I. DESCRIPTION- This work is the Standard and RPS construction of plant-mixed asphalt mixtures on a prepared
surface using a volumetric mixture design developed with the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC). Acceptance of
the work is based on test results using Local Acceptance (LA), Independent Assurance (IA) Testing and statistical
evaluation of test results by PWT procedures. Acceptance testing is performed locally at the Contractor’s designated
laboratory by the Department’s Representative. This special provision applies to all bituminous paving items of
Sections 309, 311, 316, 409, 410, and 411.
II. MATERIALS – Section 409.2 with additions and modifications as follows:
(e) Mixture Composition for Standard and RPS Construction.
1. Virgin Material Mixtures. Section 409.2(e)1. Replace the first three paragraphs with the following:
Size, uniformly grade, and combine aggregate fractions in proportions to produce a Job Mix Formula
(JMF) that conforms to the material, gradation, and volumetric Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design requirements as
specified in Bulletin 27, Chapter 2A, for the specified Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS) and design
Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs).
Submit a copy of each completed JMF, signed by a certified Bituminous Level 2 Plant Technician, to the
District Materials Engineer/District Materials Manager (DME/DMM) at least three weeks before the planned start of
mixture production. Include a list of all material sources and the asphalt mixture producer in the JMF. For each JMF
to be tested according to PTM No. 757, submit the calibration factors (Cƒ and200 Cƒ) for the JMF which are
specific to each ignition furnace to be used for the testing. Provide calibration factors that were determined within
the preceding twelve month period. Do not start mixture production until after the DME/DMM reviews and signsoff on the JMF.
Submit a new JMF with a change in material sources or if a new JMF is necessary to produce a mixture
conforming to this specification.
1.b Plant Technicians. Section 409.2(e) 1.b. Replace paragraph with the
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1. b Plant Technicians. During mixture production, provide a certified Bituminous Level 1 Plant
Technician at the plant and an on-call certified Bituminous Level 2 Plant Technician, both meeting the
requirements outlined in Publication 351. Instruct and train the certified technicians to perform all tests and to
control plant operations. All technicians must carry a valid certification card during mixture production.
The Department’s certified Bituminous Level 1 or Level 2 Plant Technician will be properly trained and will
meet the requirements outlined in Publication 351.
III. CONSTRUCTION–Section 409.3 with additions and modifications as follows:
(a) Preplacement Requirements. Section 409.3(a). Add the following subsection:
3. Local Acceptance Quality Control (LA QC) Plan. Submit a LA QC Plan that is separate from all other
QC Plans to the Representative for review and sign-off. Ensure that the LA QC Plan details the methods and
procedures to be used by the Contractor for sampling, packaging, transporting, handling, and securing the mixture and
density samples used for acceptance. Include the location of the designated Contractor or Producer laboratory testing
facility in the LA QC Plan. Submit the QC plan at least three weeks before the planned start of paving. Do not start
work until the Representative has reviewed and signed-off on the LA QC Plan.
Should the Representative determine that the LA QC Plan is not being followed; the Representative will direct
the stoppage of paving operations and LA sample testing. Stop all paving operations and LA sample testing
immediately when directed. Under the direction of the Representative, investigate the cause of the LA QC Plan not
being followed. Perform corrective actions to the satisfaction of the Representative. Revise the LA QC Plan if
necessary or as directed by the Representative. If the Representative is not satisfied, the Department may discontinue
testing of LA samples and begin Department testing and lot acceptance as specified in Section 409.3(h)2. and Section
409.3(j)4. When the Representative is satisfied with the corrective actions, resume testing of LA samples.
(c) Bituminous Mixing Plant. Section 409.3(c). Add the following subsection:
3. Laboratory Testing Facility. For testing of LA samples by the Department, identify a laboratory
testing facility where the local testing is to be performed. Identify either the laboratory located at the asphalt mixture
production plant, or identify a laboratory located where the traveling time between the laboratory location and project
location is less than or equal to the traveling time between the laboratory located at the production plant and the project
Identify a laboratory testing facility which has demonstrated testing proficiency through an AASHTO
Materials Reference Laboratory’s (AMRL’s) On-Site Laboratory Assessment performed within the last two years prior
to the start of LA sample testing. The AMRL On-Site Laboratory Assessment must have been completed on the
equipment proposed for utilization by the Department. The Department may consider other testing proficiency
qualification processes, but only under extreme circumstances and only when an AMRL On-Site Laboratory
Assessment cannot be performed.
At the project preconstruction meeting, submit the identified laboratory testing facility location and AMRL
Laboratory Assessment report and any necessary corrective action documentation to correct any deficiencies on the
Laboratory Assessment report for review by the Representative. The Representative will review the laboratory testing
facility location and AMRL assessment documentation and, if acceptable, designate the laboratory testing facility for
the project. Use the designated laboratory for testing all LA samples.
If a change in the designated laboratory testing facility is necessary, submit the new laboratory testing
facility location at least two weeks in advance of the proposed change. Include the AMRL Laboratory Assessment
report for the new laboratory testing facility and any necessary corrective action documentation for any deficiencies
noted by the AMRL Laboratory Assessment report. The Representative will review the new laboratory testing facility
and AMRL assessment documentation and, if acceptable, designate the new laboratory testing facility for the project.
