,
phenylketonuria, Marfan syndrome, and Klinefelter’s
syndrome). After researching these diseases individually,
students work in small groups to discuss ethical, social, political,
and medical issues that surround human disorders. The entire
class will then participate in a discussion. I will serve as
Formative Assessment:
Students solve monohybrid & dihybrid test crosses. The focus
of the assessment is student understanding of phenotypic &
genotypic ratios & how traits are passed from one generation to
the next. Students report their findings to the class for peer &
teacher review. This assessment is teacher facilitated.
Summative Assessment:
Students take an assessment made up of 20-25 multiple choice
questions, 2 short response questions, and 1 free-response
question based on data including chi-square. The assessment
should take approximately 60 minutes.
UNIT 3: Learning Objectives continued Page 4
Gene to Protein
Construct scientific explanations that use the structures &
mechanics of DNA & RNA to support the claim that DNA and,
in some cases, RNA are the primary sources of heritable
information [LO 3.1, SP 6.5]
Justify the selection of data from historical investigations that
support the claim that DNA is the source of heritable
information [LO 3.2, SP 4.1]
Describe representations & models that illustrate how genetic
information is copied for transmission between generations [LO
3.3, SP 1.2]
Create a visual representation to illustrate how changes in DNA
nucleotide sequence can result in a change in the polypeptide
produced [LO 3.25, SP 1.1]
Predict how a change in a specific DNA or RNA sequence can
result in changes in gene expression [LO 3.6, SP 6.4]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter16: “The Molecular
Basis of Inheritance”, and
Chapter 17: “From Gene to
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students perform a DNA extraction of their own cheek cells.
After the lab, students explain (with justification) how advances
in biotechnology have been used in real-life applications.
Students debate the ethical issues that surround DNA
information. The activity is student-directed & teacherfacilitated.
Working in pairs, students research & justify data supporting
important milestones in the identification of DNA genetic
material. Each group presents to the class & teacher. Students
pose questions about DNA that are still unanswered. They then
predict (with current data-based justification) what advances in
DNA use & biotechnology are yet to come. This is a student selfguided, teacher facilitated activity.
Computer Lab: Students explore the interactive activity, “DNA
Workshop”. In this student-directed activity, students justify
the role of DNA replication being the starting point toward the
goal of protein synthesis. Students manipulate on-line models
to create representations of DNA replication, transcription, &
translation. This is a teacher-facilitated activity
Students use construction paper, markers, & scissors to
construct a model of DNA using at least 24 nucleotides.
Students use the model to distinguish between DNA & RNA, to
model & explain the processes of replication, transcription, &
translation; and to predict (with justification) the effects of
change (mutation) on the original nucleotide sequence. This
activity is student-directed & teacher facilitated.
“Cracking the Code
of Life: See Your
“A Science
Odyssey: You Try
It: DNA Workshop”
Formative Assessment:
Students work in self-directed groups to place puzzle pieces
together that illustrate the structures of DNA, RNA, and DNA
replication, transcription, & translation. This is teacherfacilitated to ensure the representations illustrate how genetic
information is translated into polypeptides leading to protein
production. As teacher, I will also manipulate the
representation to depict changes in DNA nucleotide sequence.
