Annexe D DEPARTMENT: YEAR: AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE - OVERVIEW SHEET Please summarise the Awards for Excellence that the department has made and display this information on a notice board to which all staff have access. Departments with sufficient numbers of staff that individuals will not be identifiable should use these tables: Non-recurrent payments (value - one increment) Grade Number of Awards Male % Female % Recurrent increments (value - one increment) Grade 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Number of Awards Male % Female % Annexe D DEPARTMENT: YEAR: AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE - OVERVIEW SHEET Please summarise the Awards for Excellence that the department has made and display this information on a notice board to which all staff have access. Departments which are sufficiently small that individual members of staff might be identifiable should use this table: Non-recurrent increments Recurrent increments (lump sum to the value if one increment) (accelerated progression to the value of one increment) Grade Number of Awards Male % Female % Grade 1-5 1-5 6 - 10 6 - 10 Number of Awards Male % Female % NB In some departments, it might be appropriate to break down the information supplied by work area or staff type. This is left to departments’ discretion. Advice can be obtained from the Reward Team or from your HR Business Partner.