The Representative will specifically review the testing facility equipment to ensure it meets the required
test method requirements, manufacturer installation requirements, standardization or calibration requirements and
frequency, manufacturer maintenance requirements and frequency, maintenance log records, and the facility plan for
removing equipment from service should it fail to meet any requirements, requires standardization or calibration, or
becomes inoperable or requires repair/maintenance.
Provide laboratory testing equipment at the designated laboratory testing facility as required in the
specified test methods and as modified in Bulletin 27 for properly testing mixture and density LA samples. Provide
test equipment to the Department to test LA samples.
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(h) Spreading and Finishing.
2. a Lots and Sublots. Material will be accepted in the field on a lot by lot basis. Lots will be established
cumulatively and will be specific for each JMF. Each lot consists of five equal sublots (n=5). A completed sublot has a
mixture acceptance box sample as specified in Section III. (h)2. b and either a core collected according to PTM No. 1
or other density acceptance as specified in Section III. (j).
A normal lot size is 2,500 tons with five, 500 ton sublots (n=5), unless operational conditions or project size
dictate otherwise. If operational conditions or project size dictate, readjustment of the lot will be made as specified in
Table D. Breakdowns or stoppages of short periods due to such causes as weather or equipment failure will not be
considered as reason to adjust the lot size. The original lot will be continued when work resumes after short stoppages
of less than 5 days. If a lot is terminated due to a stoppage of 5 days or more, adjust the lot size and number of sublots
as specified in Table D. If work stoppages exceed 5 days, a new lot will be established.
To terminate a lot without a work stoppage of 5 days or more, stop paving operations and notify the Inspectorin-Charge in writing of the lot termination and include the reason for termination. Do not begin paving again until the
Inspector-in-Charge authorizes paving activities to resume. If a lot is terminated when quantities exceed a normal size
lot of 2,500 tons, the work will be considered two separate lots, a normal size lot and a terminated lot. The terminated
lot will be only that portion of the work which exceeds the 2,500 ton normal sized lot up to the point the paving
operations were stopped.
A terminated lot will be evaluated based on the samples obtained before the lot was terminated. For
terminated lots with three or more sublots, acceptance will be determined using PWT pay factor adjustments.
Terminated lots with two or fewer sublots will be evaluated according to Section 409.3(h) 2.a.1. For terminated lots
where density acceptance is by pavement cores, if the first randomly selected coring location was not yet reached at the
time the lot was terminated, the Inspector will recalculate one new sample location according to PTM No. 1, PTM No.
729, and PTM No. 746 from the pavement placed.
The payment for any terminated lot the Contractor elects to terminate will be 90% of the contract unit price or
the payment value determined by evaluating the samples tested, whichever is less. Remove and replace terminated lot
pavements when test results indicate defective work. The District Executive will not consider requests for reduced
payment on terminated lots when test results indicate defective work.
2.b Mixture Acceptance Samples. Section 409.3(h)2.b. Replace completely by adding the following
three subsections:
2.b.1 Mixture Samples for Local Acceptance (LA). The Inspector will select different sample locations
in each sublot according to PTM No. 1 and PTM No. 746. In the presence of the Inspector, obtain one loose mixture
sample according to PTM No. 746 for each sublot directly from the uncompacted mixture placed by the paving
equipment specified in Section 409.3(e) and immediately package. For 19 mm and smaller NMAS mixtures,
package individual samples in cardboard boxes dimensioned approximately 3 3/4 inches x 4 3/4 inches x 9 1/2
inches. For 25 mm and larger NMAS mixtures, package individual samples in cardboard boxes dimensioned
approximately 5 inches x 5 1/2 inches x 9 inches. Do not package samples in cardboard boxes with any one
dimension greater than 10 1/4 inches or any one dimension smaller than 3 1/2 inches.
Immediately after packaging, the Inspector will take possession of the sample and will identify the
sample by ECMS project number, lot and sublot number, location (station and offset), date of placement,
mixture type, and as LA samples (Sample Class AS).
Provide a sufficient number of containers of adequate size to contain at least five mixture LA samples from
the mixture acceptance lot. Containers may be sized large enough to also contain any pavement core density
acceptance samples. If multiple containers are needed, the Inspector will identify containers as being from the same lot
and containing LA samples. Do not package LA samples from more than one lot in the same container. The
Inspector will inspect the containers. Repair, modify or replace any containers determined to be inadequate or that
are not able to be sufficiently secured. Provide newly purchased and unopened padlocks to the Inspector for securing
the containers. If the containers cannot be secured with keyed padlocks, the Department will provide individually
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numbered security ties, security tape or other security devices for securing the containers. The Inspector will
properly secure the containers with a security device before the containers are turned over to the Contractor for
immediate transport to the designated testing laboratory. If the container or samples show any evidence of their
security being compromised, the Department may reject them for testing, suspend paving operations, and require
additional samples to be taken for acceptance.
For QC purposes, a maximum of one loose mixture sample per sublot may be obtained. No loose mixture or
core samples may be taken by the Contractor for mixture composition testing after the mixture acceptance samples
are obtained. Do not obtain any other pavement samples, except those which are directed by and surrendered to the
Department, unless allowed in writing from the District Executive (DE).