Students remain working in small groups to predict & justify
how changes in DNA or RNA sequences can affect how the
genes are expressed. At the end of the lesson I supply a
Summative Assessment:
The students take an assessment that is made up of 20-25
multiple choice questions, 1-2 short-response questions, and 1
free-response question with analysis of representations of the
DNA structure, DNA replication, and DNA transcription and
translation. This assessment should take approximately 60
UNIT 3 Learning Objectives continued Page 5
Gene Expression
Describe the connection between the regulation of gene
expression & observed differences between different kinds of
organisms [LO 3.18, SP 7.1]
Describe the connection between the regulation of gene
expression & observed differences between individuals in a
population [LO 3.19, SP 7,1]
Explain how the regulation of gene expression is essential for
the processes & structures that support efficient cell function
[LO 3.20, SP 6.2]
Use representations to describe how gene regulation influences
cell products & function [LO 3.21, SP 1.4]
“Hedgehog Signaling in
Animal Development:
paradigms and Principles”
Refine representations to illustrate how interactions between
external stimuli & gene expression result in specialization of
cells, tissues, & organs [LO 4.7, SP 1.3]
Justify a claim made about the effect(s) on a biological system at
the molecular, physiological, or organismal level when given a
scenario in which one or more components within a negative
regulatory system is altered [LO 2.15, SP 6.1]
Explain how signal pathways mediate gene expression,
including how this process can affect protein production
[LO 3.22, SP 6.2]
Use representations to describe mechanisms of the regulation of
gene expression [LO 3.23, SP 1.4]
Connect concepts in & across domains to show that timing &
coordination of specific events are necessary for normal
development in an organism & that these events are regulated
by multiple mechanisms [LO 2.31, SP 7.2]
Use a graph or diagram to analyze situations or solve problems
(quantitatively or qualitatively) that involve timing &
coordination of events necessary for normal development in an
organism [LO 2.33, SP 1.4]
Justify scientific claims with scientific evidence to show that
timing & coordination of several events are necessary for
normal development in an organism & that these events are
regulated by multiple mechanisms [LO 2.33, SP 6.1]
Describe the role of programmed cell death in development &
differentiation, the reuse of molecules, & the maintenance of
dynamic homeostasis [LO 2.34, SP 7.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 20: “Biotechnology”
and Chapter 21: “Genomes
and Their Evolution”
“rediscovering Biology: Unit
7: Genetics of Development:
Animations and Images”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
In this student-guided activity, students use construction paper
or other creative materials to construct models of the lac &/or
tryp operons that include a regulator, promoter, operator, &
structural genes. Students use the model to make prediction
(with justification0 about the effects of mutations in any of the
regions on gene expression. This is a teacher-facilitated activity.
Students create PowerPoint presentations to distinguish
between embryonic versus adult stem cells. Students work in
small groups to explain (with justification) their arguments for
& against stem cell research. This activity is student-directed &
Students watch animations & explain (with justification) how
the normal hedgehog signaling pathway can be blocked, why the
level of hedgehog signaling protein that the cell binds to is
important, & how the hedgehog signaling pathway can trigger
expression of developmentally important genes. Components of
this activity are both student-directed & teacher-directed.
Formative Assessments:
As an exit ticket, students respond to the question: What role
does the hedgehog protein play in embryonic development?
Students distinguish between the terms determination &
differentiation with regard to gene expression. Students work
in pairs to provide an example & explanation of experimental
evidence that supports the claim that different cell types result
from differential gene expression in cells with the same DNA.
The activity is teacher-guided and student-driven.
Summative Assessment:
The students take an assessment that is made up of 20-25
multiple choice questions, 1-2 short response questions, and 1
free-response question. The assessment should take
approximately 60 minutes.
UNIT 3: Learning Objectives continued: Page 6
Genetic Engineering
Justify the claim that humans can manipulate heritable
information by identifying at least two commonly used
technologies [LO 3.4, SP 6.4]
Predict how a change in genotype, when expressed as a
phenotype, provides a variation that can be subject to natural
selection [LO 3.24, SP 6.4, SP 7.2]
Explain the connection between genetic variations in organisms
& phenotypic variations in populations [LO 3.26, SP 7.2]
Predict the effect of a change in an environmental factor on the
genotypic expression of the phenotype [LO 4.24, SP 6.4]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 20: “Biotechnology”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation 8:
Biotechnology: Bacterial
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students explore how to use genetic-engineering techniques to
manipulate heritable information. They will also apply
mathematical routines to determine transformation efficiency.
