DRAFT PACD Operations Committee Ramada Conference Center

PACD Operations Committee
Ramada Conference Center, State College, PA
January 18, 2012
Chairman Drew Gilchrist welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order at
7:11 pm.
Committee Members in Attendance: Victor Cappucci, Wyoming; Drew Gilchrist, Montgomery;
Michael Hubler, Dauphin; Michael Lovegreen, Bradford; Larry Martick, Adams; Piper
Sherburne, Berks; Sandy Thompson, McKean; Chuck Wertz, Lebanon.
Others in Attendance: Bob Robinson, Wyoming; Judy Becker, Northumberland; Shirley Snyder,
Northumberland; Jack Hanish, Luzerne; Cheryl Brobst, Columbia; Maryruth Wagner, Columbia;
Rich Kadwill, Montgomery; Mark Kimmel, York; Marc Rickard, Venango; Richard
Weinsteiger, Berks; Ken Meck, Lancaster; Edward Zinser, Sullivan; Sarah Sargent, Crawford;
Lynn Sandieson, Crawford; Ron Rohall, Westmoreland; Jack Tressler, Somerset.
Minutes of previous meeting on July 11, 2011
The minutes of the previous meeting were provided for review.
It was moved by Chuck Wertz and seconded by Piper Sherburne to approve the minutes of the
July 11, 2011 meeting. Motion carried.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD Executive Board
Update to PACD Policy Handbook
Proposed updates to the PACD Policy Handbook were provided to committee members for
their review.
It was moved by Sandy Thompson and seconded by Piper Sherburne to forward the proposed
updates to the PACD Policy Handbook to PACD Executive Council. Motion carried.
PACD Top Five Priorities
The proposed top five priorities for PACD were provided to committee members for their
It was moved by Victor Cappucci and seconded by Mike Lovegreen to forward the proposed
top five priorities for PACD to PACD Executive Council. Motion carried.
PACD Audit for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
The PACD Audit for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 was provided to committee members for their
It was moved by Larry Martick and seconded by Piper Sherburne to forward the PACD
Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Audit to PACD Executive Council.
PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) Display
The committee reviewed the following motion from the PACD Executive Board and
determined that it was not necessary for this motion to move forward to PACD Executive
Council, as approval by the PACD Executive Board was sufficient.
That PACD exhibit during the PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS)
convention, provided that the PACD Education and Outreach Committee will help to
coordinate volunteers for the exhibit.
PACD and SCC Co-hosting a Pennsylvania Evening at the Canon Envirothon
It was moved by Victor Cappucci and seconded by Sandy Thompson to forward the
following motion to PACD Executive Council:
That PACD co-host a ‘Pennsylvania evening at the Canon Envirothon’ with the State
Conservation Commission (SCC), at a cost of $3,000 to PACD and $3,000 to the SCC.
Motion carried.
National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Bylaws Amendment
The proposed changes to the NACD Bylaws were provided to committee members for
It was moved by Piper Sherburne and seconded by Michael Hubler to forward the proposed
changes to the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) bylaws to PACD
Executive Council for approval. Motion carried.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD Conservation Committee
Proposed PACD Oil and Gas Permit Resolution
It was moved by Larry Martick and seconded by Michael Lovegreen to forward the following
proposed policy to PACD Executive Council:
Whereas, in March 18, 2009 the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
transferred responsibility for reviews and permitting associated with Chapter 102 and 105
regulations of the PA Clean Streams Law from conservation districts to Regional Office Oil
and Gas Management Programs; and
Whereas, many communities, legislators, and organizations such as the County
Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania conservation organizations, and conservation
districts have expressed support for the transfer back to conservation districts of those
responsibilities; and
Whereas, conservation districts understand the need for energy development without
compromising water quality protection; and
Whereas, conservation districts and DEP have a long history of cooperation and partnership
in the administration of Chapters 102 and 105; and
Whereas, conservation districts are recognized locally and statewide as having the
responsibility and expertise in administering Chapters 102 and 105; and
Whereas, conservation districts have program-ready staff available to assist DEP; therefore
be it
Resolved, that PACD supports conservation district resumption of Chapter 102 and/or 105
responsibilities by the DEP rescinding the March 18, 2009 memo; and be it further
Resolved, that a working group comprised of conservation district, DEP and SCC
representatives be formed to discuss issues that arise and are relevant to district resumption.
Motion carried.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD District Employees Committee
District Staff Service Awards
It was moved by Sandy Thompson and seconded by Victor Cappucci to forward the following
motion to PACD Executive Council:
That PACD present service awards to conservation district employees, in the form of lapel
pins, beginning at 10 years and in increments of 5 years thereafter, with each district
determining years of service, up to a total cost of $2,000 annually beginning in 2012.
Motion carried.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD Education and Outreach Committee
No motions were presented.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD Legislative Committee
State Budget Request
It was moved by Larry Martick and seconded by Michael Hubler to forward the following
recommendation from the PACD Legislative Committee to PACD Executive Council:
That PACD request the same amount for the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 state budget as we
requested for the Fiscal Year 2011/2012 state budget, and using a similar format to last
year’s request.
Motion carried.
Resolutions and Motions from the PACD Ways and Means Committee
1. PACD Endowment Fund
It was moved by Michael Hubler and seconded by Victor Cappucci to forward the following
motion to PACD Executive Council:
That PACD apply the balance of the PACD Endowment Fund toward the principle of the
PACD mortgage, and eliminate the PACD Endowment Fund.
Motion carried.
2. PACD Dues for Fiscal Year 2012/2013
It was moved by Piper Sherburne and seconded by Larry Martick to forward the following
motion to PACD Executive Council:
That PACD maintain conservation district dues at the current rate for Fiscal Year
Motion carried.
Report on 2012 PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference
Molly Burns reported that the 65th PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference will be held at the Hilton
Scranton and Towers in Scranton, Pennsylvania, July 9-11 2012. Sessions will take place on
Monday July 9 and Tuesday July 10, with a tour of Marcellus activities on Wednesday, July 11.
It was moved by Larry Martick and seconded by Chuck Wertz to adjourn the meeting. Motion
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 am.