If other loose mixture samples are taken by the Contractor for QC testing purposes, keep these samples
completely separated from the mixture samples for LA. Do not combine, replace or otherwise intermingle QC samples
with LA samples.
2.b.2 Mixture Samples for Independent Assurance (IA). For IA, the Department will select the initial lot
and a minimum of one out of every ten lots thereafter for IA.
For each lot selected by the Inspector and with the Inspector present, obtain mixture samples for IA by
splitting the mixture sample obtained for LA for each sublot. Obtain mixture samples in each sublot of the selected
lot in sufficient quantity to split the mixture sample into two portions, a LA sublot sample and an IA sublot sample.
For 19 mm and smaller NMAS mixtures, package individual samples in cardboard boxes dimensioned
approximately 3 3/4 inches x 4 3/4 inches x 9 1/2 inches. For 25 mm and larger NMAS mixtures, package individual
samples in cardboard boxes dimensioned approximately 5 inches x 5 1/2 inches x 9 inches. Do not package samples
in cardboard boxes with any one dimension greater than 10 1/4 inches or any one dimension smaller than 3 1/2
Immediately after packaging, the Inspector will take possession of the IA samples and will identify the
samples by ECMS project number, lot and sublot number, location (station and offset), date of placement, mixture
type, and as IA samples (Sample Class IA). Leave at least one side of the cardboard sample box free of any writing
or marking for LTS use in testing the samples. The Inspector will submit the IA samples to LTS for testing by
delivering them to the shipping point in a timely manner.
2.b.3 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) Verification Samples. For lots where density
acceptance is by pavement cores, the Inspector will select the same sample locations chosen for LA in each sublot. In
the presence of the Inspector, obtain one loose mixture sample for each sublot at each sample location directly from the
uncompacted mixture placed by the paving equipment specified and immediately package. The loose mixture sample at
each location will be used to determine the Gmm and corresponding theoretical maximum density (lbs/ft 3) values. For
19 mm and smaller NMAS mixtures, package individual samples in cardboard boxes dimensioned approximately 3 3/4
inches x 4 3/4 inches x 9 1/2 inches. For 25 mm and larger NMAS mixtures, package individual samples in cardboard
boxes dimensioned approximately 5 inches x 5 1/2 inches x 9 inches. Do not package samples in cardboard boxes with
any one dimension greater than 10 1/4 inches or any one dimension smaller than 3 1/2 inches. Immediately after
packaging, the Inspector will take possession of the samples and will identify the samples by ECMS project number,
lot and sublot number, location (station and offset), date of placement, mixture type, and as Gmm verification samples
(Sample Class FV).
For QC purposes, a maximum of one loose sample per sublot may be obtained. No loose mixture or core
samples may be taken by the Contractor for mixture composition testing after the Gmm verification samples are
obtained. Do not obtain any other pavement samples, except those which are directed by and surrendered to the
Department, unless allowed in writing from the DE.
2.c Mixture Acceptance Sample Testing. Section 409.3(h)2.c. Replace with the following:
LA testing by the Department’s certified LA Representative will be utilized for acceptance purposes
unless otherwise directed.
2.c.1 LTS Testing. Section 409.3(h)2.c. Replace subsection title, replace all paragraphs, and add two
subsections as follows:
2.c.1 Testing of Local Acceptance (LA) Mixture Samples. Prior to any testing, the Department LA
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Inspector will examine the containers and samples for any evidence of their security being compromised. No testing
will be performed on any samples if the Inspector determines that the security of the LA samples have been
compromised. Testing of LA samples will not begin prior to completion of the Lot and will begin immediately after
the Inspector arrives at the testing location and determines the samples to be secure. LA samples are the top priority
for testing over all other testing upon the Department Representative arriving at the designated testing laboratory to test
the LA samples. Do not discard any LA samples used for lot acceptance until directed by the Representative. The
Department will retain all paperwork used in the LA sample testing for a period of not less than three years from the
date of testing.
2.c.1.a Department Testing. At the designated LA laboratory testing facility, the Department’s certified LA
Inspector will test each sublot mixture LA sample according to PTM No. 757 or PTM No. 702, Modified Method D, if
previously identified problematic aggregates are used in the mixture to determine Asphalt Content (AC), percent
passing the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve, and the percent passing the Primary Control Sieve (PCS).
The Contractor’s technician may be present to witness the testing performed by the Local
Acceptance Inspector. The technician must bring to the immediate attention of the Inspector any deviation in
performing the test according to the specified test method. If deviations are not noted at the time they occur, the test
results will be considered accurate.
The Department will analyze the test results for extreme values according to PTM No. 4 at the
5% significance level. If the discarding of an extreme value reduces a lot to less than three remaining test results, the
Department will accept the lot as specified in Section 409.3(h)2.a.1. The Department will determine mixture
acceptance, as specified in Section IV. (a).4.a.3. If acceptance test results indicate a defective lot (remove and
replace) or a lot with an OLPF < 90, the Contractor may request in writing that the Department retest the lot in
accordance with Section IV. (a)4. b.
If the Asphalt Content, the percent passing the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve, or percent passing the
PCS does not achieve an OLPF ≥ 100 for two consecutive lots or a total of three lots, stop all production of the JMF.