Components of this lab are student/ teacher-directed
Students view & explain the film Gattaca. During the film,
students make notations of biotechnology applications. After
the film, students justify their notations of biotechnology
applications & explain (with evidence) whether the science was
real or could become real. Students evaluate advances in
biotechnology & how ethical issues may get in the way of its
advancement. The activity is student-driven & teacherfacilitated.
Formative Assessment:
Students describe future scenarios (written & illustrated) that
reflect advancement in our current knowledge of biotechnology.
The futuristic scenarios are shared in class & then everyone
participates in a discussion that poses questions & ideas about
genetic engineering & ethical &/or medical issues raised by
human manipulation of DNA. This activity is both student &
teacher lead,
Summative Assessment:
The students respond to free-respnse questions based on AP
Biology Investigation 8: Bacterial Transformation and
Investigation 9: Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of
estimated time: 4 weeks
Laboratory Investigations:
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 11: Transpiration
▪ AP Biology Investigative Labs (2012), Investigation 12: Fruit Fly Behavior
Essential Questions: ▪ How do interactions between & within populations influence patterns of species distribution & abundance? ▪ How do individuals
use energy & matter to survive in an ecosystem? ▪ How do humans impact the biodiversity of ecosystems? ▪ What role does the environment play in
sustaining homeostasis in biological systems?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Origin of Life
Describe a scientific hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth
[LO 1.27, SP 1.2]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 26: “Phylogeny and
the Tree of Life”
Instructional Activity:
This activity starts with a class discussion about the origin of
life. Students propose a hypothesis regarding how the Earth
was formed. Students then write a description of early Earth
using biotic factors & explore a web –based time line that details
events in the history of life on Earth. Through this exploration,
students will describe & evaluate scientific hypotheses about the
origin of the Earth. Students will also evaluate their personal
hypotheses about the origin of the Earth against the web-based
model of the origin & evolution of Earth. The initial classroom
discussion is teacher-lead, however, the remaining parts of this
activity are student-lead.
Evaluate scientific questions based on hypotheses about the
origin of life on Earth [LO 1.28, SP 3.3]
Describe the reasons for revisions of scientific hypotheses of the
origin of life on Earth [LO 1.29, SP 6.3]
Evaluate the accuracy & legitimacy of data to answer scientific
questions about the origin of life on Earth [LO 1.31, SP 4.4]
Evaluate scientific hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth
[LO 1.30, SP 6.5]
Justify the selection of geological, physical, & chemical data that
reveal early Earth conditions [LO 1.32, SP 4.1]
“Exploring Life’s
Origins: A Timeline
of Life’s Evolution”
UNIT 4: Learning Objectives continued: Page 2
Viruses vs. Cells
Construct an explanation of how viruses introduce genetic
variation in host organisms [LO 3.29, SP 6.2]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 19: “Viruses”
Use representations & appropriate models to describe how viral
replication introduces genetic variation in the viral population
[LO 3.30, SP 1.4]
Connect differences in the environment with the evolution of
homeostatic mechanisms [LO 2.27, SP 7.1]
“Genetic Variation
Increases HIV Risk
in Africans”
“What You Should
Know About
Antiviral Drugs”
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students read & analyze the article “Genetic Variation Increases
HIV Risk in Africans” (Science Daily). The article presents an
explanation of how viral replication can introduce genetic
variation in a viral population. As a follow-up to their reading,
students write a 1-page summary, explaining (with justification)
how viruses introduce genetic variation into host organisms.
Students share their summaries with the class then I will
present a summary of the role viruses play in genetic variation.
This activity involves the teacher as facilitator and students are
In this student-directed activity, students make a Venn diagram
to describe the differences between viruses & human cells. This
activity provides the basis for student understanding of viruses
& how they introduce genetic variation into host cells. Students
work in pairs to explain (with justification) how viruses are not
living, but play an important role in biological systems. As
facilitator, I monitor student progress, answer questions, *
choose certain pairs to present to class.
