Student Feedback Three things that you liked: Industrial visits University trips are good for seeing Britain Cultural trips – postgraduate international trips Residential weekend visits would be good End of MBA final event (prom) – every student All students in a cohort All students need to be made aware of the trips are available Need to be at the weekend rather than the middle of the week Teaching is good Leadership talks are excellent Tutors are professional and caring Online information is good (compared with University of Westminster) Expectations of options that turn out not to exist or run – need to manage expectations. Things to be improved: Co-ordination between departments Induction department Communication gap going into semester 2 – particularly between law and finance – room numbers Trend in the sectors: bias towards the car industry Postgraduate office needs improvement do not get back to you. Often do not know something. For example after exams what the schedule is going to be. Could not schedule part time jobs. Need information in advance: timetable should be well in advance. Co-ordination across department – weighting of coursework and assessment components Uniform weighting of coursework weighting of components Need to be told how they are going to be assessed Weighting of the marks in the exams – needs to be explicit. Manage the risk in assessments – consistent across exams Suggestions: Student to student coaching and mentoring Surgery sessions on a weekly basis (could be an ‘MBA coach’ – suggestion) Need to manage expectations – you will not be told everything. Expectations of workloads, information etc. What can we do to help with the arrival shock? Involve previous students Need to know how many hours they need to spend on the course and how long to spend on each piece of coursework. Need this information on workloads to be presented upfront at the start of the course. Give a breakdown of the modules at the start of the course. Need the module leader to come along and provide information. Better information online regarding the modules. Parity of choice between the February and September start – this needs addressing. In international business there was no choice. Students are unaware of the module information directory What can we do in induction week? Student to student interaction. Where students do not have a background in the subjects – it is s steep learning curve. Need to give information and background. – could there be a foundations in economics for those new to the subject. There is an issue of relevance Need a starting point for new subjects – perhaps a web learning package or guide. Need a ‘life jacket’ Class did not have a shared understanding of the coursework criteria – need a chance to improve and use the feedback. Participants need to be briefed about Moodle. Optimal use of technology : use of Skype, Facebook. International business. Suresh George Twitter feeds into the moodle webs . Bal gives a pack of information and lecture slides - this was well liked. Choices Need something on managing people in the workplace Some dedicated space: Soft skills needed – how to manage stress / manage self Opening times of the library – perceived discrepancy between the ug and pg programmes Some form of entertainment MBA society - already started! Facebook style website MBA sweatshirt MBA website - half alumni and half society – Fernando Coursework The coursework is helpful in developing understanding. Need help with preparation in how to tackle exams – there is often a long period since they have done an exam. Group coursework is good – not larger groups though. Six is too many logistically. Library times are a difficulty. Working in a team has been a good experience – see them as a family. Suresh was highlighted as facilitating work well. Add a presentation element to the coursework. Need a combination of presentation / exam and coursework. Liked Jodie’s module with the presentation. Group coursework – lots of effort put in that does not translate into the weighting of the coursework . For example 70% is allocated to coursework. There is an imbalance in the coursework. Emmanuel’s module was highlighted as being excellent. Student motivation is important to get the most out of the course. Should be a professional approach to study – more formal approach. Perhaps with presentations. Should be an expectations around dress code in presentations. Would like a new building! Identity Do you see yourselves as postgrads or MBA students: Would be better to have a stronger professional MBA identity. Shinda’s question on diversity : students see the diversity as a strength. It is also challenging -from the answer this has been a good learning experience. They have developed their ability to work in an intercultural group. Students felt that they would have going into a more diverse group. It has been a fantastic working experience. I have learnt more in the last 10 months than in the last 10 years! Would like a stronger social development – have a residential. Very happy with interaction with the tutors Values of working with the tutors (contrast with Indian approach). There is a lot of catching up in the Asian culture. This is heavily valued. Good sense of belonging. Industry collection (more off this, enjoyed and to have a variety of these) What have I gained extra from doing this MBA in comparison to other Uni’s (what did I get from Cove – return on their investment, the added value) More interaction with industry and employers – (employability) Consistency New programme design More modules is not a worry as long as there is a balance with the assessment. There is a discrepancy in the length of time given to do a coursework. [this is a course team issue in implementing the teaching and learning strategy] Would like consistency in the timetable. Seemed very happy with the professional development module Seemed to be feeling that a separate finance module would be better – HR module currently has too much detail – needs to focus on managing people. HRM needs to focus much more at an international level – too UK focussed at the moment. Positive feedback on the Coventry MBA proposal. Entrepreneurship should be optiona Important that semester 1 gives a good feel for the subjects to enable choice. MBA Marketing: Very positive but need guidance on choice of course. MBA finance No finance student to represent views. MBA international business Need corporate law needs to be included Need to differentiate international strategy from the mandatory module on operating in a global environment.