Determine the cause of the problem and provide a proposed solution to the Department. Do not resume production of
the JMF until the representative reviews the proposed solution and authorizes production to continue.
2.c.2 LTS Testing of Independent Assurance (IA) Mixture Samples. The LTS will test the mixture
samples for IA according to PTM No. 757 or PTM No. 702, Modified Method D, if previously identified
Problematic aggregates are used in the mixture, to determine asphalt content and the percent passing the 75 µm (No.
200) sieve. The LTS will use the calibration factors (Cƒ and 200 Cƒ) provided with the JMF for PTM No. 757. The
Department reserves the right to verify Contractor provided calibration factors (Cƒ and 200 Cƒ) provided when
deemed necessary.
2.c.2.a Mixture IA Sample Test Result Analysis. LTS IA split sample test results will be compared to
the LA split Acceptance Sample test results on the same lot. If the difference in the average LA and IA test results
meet the Independent Assurance tolerances in Table E-1, the Department will continue with IA testing at a
minimum of one out of every ten lots thereafter for each JMF.
Table E-1
Independent Assurance Tolerances on Lot Averages
Testing Criteria
Max. Difference Between Average Test Results
Asphalt Content for 9.5 mm and 12.5 mm NMAS
Asphalt Content for 19 mm, 25 mm and 37.5 mm
NMAS mixtures
Percent Passing the No. 8 sieve for 9.5 mm and
12.5 mm NMAS mixtures
Percent Passing the No. 4 sieve for 19 mm, 25 mm
And 37.5 mm NMAS mixtures
Percent Passing the No. 200 sieve for all mixtures
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If the difference between the lot averages of IA sample test results and LA sample test results exceeds
the maximum Independent Assurance tolerances in Table E-1, specific calibration factors (Cf and 200 Cf) will be
determined for each ignition furnace used for testing the IA samples and LA samples according to PTM No. 757
(LTS and Contractor or Producer ignition furnaces) and additional IA samples will be collected in accordance with
Section III.(h)2.b.2 from the project for IA comparison. If the IA tolerances in Table E-1 are still exceeded, the
Representative will perform an investigation as to the cause for the non-comparison of the test results. Provide
information to the Representative, as requested, on the integrity of samples and on the testing equipment used in the
sample testing. The Representative will also review personnel and test methods used in the LA testing. Implement
corrective measures for any noted deficiencies to ensure the tests are performed according to the prescribed
procedures. The Representative will record the LA sample test results, the IA sample test results and any applicable
corrective measures in the Field Inspector’s Diary. The Representative will select the next lot on the project for IA
and will submit the IA split samples to LTS for testing. If the difference between subsequent IA split sample test
results and LA split sample test results exceeds the IA tolerances in Table E-1, the Department may discontinue
testing of LA samples and begin LTS testing of the mixture acceptance samples for the remainder of the project and
revert to Section IV for measurement and payment. If the difference between subsequent IA split sample test results
and LA split sample test results meets the IA tolerances in Table E-1, the Department may continue testing of LA
samples with IA testing at a minimum of one out of every ten lots.
(j) Mat Density Acceptance.
4.c Density Acceptance Samples. Section 409.3(j) 4.c. Replace the three paragraphs completely by
adding the following two sub sections:
4. c.1 Density Samples for Local Acceptance (LA). The Inspector will select different sample
locations in each sublot according to PTM No. 1, PTM No. 729, and PTM No. 746. With the Inspector present, drill 6inch diameter cores as soon as possible but no later than the day following placement. The core at each location will be
used to determine the bulk specific gravity (Gmb) and density (lb/ft 3) of the compacted mix. Do not compress, bend, or
distort samples during cutting, handling, transporting, and storing. If samples are damaged, immediately obtain
replacement samples, as directed by the Inspector, from within 12 inches of the original sample location. Within 24
hours after coring, backfill the hole with mixture of the same JMF or with mixture used for subsequent courses and
compact and seal the mixture.
The Inspector will identify the samples by ECMS project number, lot and sublot number, location
(station and offset), date of placement, mixture type, and as LA samples (Sample Class AS). Provide the daily
theoretical maximum specific gravity value from Section 409.2(e) 1.d.4 for the density calculation of the lot. If density
samples from the lot are taken from more than one day’s placement, the average of the daily theoretical maximum
specific gravity values from each production day will be used to calculate the percent of theoretical density for each
individual density acceptance core placed for the individual and corresponding sublot increments on that production
day upon Gmm verification as described in Section III. (j)4. d.1.b. Provide sample containers of sufficient strength to
prevent samples from being damaged during transport. The Representative will submit samples for one lot in one
container. The inspector will properly secure the containers with a security device before being immediately
transported to the designated testing laboratory. If the container or samples show any evidence of their security being
compromised, the Department may reject them for testing, suspend paving operations and require additional samples to
be taken for acceptance. Provide adequate facilities at all times to maintain the samples in a proper environment to
prevent degradation.