Formative Assessment:
Students research & analyze scholarly articles at www.cdc.gov
seeking to prove or disprove the idea that antiviral drugs work.
Students work in pairs to report & share their findings.
Students explain (with justification) why it is difficult to
pinpoint which strain of virus to attack with antiviral drugs.
Instructional Activity:
Role-playing & using materials available in the classroom,
students work in small groups to demonstrate details of timing
& coordination of physiological events. Groups choose either a
plant or animal example. Examples of plant physiological
events are phototropism & photoperiodism. Examples of
animal physiological events are circadian rhythms,
diurnal/nocturnal cycles, jet lag, seasonal responses, & the
effect of pheromones. This activity is student-directed &
Summative Assessment:
The students take an assessment that consists of 25 – 30
multiple choice questions, 2 or 3 short-response questions, and
one long free-response question based on a scenario with data
analysis covering homeostasis & regulatory mechanisms in
biological system (from cells to ecosystem). The assessment
should take approximately 90 minutes.
UNIT 4: Learning Objectives continued Page 3
Interactions with Environment
Refine scientific models & questions about the effect of complex
biotic & abiotic interactions on all biological systems, from cells
& organisms to populations, communities, & ecosystems
[LO 2.22, SP 1.3, SP 3.2]
Design a plan for collecting data to show that all biological
systems (cells, organisms, populations, communities, &
ecosystems) are affected by complex biotic & abiotic
interactions [LO 2.23, SP 4.2, SP 7.2]
Analyze data to identify possible patterns & relationships
between a biotic or abiotic factor & a biological system (cell,
organism, population, community, or ecosystem). [LO 2.24, SP
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 52: “An
Introduction to Ecology and
the Biosphere” and Chapter
36: “Transport in Vascular
“The Habitable
Planet: Interactive
Labs: Disease Lab”
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation
11: Transpiration
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students create travel magazines that depict & describe the 5
different biomes. For each biome, the student will start from
the macro level drilling down (biome, country, city/town,
specific ecosystem, specific animal, & specific plant). Students
explain (with justification) unique adaptations for their selected
plant & animal that allow for survival in that biome. Students
will include abiotic & biotic factors. This activity is studentguided and I am the facilitator.
In this student-directed & inquiry-based activity, students
participate in an interactive lesson that explores various types of
diseases. Each disease represents a fast-speeding epidemic with
a high mortality rate. Students explain how abiotic & biotic
factors affect the spread of diseases, & what we can do to
counter them. My role is that of facilitator.
In this lab investigation, students need little supervision to
design & conduct experiments as they investigate the effects of
environmental variables on transpiration rates. Students
determine how biological systems are affected by complex biotic
& abiotic interactions. I am the facilitator during this lab
Formative Assessment:
Students are self-guided as they use the data from the AP
Biology Investigation 11: Transpiration to graph & analyze their
result & draw conclusions. Students explain (with justification)
the role of abiotic & biotic factors in their analyses.
Summative Assessment:
The students take an assessment that is made up of 10 -15
multiple choice questions, 1 short-response question & 1 freeresponse question that requires data analysis based on
Investigation 11: Transpiration. The assessment should take
approximately 60 minutes
UNIT 4: Learning Objectives continued: Page 4
Justify scientific claims, using evidence, to describe how timing
& coordination of behavioral events in organisms are regulated
by several mechanisms [LO 2.49, SP 6.1]
Connect concepts in & across domain(s) to predict how
environmental factors affect responses to information & change
behavior [LO 2.40, SP 7.2]
Analyze data that indicate how organisms exchange information
in response to internal changes & external cues, & which can
change behavior [LO 3.40, SP 5.1]
Create a representation that describes how organisms exchange
information in response to internal changes & external cues, &
which can result in changes in changes in behavior
[LO 3.41, SP 1.1]
Describe how organisms exchange information in response to
internal changes or environmental cues [LO 3.42, SP 7.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 51: “Animal
AP Biology Investigative
Labs (2012), Investigation
12: Fruit Fly Behavior
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students independently explore an interactive tutorial on
circadian rhythms. This tutorial includes examples of
measurements of biological rhythms. Students use this activity
to explain & justify how timing & coordination of behavioral
events in organisms are regulated. The students are self-guided
& I am the facilitator.
