AML_9 - Pippa Downs

We are so thankful that Pippa was able to be home for Christmas so that we could be together
as a family. We had a blessed celebration and enjoyed wonderful gifts thanks to the incredible
generosity and kindness of the staff of Hawthorne School. The results of Pippa’s blood work warranted
two transfusions so we did need to go to LUMC on the day before and the day after Christmas; but the
important events such as visiting family from out of town, attending the Christmas Eve service and
spending all of Christmas Day at home were not affected.
Next week will involve more blood work and possibly more transfusions. We also have a
schedule for Monday, January 6th (see below). Please pray for extra strength for Pippa on that day. All
of the tests are physically and emotionally draining, but the biopsy is especially painful and the quantity
of tests is overwhelming, although the idea is to “just get it all over with.”
Thank you for helping and blessing us in so many ways. We praise God daily for his bountiful
provisions. Attached is another “Lesson from Leukemia.” Happy New Year!
LUMC Schedule for 1/6/14
9:00 a.m. – Ultrasound
10:00 a.m. – Consult with Psychologist
11:00 a.m. – Pulmonary Function Test
12:30 p.m. – CT Scan
1:45 p.m. – Nurse Visit & Blood Draw
2:45 p.m. – Bone Marrow Biopsy