For QC purposes, a maximum of one pavement core per sublot beyond the pavement cores obtained for
LA may be obtained unless the Representative allows additional cores. The test results from the density LA samples
can be used for QC purposes. No pavement cores may be taken by the Contractor after the pavement core LA and IA
samples are obtained. Do not obtain any other pavement cores, except those which are directed by and surrendered to
the Department, unless allowed in writing by the District Executive.
If other pavement core samples are taken by the Contractor for QC testing purposes, keep these samples
completely separated from the pavement core samples for LA and IA. Do not combine, replace or otherwise
intermingle QC samples with LA and IA samples.
4. c. 2 Density Samples for Independent Assurance (IA). For IA, the Department will select the initial lot and a
minimum of one out of every ten lots thereafter for IA. For each lot selected by the Inspector and with the inspector
present, drill 6-inch diameter cores according to PTM No. 729 at the same time that the density samples for LA are
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drilled. Drill samples as companion samples of the density samples for LA and within 12 inches of the sample
location for the density sample for LA. Do not compress, bend, or distort samples during cutting, handling,
transporting, and storing. If samples are damaged, immediately obtain replacement samples, as directed by the
Inspector, from within 12 inches of the location of the density sample for LA. Within 24 hours after coring, backfill
the hole with mixture of the same JMF or with mixture used for subsequent courses and compact and seal the
With the Inspector present, identify the samples by ECMS project number, lot and sublot number,
location (station and offset), date of placement, mixture type, and as IA samples (Sample Class IA). Provide the
daily theoretical maximum specific gravity value from Section 409.2(e)1.d.4 for the density calculation of the lot.
Immediately after identifying, submit the density IA samples to the Inspector. Provide sample containers of
sufficient size to package density IA samples for one lot in one container. Provide sample containers of sufficient
strength to prevent samples from being damaged during transport. The Inspector will package the density IA samples
in the containers and submit the companion core IA samples to LTS for testing by delivering them to the shipping
point in a timely manner.
For QC purposes, a maximum of one pavement core per sublot beyond the pavement cores obtained for
IA may be obtained unless the Representative allows additional cores. No pavement cores may be taken by the
Contractor after the pavement core LA and IA samples are obtained. Do not obtain any other pavement cores, except
those which are directed by and surrendered to the Department, unless allowed in writing by the District Executive.
If other pavement core samples are taken by the Contractor for QC testing purposes, keep these samples
completely separated from the pavement core samples for LA and IA. Do not combine, replace or otherwise
intermingle QC samples with LA and IA samples.
4.d Acceptance Sample Testing. Section 409.3(j)4.d.
4.d.1 LTS Acceptance Testing. Section 409.3(j)4.d.1. Replace subsection title and the two
paragraphs with the following two subsections:
4.d.1 Testing of Local Acceptance (LA) Density Samples. Prior to any testing, the Department’s
certified LA Inspector will examine the containers and samples for any evidence of their security being compromised.
No testing will be performed on any samples until the Inspector has determined the samples to be secure. Testing of
samples will not begin prior to completion of the lot and will begin immediately after the Inspector arrives at the
testing location. LA samples are the top priority for testing over all other testing upon the Department Representative
arriving at the designated testing laboratory to test the LA density samples.
Do not discard any LA samples used for lot acceptance until directed by the Representative. The
Contractor’s technician will package the tested samples for dispute resolution and submit to the inspector to properly
secure the containers with a security device before transport to an adequate facility to maintain the samples in a proper
environment to prevent degradation.
The Department will retain all paperwork used in the LA sample testing for a period of not less than three
years from the date of testing.
4.d.1.a Department Testing. At the designated LA laboratory testing facility, the Department’s
certified LA Inspector will test each density acceptance sample according to PTM No. 715, and if necessary PTM No.
716, to determine the bulk specific gravity (Gmb) and bulk density (lbs/ft 3) of the compacted mixture. The Contractor’s
technician may be present to witness the testing performed by the LA Inspector. The technician must bring to the
immediate attention of the Inspector any deviation in performing the test according to the specified test method. If
deviations are not noted at the time they occur, the test results will be considered accurate.
The Department will analyze the bulk density test results for extreme values according to PTM
No. 4 at the 5% significance level. If discarding an extreme value reduces a lot to less than three remaining test results,
the Department will accept the lot as specified in Section 409.3(h) 2.a.1. Individual sublot density values will be
calculated and rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent of theoretical maximum density according to ASTM E 29.
Lot average density will subsequently be calculated from the individual sublot values and rounded to the nearest
tenth according to ASTM E29. The Department will accept lots with three or more test results as specified in Section
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IV. (a)4. a.3. If acceptance test results indicate a defective lot (remove and replace) or a lot with an OLPF < 90, the
Contractor may request in writing that the Department retest the lot in accordance with Section IV. (a)4. b.
If cores are not taken within one day after placing the mixture, or if the density for two
consecutive lots or for a total of three lots does not result in a payment factor for in-place density of ≥100, stop paving
operations for the project as directed. Review and evaluate the operation and determine the cause of the problem. Do
not resume paving until after the Representative reviews the proposed solution and authorizes paving to continue.
4. d.1.b Gmm Verification Testing. The Department’s certified LA Inspector will then randomly
select one of the Gmm verification loose mixture samples obtained as specified in Section III. (h) 2. b.3 from the lot.