In this lab investigation, students construct choice chambers to
investigate behaviors that underlie chemotaxis. Students will
design & conduct experiments based on their own research
questions. This lab is student directed & teacher-facilitated.
Students choose & observe specific behaviors in 3 breeds of
dogs. In written reports, students describe how dogs exchange
information in response to internal changes & external cues.
Students make recommendations to determine which type of
dog is best suited to live on a farm, in a loft apartment, &/or in a
condominium. This activity is student guided & facilitated by
UNIT 4: Learning Objectives continued: Page 5
Responses and Defenses
Create representations & models to describe immune responses
[LO 2.29, SP 1.2]
Create representations or models to describe nonspecific
immune defenses in plants & animals [LO 2.30, SP 1.1, SP 1.2]
Construct an explanation, based on scientific theories & models,
about how nervous systems detect external & internal signals,
transmit & integrate information, & produce responses
[LO 3.43, SP 6.2, SP 7.1]
Describe how nervous systems detect external & internal signals
[LO 3.44, SP 1.2]
Describe how nervous systems transmit information
[LO 3.45, SP 1.2]
Describe how the vertebrate brain integrates information to
produce a response [LO 3.46, SP 1.2]
Create a visual representation of complex nervous systems to
describe/explain how these system detect external & internal
signals, transmit & integrate information, & produce responses
[LO 3.47, SP 1.1]
Create a visual representation to describe how nervous systems
detect external & internal signals [LO 3.48, SP 1.1]
Create a visual representation to describe how nervous systems
transmit information [LO 3.49, SP 1.1]
Create a visual representation to describe how the vertebrate
brain integrates information to produce a response
[LO 3.50, SP 1.1]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 39: “Plant
Responses to Internal and
External Signals”, Chapter
43: “The Immune System”,
and Chapter 49: “Nervous
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activity:
Students create posters that describe the immune system. Each
poster should show examples of how plants or animals use
chemical defenses against infectious diseases. This lesson is
student-directed & I facilitate it.
Formative Assessment:
Students write a 1-page response to the following statement: A
baby is born with its mother’s immune system. After students
complete their responses, I will initiate a discussion by asking
students to share those responses with the class.
ABO-Rh Blood Typing with
Synthetic Blood Kit
Instructional Activities:
Students are self-guided as they use simulated blood & sera to
investigate the relationship between antigens & antibodies. The
students use ABO-Rh blood typing to describe a nonspecific
immune defense found in the human body. This activity is
Students work in pairs to design a teaching model of the
nervous system to be used for patients in a doctor’s office. In
this activity, the students explain how the nervous system
transmits information & how the brain integrates this
information to produce a response. Students also create
brochures that could be given to patients. The brochure
explains (with justification) how the nervous system transmits
information, how it detects external & internal signals, & how
the brain integrates information to produce a response. This
activity is student-guided and teacher-facilitated.