The Department will test the randomly selected Gmm verification loose mixture sample to determine the Gmm of the
compacted mixture according to AASHTO T 209 as modified in Bulletin 27, with the following exception:
• the samples will be obtained as specified in Section III. (h) 2. b.3
The Department’s certified LA Inspector will compare the randomly selected Gmm verification
sample test result with the Contractor’s daily Gmm value for that same production or placement date. If the
Department and Contractor Gmm values do not differ by more than ±0.030, the Contractor’s daily Gmm values in the
whole lot will be considered verified and the Contractor’s daily Gmm values will be used to determine the percent of
theoretical maximum density for each density acceptance sample placed on that date. If the initial randomly selected
Department Gmm verification sample test result differs from the Contractor’s daily Gmm value for that same
production or placement date by more than ±0.030, the Department’s Gmm test result value will be used as the
acceptance Gmm value to determine the percent of theoretical maximum density for the individual density acceptance
cores produced or placed on that same date. The Department reserves the right to select more than one Gmm
verification sample from the lot representing the same production or placement date and to select other Gmm
verification samples from the lot representing different production or placement dates to verify the Contractor’s daily
Gmm values. When more than one Gmm verification sample is selected from the lot representing the same production
or placement date, the Department Gmm test results will be averaged and the averaged used to verify to the
Contractor’s daily Gmm value for that same production and placement date.
The Department will determine acceptance, with respect to density, as specified in Section IV.4
(a) 4.a or Section IV.4 (a) 4.b.
4. d.2 LTS Testing of Independent Assurance (IA) Density Samples. The LTS will test the density
samples for IA according to PTM No. 715, and if necessary PTM No. 716, to determine the percent compaction.
4.d.2.a Density IA Sample Test Result Analysis. LTS IA density sample test results will be
compared to the LA density sample test results on the same lot. If the difference in the average test results of the
LA and IA meet the IA tolerances in Table E-2, the Department will continue with IA testing at a minimum of one
out of every ten lots thereafter for each JMF.
Independent Assurance Tolerances on Lot Averages
Testing Criteria
PTM No. 715 or PTM No. 716, Gmb
Max. Difference Between Test Results (n≥3)
If the difference between the lot averages of IA sample test results and LA sample test results exceeds
the maximum IA tolerances in Table E-2, the Representative will perform an investigation as to the cause for the
non-comparison of the test results. Provide information to the Representative, as requested, on the integrity of
samples and on the testing equipment used in the sample testing. The Representative will also review personnel and
test methods used in the LA testing. Implement corrective measures for any noted deficiencies to ensure the tests are
performed according to the prescribed procedures. The Representative will record the LA Sample test results, the IA
sample test results and any applicable corrective measures in the Field Inspector’s Diary. The Representative will
select the next lot on the project for IA and will submit the IA companion density samples to LTS for testing. If the
difference between subsequent IA sample test results and LA sample test results exceeds the IA tolerances in Table
E-2, the Department may discontinue testing of LA samples and begin LTS testing of the acceptance samples for the
remainder of the project and revert to Section IV for measurement and payment. If the difference between
Page 8 of 13
subsequent IA sample test results and LA sample test results meets the IA tolerances in Table E-2, the Department
may continue testing of LA samples with IA testing at a minimum of one out of every ten lots.
IV. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – Sections 409.4 and 411.4 with modifications and additions as follows:
(a) Standard Construction
3. Mixture Acceptance by Certification and Density Acceptance by Non-Movement and OptimumRolling Pattern. Section 409.4(a)3. Replace Table H with the following:
Contract Unit Price Adjustments - Mixture Acceptance by Certification
Mixture NMAS
All sizes
Test Criteria
Printed Tickets
Test Value
Asphalt Content
At least 90% of Daily Printed Tickets
Within 0.2% of JMF
Less than 90% of Daily Printed
Tickets Within 0.2% of JMF
19.0 mm and smaller
Pay Factor
QC Sample Testing**
Single Sample
Multiple Samples
±0.8% to 1.0%
> ±1.0%
≥ ±0.7%
25.0 mm and larger
QC Sample Testing**
±0.9% to ±1.2%
> ±1.2%
≥ ±0.8%
Single Sample
Multiple Samples
All sizes
QC Sample Testing for %
Passing 75 μm (No. 200)
±3.1% to ±4.0%
±2.2% to ±2.7%
> ±4.0%
≥ ±2.8%
All sizes
QC Sample Testing for %
Passing 2.36 mm (No. 8)
±7% to ±8%
> ±8%
≥ ±6%
In-Place Density
All sizes
Section 409.3(j)2.
Optimum-Rolling Pattern
Section 409.3(j)3.
Sizes from Table I
Acceptance Sample Testing
As outlined in Table I
of Pavement Cores
* Defective pavement. Remove and replace or, when permitted by the District Executive in writing, leave in place
and the Department will pay 70% of the contract unit price.
** For these test criterion, the daily Pay Factor will be determined by the single sample test result from the daily QC
sample. If more than one QC sample test result is available for a day, the Pay Factor will be determined based on
the average of the results using multiple sample tolerances. If corrective action is taken, Pay Factors will be
independently determined for material placed before and after the corrective action.