UNIT 4 Learning Objectives continued: Page 6
Living Together
Evaluate scientific questions concerning organisms that exhibit
complex properties due to the interaction of their constituent
parts [LO 4.8, SP 3.3]
Predict the effects of a change is a component(s) of a biological
system on the functionality of an organism(s) [LO 4.9, SP 6.4]
Refine representations & models to illustrate biocomplexity due
to interactions of the constituent parts [LO 4.10, SP 1.3]
Justify the selection of the kind of data needed to answer
scientific questions about the interactions of populations within
communities [LO 4.11, SP 1.4, SP 4.1]
Apply mathematical routines to quantities that describe
communities composed of populations of organisms that
interact in complex ways [LO 4.12, SP 2.2]
Predict the effects of a change in the community’s populations
on the community [LO 4.13, SP 6.4]
Predict the effects of a change of matter or energy availability on
communities [LO 4.16, SP 6.4]
Use data analysis to refine observations & measurements
regarding the effect of population interactions on patterns of
species distribution & abundance [LO 4.19, SP 5.2]
Predict consequences of human action on both local & global
ecosystems [LO 4.21, SP 6.4]
Make scientific claims & predictions about how species diversity
within an ecosystem influences ecosystem stability
[LO 4.27, SP 6.4]
Campbell and Reece,
Chapter 53: “Population
Ecology”, Chapter 54:
“Community Ecology”,
Chapter55: “Ecosystems”,
Chapter 40: “Basic
Principles of Animal Form
and Function”, and Chapter
56: “Conservation Biology
and Restoration Ecology”
Heitz and Giffen, Practicing
Biology: A Student
Workbook, Activity 43.1
“Are All Invasive Species
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities:
Students work in pairs to describe 5 talking points regarding
populations, communities, & ecosystems. Students explain
(with justification) the talking points on chart paper. Each
group posts their paper on the wall for a gallery walk. Groups
visit each paper & discuss (& post with sticky notes) how the 3
topics relate to each other. Everyone reviews all the sticky
notes. This activity is student focused & facilitated by me.
Formative Assessments:
Students create visual representations that illustrate
biocomplexity & interactions in the environment. Each
representation should be a depiction across systems (starting
from the biosphere & going to the habitat of an organism). The
following should also be included: biosphere, biome, ecosystem,
community, population, organism, habitat, & niche. Abiotic &
biotic factors should be included where applicable.
Students create posters that illustrate the effect of a change in
matter & energy availability in an ecosystem. Students are selfguided as they describe the trophic structure of the ecosystem &
explain how organisms receive inputs of energy & nutrients,
where outputs go, & the effects each organisms has on the
others. They include energy transformations & transfers based
on the hypothetical assumption that 10,500 J of net energy is
available at the producer level, and they determine the
organisms that are placed in each trophic level. Students share
their posters with the class for peer review. The teacher acts as
Instructional Activities:
Students work through activity 43.1 in the Heitz & Giffen
workbook to explore models that scientists use to calculate
population growth rates. Students apply the growth model
dN/dt = rN to several different populations & make predictions
(with justification) regarding the effects of changes in
populations. The students are self-guided in this teacherfacilitated activity.
Students are self-guided as they research how the oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico (04/20/2010) affected marine life. Students
extend learning to researching what effect the gulf spill had
globally. Students write a 2-3 page report summarizing the
effects in the Gulf and globally and include predictions for
marine life in the Gulf as a result of the spill. I will facilitate this
Students are self-guided as they read & analyze “Are All Invasive
Species Bad?” Students complete an article analysis & include a
personal response to the article’s claims. As facilitator I will
also provide a class summary of student analyses & personal
UNIT 4: Learning Objectives continued Page 7
Living Together continued
Make scientific claims & predictions about how species diversity
within an ecosystem influences ecosystem stability
[LO 4.27, SP 6.4]
Instructional Activities & Assessments
Instructional Activities continued:
Students are self-guided as they research rubber as a Brazilian
rainforest product & explain how it is harvested. Students make
connections between the role of humans & the effect the rubber
production business has had on the Amazon rainforest
environment. I will act as teacher-facilitator in this activity.
Students are self-guided as they research the biology & natural
history of the timber wolf, its status in the habitats of North
America, & how the wolf and humans interact. Through their
research, students determine the pros and cons of the current
wolf management protocol currently used in the United States.
I will act as facilitator in this activity
Summative Assessment:
Students take an assessment that is made up of 25-30 multiple
choice questions, 2-3 short-response questions, and 1 lab-based
free-response question based on a scenario & data analysis with
application of quantitative skills & science practices. The
assessment should take approximately 90 minutes.