4. Mixture Acceptance by Lot and Density Acceptance by Non-Movement, Optimum Rolling
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Pattern, or Pavement Cores. Section 409.4(a)4. Replace completely with the following:
The Department will pay on a lot-by-lot basis at the contract unit price, adjusted for Pay Factors (PF) as
specified. For the PF based on percent within tolerance (PWT), the Department will determine the individual
PWT values for in-place density (PWTD), asphalt content (PWTAC), percent passing the 0.75µm (No. 200) sieve
(PWT200), and for percent passing the primary control sieve (PWTPCS) according to Section 106.03(a)3, using
the upper and lower specification limits in Table I. The Department will determine each PF for in-place density,
asphalt content, percent passing the 0.75µm (No. 200) sieve, and for percent passing the primary control sieve
according to Section IV. (a) 4. a. The Department will determine the Overall Lot Pay Factor (OLPF) according
to Section IV. (a) 4. a.2.
4.a Pay Factors
4.a.1 Pay Factors for In-Place Density (PFD), Asphalt Content (PFAC), and Percent Passing 75
µm (No.200) Sieve (PF200) and Primary Control Sieve (PFPCS).
For lots with density acceptance by nonmovement or optimum-rolling pattern, PF = 100.00.
The Department will determine PFD for lots with density acceptance by pavement cores and PFAC,
PF200, and PFPCS, for all lots according to the following:
4.a.1.a All PWT Parameters Greater Than or Equal to 50. When PWT , PWT , PWT , and
PWTPCS are each greater than or equal to 50, the Department will determine the pay factor for each PWT according to
one of the following equations as appropriate.
When PWT is ≥ 90, determine the pay factor for the specific pay parameter according to the
following equation:
PFX = 100+ 0.4(PWTX-90)
PFX = Pay Factor of the individual pay parameter (PFD, PFAC, PF200 or PF PCS)
PWTX = Percent within Tolerance of the individual pay parameter (PWTD, PWTAC,
PWT 200 or PWTPCS)
* For 9.5 mm and 12.5 mm courses with average density < 93.0, the maximum PF D = 100
Where, T = Theoretical Maximum Density, lbs/ ft3.
When PWT is <90 and ≥50, determine the pay factor for the specific pay parameter according to
the following equation:
PFX = 70 + 0.75(PWTX-50)
PFX = Pay Factor of the individual pay parameter (PFD, PFAC, PF200 or PF PCS)
PWTX = Percent within Tolerance of the individual pay parameter (PWTD, PWTAC,
4.a.1.b One PWT Parameter Less Than 50. When either PWTD or PWTAC is less than 50, the lot
is defective. When PWT200 is less than 50, the lot is defective when the average percent passing the 0.75 μm (No. 200)
sieve is greater than ± 2.0% from the JMF. When PWT PCS is less than 50, the PFPCS = 60.00. For defective lots, the
DE will recommend and submit for review and concurrence one of the following bulleted options to the Director of the
Bureau of Project Delivery (BOPD). Upon receiving concurrence, the District will direct one of the following:
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Leave the lot in place. The District Executive will apply an OLPF of 70.
Remove and replace the entire lot. The District Executive will direct removal and
replacement of the entire lot at no additional cost to the Department with new lot acceptance
sampling and testing.
4.a.1c Two PWT Parameters Less Than 50. When two or more of PWTD, PWTAC, or PWT200 are
less than 50 with the mean percent passing the 0.75μm (No.200) sieve greater than ± 2.0% from the JMF, the lot will
be considered defective and the DE will direct removal and replacement of the entire lot with new acceptance
sampling and testing.
4.a.2 Overall Lot Pay Factor (OLPF). The Department will determine the OLPF according to the
following equation and will round the resulting OLPF to the nearest whole number:
OLPF = (0.50 x PF ) + (0.30 x PF ) + (0.10 x PF ) + (0.10 x PF
= Pay Factor for In-Place Density
PF = Pay Factor for Asphalt Content
PF = Pay Factor for Percent Passing the 75 μm (No. 200) Sieve
= Pay Factor for Percent Passing the Primary Control Sieve (PCS)
Upper and Lower Specification Limits for Calculating Percent Within Tolerance
Mixture Nominal Maximum
Aggregate Size
9.5 mm, 12.5 mm
19 mm
25 mm and 37.5 mm
All sizes
9.5 mm (PCS = 2.36 mm (No. 8)
12.5 mm (PCS = 2.36 mm (No. 8)
19 mm (PCS = 4.75 mm (No. 4)
25 mm (PCS = 4.75 mm (No. 4)
37.5 mm (PCS = 4.75 mm (No. 4)
RPS 9.5 mm, 12.5 mm
Standard 9.5 mm, 12.5 mm
Testing Criteria
Lower Specification
Upper Specification
Limit (L)
Limit (U)
Asphalt Content from JMF Value, %
Percent Passing the 75 µm (No. 200) sieve from
JMF Value, %
Percent Passing the Primary Control Sieve from
JMF Value, %
Mat Density*
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All 19 mm courses, 25 mm binder
25 mm and 37.5 mm base courses
no upper limit
* Where Limits = The Percent of Theoretical Maximum Density
4.a.3 Payment. The Representative will compute the percent of the contract unit price paid as
follows: Lot Payment= CP(OLPF)/100
Contract unit price per lot (unit price times lot quantity)
Overall Lot Pay Factor
4.b Retesting. Section 409.4(a)4.b. Replace subsection reference, title, and all language completely
with the following:
4.b Dispute Resolution. For mixture acceptance testing or density acceptance testing, the
Contractor may request in writing that the Department retest a lot if the initial test results indicated a defective lot
(remove and replace) or a lot with an OLPF < 90, except for density when one or more density acceptance cores in
the lot were coated with paraffin wax as a result of PTM No. 716 during the original density acceptance testing.
Provide written retest requests to the District Executive within 3 weeks of the date the test results are released.
Retests will not be allowed if a written retest request is not received within 3 weeks of the date the test results are
released. Provide quality control test results and control charts, companion sample test results (if available), test
data trend evaluation, and any other pertinent information to justify the retest request. The Department will
evaluate the information and may allow retesting if the information submitted provides a reasonable basis to
conclude that the failing test results may not represent the in-place material. The retest will be performed by the
For retesting of materials failing for asphalt content or percent passing 75 µm (No. 200) sieve, the
Inspector will identify the locations where the original box samples were collected. The Inspector will select retest
sample locations 24 inches from the original sample locations longitudinally in the direction of traffic. If the 24 inch
offset causes the retest sample location to fall outside of the sublot, the Inspector will select the retest sample location
24 inches from the original sample locations longitudinally in the opposite direction from traffic.
With the Inspector present, provide appropriate traffic control and drill 6-inch diameter cores for
retesting purposes according to the procedure for drilling in PTM No. 729. Ensure drilling procedures include washing
off and towel drying the core samples immediately after drilling. Within 24 hours after coring, backfill the hole with
mixture of the same JMF or with mixture used for subsequent courses and compact and seal the mixture. Provide
traffic control, core, and backfill the core holes at no cost to the Department. The test method used for asphalt
determination during the original acceptance testing (PTM No. 757 or PTM No. 702) will be used by the LTS for the
retest, unless the (DME/DMM) grants written approval for a change in test method. The results determined by LTS of
the retest cores will be used to calculate payment for asphalt content, primary control sieve, and percent passing the 75
µm (No. 200) sieve for the lot.
For retesting of density acceptance, the Inspector will forward the original density acceptance cores to
the LTS to be utilized. The LTS will retest each original density acceptance core according to PTM No. 715 and
PTM No. 716, as necessary, to determine the Gmb and bulk density values. The LTS will not perform Gmm
testing for lots where the Contractor’s Gmm value was previously considered verified according to Section III.
(j)4. d.1.b. After Gmb testing is completed, for lots where the Contractor’s Gmm value was not verified, the LTS
will select one original density acceptance pavement core from each production or placement date represented by
the density acceptance cores in the lot. Each core selected will be the core with the highest bulk density for that
production or placement date from the retest results (e.g., if a lot was placed over three production days, and the lot
density acceptance cores include at least one core from each production or placement day, the original density
cores selected during a density retest to perform Gmm testing will be three; one from each production or
placement date). The LTS will perform Gmm testing on the selected cores according to AASHTO T 209 as
modified in Bulletin 27, with the following exceptions:
the samples will be obtained as specified in Section 409.3(j)4.c.1,
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no conditioning, only drying, will be performed on the sample,
the minimum sample size will be waived, as necessary, to use the 6-inch diameter pavement core
sample, and
the supplemental procedure for mixtures containing porous aggregate will only be performed when
either the coarse aggregate or fine aggregate in the mixture has a water absorption value ≥ 1.5% as
indicated on the JMF and then only when the calculated percent of theoretical maximum density
indicates any one individual failing sublot which results in a density pay factor less than 100.00.
The LTS Gmm value(s) determined will be the Gmm values used to determine the percent of theoretical maximum
density for the cores represented by the applicable production or placement dates in the lot. Either the previously
verified Contractor’s Gmm value(s) or the newly tested LTS Gmm value(s) will be used for acceptance to determine
the percent theoretical maximum density for each sublot core in the lot. Upon completing the retesting of the original
density acceptance cores, the retest values determined by LTS will be used to determine the final payment factor
percentage for density.
The Department will deduct from the overall lot payment the cost per lot associated with conducting a
retest as follows:
Test Method
PTM No. 702/739
PTM No. 757
Mixture Acceptance Retest Cost if
Retest Results Indicate
Mixture Acceptance Retest Cost if
Retest Results Indicate
≥100% Pay Factor(s)*
<100% Pay Factor(s)*
Density Acceptance Retest Cost if
Density Acceptance Retest
Retest Results Indicate
Cost if Retest Results Indicate<100%
Pay Factor
≥100% Pay Factor
PTM No. 715, or PTM
No. 716 only
PTM No. 715, or
PTM No. 716, and
AASHTO T 209 as
specified in Section
* For lots where the original test results indicated a defective lot, only the pay factor(s) where original test results
indicated a PWT < 50 for asphalt content, percent passing the 75 μm (No. 200) sieve, or density will be utilized to
determine the retest cost. If no original test results indicated PWT < 50 for lots where OLPF < 90, then all pay factors
will be utilized to determine the retest cost.
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